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User name horn

Log entry time 08:31:57 on March 20, 2006

Entry number 111902

keyword=owl shift summary

Completed lumi checkout tests. HV settings were checked at 2, 5, 10 and
20 uA. Took lumi DAQ linearity test runs on carbon and hydrogen at 2, 5,
10 and 20 uA (hydrogen only). Note that when taking beam on the carbon
target, radiator heats up noticably.

Phillipe has completed the calibration and loaded new HV settings for NA
octants 1, 3, 5 and 7.

Detailed Summary
1:20 Start lumi checkout tests (HV settings for carbon and LH2 targets)
1:50-2:20 Beam off - MCC fixing RF problem
2:38 Herbert reboots CFD Camac crate, run 27951 to download new values
3:40 Start getting relatively large oscillations of liquid helium level,
this continues through the end of the shift
5:40 Start lumi DAQ tests (carbon and hydrogen at 2, 5, 10, 20 uA)