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User name tajima

Log entry time 08:02:52 on November 14, 2004

Entry number 91612

keyword=owl shift summary

0:00 Start of the owl shift, no beam
0:30 MCC started sending us test beam on empty target.
1:00 Controlled access, Radcon guy checked the radiation levels in the
     hall (beamline and bem dump areas).
1:30 MCC informed us that the transport IC is not behaving right.
     High rate at low currents(~5uA) and low rates at high (>30uA)
     currents. Talked to RC and we decided to ask MCC to mask the faulty
     IC and send us beam back
2:30 beam back, start taking data (#51658, 51659)
3:12 kinematics change, p_hms=+1.96, one ramp up error for dipole.
     Dummy runs (51660, 51661, 51662) taken.
     Beam positions during 51661 and 51662 often became bad (off by         
4:30 beam off, MCC works on the problem with the beam quality
4:55 Beam back, and stable beam positions, resume taking dummy data
     (Run #51663)
5:15 switched to carbon 3% target and take data (#51664,51665)
6:06 changed to LD2 target (#51666,51667,51668)
8:00 end of the owl shift