Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for March 06 - Beam

  • Main INDEX


  • 113584 03/31/06 22:32 pking Beam: Plots for BCM linearity
  • 113574 03/31/06 22:08 jroche Beam: halo situation this night: good news / bad news
  • 113544 03/31/06 14:22 benesch Beam: hall A compton halo spec
  • 113502 03/31/06 05:11 Sarah Beam: BCMs, BPMs, and Halos for the Shift Checklist
  • Thursday

  • 113469 03/30/06 23:27 Williamson Beam: Halo rates NOT yet back to best values
  • 113439 03/30/06 16:42 suleiman Beam: Feedback - Summary and How-to
  • 113427 03/30/06 15:42 Armstrong Beam: feedback was off for runs
  • 113417 03/30/06 14:55 S. Bailey Beam: Position Differences and Charge Asymmetry
  • 113409 03/30/06 14:02 S. Bailey Beam: Position Differences and Charge Asymmetry
  • 113393 03/30/06 10:19 suleiman Beam: IA Slope
  • 113375 03/30/06 06:13 Sarah Beam: Beam Trajectory, back to nominal
  • 113372 03/30/06 05:56 Sarah Beam: Beam Trajectory, 1mm positive y-direction
  • 113369 03/30/06 05:40 Sarah Beam: Beam Trajectory, 1mm positive x-direction
  • 113355 03/30/06 04:16 Sarah Beam: BPMs, BCMs, and Halos for the Shift Checklist
  • 113352 03/30/06 03:23 Sarah K Beam: IHWP now Out!
  • Wednesday

  • 113316 03/29/06 23:37 Williamson Beam: Beam halo not improved all day
  • 113303 03/29/06 22:06 suleiman Beam: IA Calibration
  • 113244 03/29/06 10:46 Williamson Beam: Reference to halo during target-in/out-bad-beak analysis
  • 113234 03/29/06 09:27 Williamson Beam: Current spikes in Hall C?
  • 113233 03/29/06 09:10 jroche Beam: beam appear to go off scale ...
  • 113205 03/29/06 06:08 Sarah Beam: BPMs, BCMs, and Halos at 30 muA
  • 113204 03/29/06 06:00 Sarah Beam: Beam Positions at 30 muA
  • 113201 03/29/06 05:19 Spayde Beam: IHWP is In
  • Tuesday

  • 113180 03/28/06 23:31 suleiman Beam: G0 Feedback is ready and running
  • 113172 03/28/06 22:29 jroche Beam: spotty beam while Hall A beam instability is looked after
  • 113171 03/28/06 22:16 jroche Beam: spotty beam while Hall A beam instability is looked after
  • 113166 03/28/06 21:03 jroche Beam: beam away for a few minutes
  • 113162 03/28/06 20:13 jroche Beam: changed the hwp from IN to OUT
  • 113155 03/28/06 18:07 S. Bailey Beam: G0 and G0B revisited
  • 113125 03/28/06 12:05 suleiman Beam: Halo 8
  • 113122 03/28/06 11:52 benesch Beam: comments re Moller setup yesterday
  • 113108 03/28/06 10:33 Ellis Beam: Lumi vs Beam Current for Deadtime Run
  • 113086 03/28/06 05:28 Spayde Beam: Charge Feedback Starved for 30 Hz Events
  • 113085 03/28/06 05:06 Spayde Beam: Restarted g0beamfeedback
  • 113072 03/28/06 03:01 Spayde Beam: Beam Feedback Died
  • 113066 03/28/06 00:56 Spayde Beam: Raised Alarm Limits on IA Voltage Again
  • 113065 03/28/06 00:49 Spayde Beam: Adjusted Alarm Limits on Beam Feedback Alarm Handler
  • 113064 03/28/06 00:40 Spayde Beam: IHWP Put Out by Hall B
  • 113060 03/28/06 00:13 Spayde Beam: Charge Feedback Restarted
  • Monday

  • 113019 03/27/06 11:59 Williamson Beam: Some beam-line survey results
  • 113017 03/27/06 11:38 Bimboty Beam: Raster size change
  • 113013 03/27/06 11:27 suleiman Beam: Results from run 28278
  • 113005 03/27/06 10:12 bosted Beam: Going to controlled access
  • 112994 03/27/06 09:13 Williamson Beam: Raster Size Recap
  • 112979 03/27/06 07:02 Spayde Beam: Problems with Charge Feedback and Realtime Monitor?
  • 112965 03/27/06 03:55 Spayde Beam: Charge Feedback Died Again
  • 112960 03/27/06 02:13 Spayde Beam: Beam Feedback Died
  • 112959 03/27/06 01:35 Spayde Beam: Late Entry: IHWP is In
  • Sunday

  • 112949 03/26/06 23:55 suleiman Beam: Changing Injector Pockels Cell HV and RHWP Angle
  • 112923 03/26/06 20:07 S. Bailey Beam: Bad BPMs continued
  • 112866 03/26/06 14:18 Williamson Beam: Beam Halo goes BAD
  • 112858 03/26/06 13:21 Bimbot Beam: Raster size mystery solved
  • 112857 03/26/06 13:20 Bimbot Beam: Raster size mystery solved
  • 112838 03/26/06 11:24 Pitt Beam: Suggested test plan for measuring electronic noise in Hall C BPMs
  • 112835 03/26/06 11:04 Pitt Beam: Monitoring superharp scans with halo and lumi monitors
  • 112832 03/26/06 10:46 Pitt Beam: Problems with G0 and G0B BPMs
  • 112745 03/26/06 00:12 Bimbot Beam: Target operator shift summary
  • 112744 03/26/06 00:09 Bailey/Sulei Beam: Halo Monitor Operating Voltages
  • Saturday

  • 112706 03/25/06 18:29 S. Bailey Beam: Changing the IHWP
  • 112701 03/25/06 17:56 S. Bailey Beam: BPM/BCM Injector Calibration Run 28185
  • 112681 03/25/06 14:54 Pitt (by Wil Beam: Putting the BPMs to forced gain mode for the pedestal runs
  • 112678 03/25/06 14:39 Pitt Beam: Information for analyzing harp scans
  • 112673 03/25/06 14:21 ellis Beam: Frame Target In
  • Friday

  • 112578 03/24/06 22:36 Williamson Beam: OTR haze may just be reflection from frame
  • 112570 03/24/06 20:42 Williamson Beam: OTR and Ehanced OTR
  • 112568 03/24/06 19:39 Bimbot Beam: Questionable Raster on Scope
  • Thursday

  • 112436 03/23/06 18:54 Bimbot Beam: Raster on Scope
  • 112423 03/23/06 17:42 smithg Beam: correction to raster size calculation for G0 bkwrd dx
  • 112420 03/23/06 16:57 Bimbot Beam: MCC ask for putting Raster OFF
  • 112417 03/23/06 16:10 saw Beam: HV GUI changes
  • 112416 03/23/06 15:31 S. Bailey Beam: Re: Confusing Around Halo HV
  • Wednesday



  • 112094 03/21/06 12:46 S. Bailey Beam: Still not entered injector
  • 112087 03/21/06 10:45 Bailey/Sulei Beam: BPM/BCM Calibration Comparison Conclusion
  • 112081 03/21/06 09:50 S. Bailey Beam: BPM/BCM Pedestal Comparison
  • 112004 03/21/06 01:02 jianglai Beam: Forced Gains of the BPMs
  • 112001 03/21/06 00:59 jianglai Beam: beam monitor calibrations
  • Monday

  • 111975 03/20/06 20:54 Bimbot Beam: BPM screens
  • 111956 03/20/06 17:20 suleiman Beam: Hall A BCM Signal
  • 111954 03/20/06 17:14 suleiman Beam: QPD cable unpluged from inj DAQ for BCM/BPM calibration
  • 111953 03/20/06 17:05 Pitt Beam: More thoughts on halo calibration
  • 111939 03/20/06 15:03 suleiman Beam: The QPD cable is now pluged in Injdaq Crate
  • 111938 03/20/06 14:39 Armstrong Beam: Halo rates: suggested answer
  • 111926 03/20/06 12:21 S. Bailey Beam: g0 and g0b BPMs
  • 111925 03/20/06 12:06 suleiman Beam: Grounding for the alcove halo monitors
  • 111915 03/20/06 11:15 jroche Beam: bpm G0 and G0B still not plugged
  • 111914 03/20/06 10:58 smithg Beam: raster size calculation from scope
  • 111912 03/20/06 10:26 suleiman/slb Beam: Halo Detectors
  • 111911 03/20/06 10:14 Bailey/Sulei Beam: Halo Calibration Questions
  • Sunday

  • 111815 03/19/06 19:23 M. Gericke Beam: Beam Pulsed and OFF to hallc
  • 111784 03/19/06 15:22 bimbot Beam: No raster mystery
  • 111769 03/19/06 13:09 Bimbot Beam: Raster
  • 111768 03/19/06 13:05 Bimbot Beam: Centerage of the beam a littlle off
  • 111706 03/19/06 03:30 Sulwimn/Bail Beam: Halo Target Survey/Calibration
  • Saturday

  • 111675 03/18/06 22:54 Michael Geri Beam: 1 microAmp beam on LH2 (Slow detector ramp up)
  • 111674 03/18/06 22:47 Michael Geri Beam: Beam at 28 microAmps with G0 hole target
  • 111672 03/18/06 22:10 Michael Geri Beam: Beam at 3.6 microAmps No harp scans
  • 111664 03/18/06 19:48 Gericke Beam: Harp Scan Survey
  • 111662 03/18/06 18:59 mgericke Beam: Harp scans not successful -- Beam triped
  • 111658 03/18/06 17:01 mgericke Beam: Harp scans
  • 111656 03/18/06 16:45 mgericke Beam: Beam on 2.8 microAmps CW
  • 111597 03/18/06 06:31 Suleiman/Bai Beam: Halo Target Survey
  • Friday

  • 111551 03/17/06 16:56 C. Davis Beam: Beam Line He bottle opened
  • Thursday

  • 111398 03/16/06 08:38 Bimbot Beam: Update informations on beam and HallC
  • Wednesday

  • 111333 03/15/06 18:27 Wolfgang Beam: Status of beam
  • Tuesday























  • 111026 03/03/06 17:27 Suleiman Beam: Beam Modulation Coils Are Ready
  • Thursday

