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User name Fatiha

Log entry time 00:08:15 on July 10,2005

Entry number 99371

keyword=Shift Summary

Shift crew: F. Benmokhtar, A. Gasparian

-4:00 pm Started the shift with some trigger tests.
-4:50 pm The event builder is not taking data anymore, we found out that
the disk space is full. Paged Steve Wood to solve this.
-6:30 pm MCC took the beam to fix some cavity problem, they said it will
take them few minutes.
-6:37 pm For the last few runs, the current was 15 uA. Nue wants to go back
to 30 uA.
-7:20 pm Changed to CH2 target, asked for 1.5 uA, raster on. We ask MCC
for 4.4mm x 4.4mm raster size, when we see 5.5mm x 5.5mm here.
-7:28 pm MCC called, they are having hard time getting the raster work because
of MEZ ion chamber trips. They asked us to remove the target for beam tuning.
-7:45 pm MCC called, they are saying that they werweworking on tuning the
beam. The viewer 3H00A is not working, and tehy can't do their work, therefore they are going to go inside the hall. Tang is getting more details from them.
-8:14 pm MCC didn't go to controlled access, they had solved the beam tuning
issue. They are sending beam again, make some test and will make a final
decision for the controlled access. We removed the terget for this.
-8:48 pm MCC wanted CH2 in for a last test before deciding to go to controlled access.
-9:00 pm all is fine, taking data... check raster etc...
-9:55 pm MCC called, they need to do some injector check for hall B. the beam
will be gone for 10 to 15 minutes.
-Noticed that raster shape became bad from run 56088 to run 5689. I Analysed the first and last 50.000 events of run 56089, there was no significant changes within
the same run. Nue decided to consider the target as ok.
-10:36 pm Beam off for Hall B purposes...
-10:40 pm Beam back, but we can't get our original Beam position, therefore MCC
decided to tune the beam again. We moved the target to all out.
-11:00 pm Nue checked the Fastfeed back, it was off. we asked mcc to put it on. People have to check this each time MCC takes beam for tuning.
-12 pm Ended the shift with run number 56092 going on.

Run Summary:
run counts Current Comments
56066....................................... End run failed. C12
56067.....112 K.......C12
56068............................................ Junk,C12
56069............................................ Junk,C12
56070............................................ Junk,C12
56071....Short run......................... Good C12
56072.....97.8 K........14.48 uA.....Good run, C12
56074.....04.5 K .......14.49 uA.....Good run, C12
56075-26076.................................DAQ tests, C12
56077.....100 K.......C12
56078..... 48.2 C12
56079............................................Junk, no beam.
56080.........................30 uA.........Changed to K trigger.
56081.....342 K..........30 uA.........Good run.
56082........................30 uA..........Junk, C12
56083.....304 K.........30 uA.........Good run, 1Xx2XxEnge.
56084.....219 K.........30 uA......... Good run
56085 to 56087............................DAQ test, C12
56088.....230 K.........1.5 uA........CH2 target
56089.....284 K.........1.5 uA........CH2 target
56090.......56 K.........1.5 uA.........CH2 target
56091.....202K..........1.5 uA.........CH2 target
56092..... Goes to the next shift.