Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for March 06 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX


  • 113590 03/31/06 23:07 pking Analysis: How to run beamfeedback and realtime overnight
  • Thursday

  • 113396 03/30/06 11:29 jianglai Analysis: HOW-TO of G0 realtime display
  • Wednesday

  • 113314 03/29/06 23:27 jianglai Analysis: CED 7 and 8 pulse heights vs SMS current
  • 113286 03/29/06 18:52 jroche Analysis: ratio of the coincidence matrix electron over pion
  • 113266 03/29/06 15:18 jroche Analysis: Scales_Viewer.C updated
  • 113196 03/29/06 03:23 jianglai Analysis: The rate of the 2nd peak with target in and target out
  • Tuesday

  • 113181 03/28/06 23:37 pking Analysis: Status of realtime, beamfeedback, and online analysis for tonight.
  • 113160 03/28/06 19:45 real Analysis: cerenkov trigger artion in coincidence matrix
  • Monday

  • 113038 03/27/06 20:12 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on the gzero account; updated the analysis_minder.
  • 112952 03/27/06 00:17 jroche Analysis: update on the Online analysis
  • 112951 03/27/06 00:00 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on the gzero account; updated the analysis_minder.
  • Sunday

  • 112811 03/26/06 08:43 real Analysis: problem of cerenkov scalers in g0analysis and realtime
  • Saturday



  • 112573 03/24/06 22:00 jroche Analysis: update on the Online analysis + one script to share
  • 112512 03/24/06 11:16 Goulven Analysis: ARS analysis
  • Thursday

  • 112393 03/23/06 08:46 Serge, Maud Analysis: ADC channel and CFD threshold
  • Wednesday

  • 112382 03/22/06 23:15 jroche Analysis: update on the Online analysis : + what is available so far
  • Tuesday



  • 111983 03/20/06 21:39 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on the gzero account to 2.07
  • 111973 03/20/06 20:21 pking Analysis: Added Hall A BCM calibration to the database.
  • Sunday

  • 111805 03/19/06 18:37 spwells Analysis: Cerenkov and NA control signals scalers (more readable format)
  • 111804 03/19/06 18:33 spwells Analysis: Cerenkov and NA control signals scalers
  • 111799 03/19/06 18:02 pking Analysis: Fastbus analysis for one octant is MUCH faster than for 8 octants.
  • Saturday

  • 111665 03/18/06 20:03 pking Analysis: Rough BCM calibration added by hand to the database
  • 111661 03/18/06 18:58 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on the gzero account
  • Friday



  • 111481 03/16/06 21:09 pking/fatiha Analysis: Moved rootfiles from "~/scratch-gzerol3/rootfiles" to "~/scratch/rootfiles".
  • 111397 03/16/06 08:13 jianglai Analysis: runs replayed
  • 111365 03/16/06 00:03 jianglai Analysis: Late entry: backangle database setup
  • Wednesday

  • 111351 03/15/06 21:25 jianglai Analysis: how to start up the realtime monitor, and the anode current monitor
  • 111334 03/15/06 18:33 pking Analysis: Minor correction to the local version of the analyzer
  • 111325 03/15/06 17:08 Serge, Maud, Analysis: Report available on the gain matching procedure
  • 111286 03/15/06 09:15 arvieux Analysis: FR scaler test
  • 111277 03/15/06 00:05 Breuer/Arvie Analysis: Cosmics run 27807, test runs 27801 to 27806
  • Tuesday

  • 111257 03/14/06 19:54 arvieux Analysis: Cosmics run 27800
  • Monday

  • 111195 03/13/06 06:41 Maud, Philip Analysis: Efficiency of Cherenkov (French+NA) on cosmic muons
  • Sunday





















