Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Reinhold

Log entry time 15:52:37 on July 09, 2005

Entry number 99296

This entry is a followup to: 99239


keyword=Trigger rate studies today ~7am

Attached are copies from my log book from this morning. I measured scaler rates with 30 uA CW on the 100mg C target.

Things to note:

* although H1X=9 MHz and H2X= 1MHz the coincidence H1X*H2X=3 MHz. That should be impossible. The H1X gate is ~ 5ns, the H2X gate is 30 ns. Thus assuming 1 MHz good coincidence rate and 8MHz accidentals on H1X, the coincidence rate should be 1 MHz + 1 MHz * 8 MHz * 35 ns = 1.28 MHz. Need to measure this again!

* (H1X*H2X*WC) * ENGE = 11.5 kHz * setting a veto on the above reduces it at most to 4.6 kHz for ACthr=-10mV and AC (1/3)

Figure 1

Figure 2