Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for April 06 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX




  • 116713 04/29/06 21:58 muether Analysis: B field scan at 2uA on LD2
  • 116680 04/29/06 15:57 beise Analysis: Simulation of rates at 360 MeV, for future reference
  • 116658 04/29/06 11:35 beise Analysis: Corrupt file for Carbon boiling run 29154
  • 116653 04/29/06 10:08 beise Analysis: Pedestal values for LUMIS have been wrong for a while
  • 116614 04/29/06 00:49 J.W. Martin Analysis: scaling of paddle and Cherenkov rates
  • Friday

  • 116600 04/28/06 22:36 J.W. Martin/ Analysis: paddle theory
  • 116562 04/28/06 13:43 Maud, Philip Analysis: Gain Matching
  • 116543 04/28/06 12:05 pking Analysis: Updated and recompiled G0Scripts on the gzero account
  • 116532 04/28/06 08:41 muether Analysis: Field scan results for LD2
  • Thursday

  • 116423 04/27/06 18:36 muether Analysis: Effect of field on Cerenkov rates
  • 116409 04/27/06 16:07 Goulven Analysis: Quick ARS-based analysis of a deuterium run
  • 116376 04/27/06 09:35 pking Analysis: Corrected G0RateMonitor display of CED SDMCH rates
  • 116350 04/27/06 05:07 muether Analysis: Cerenkov PMT rates vs run number
  • 116346 04/27/06 04:09 muether Analysis: Rate Matrices for LD2
  • Wednesday

  • 116226 04/26/06 01:03 J.W. Martin Analysis: Cherenkov and G0 beam
  • Tuesday

  • 116217 04/25/06 23:22 J.W. Martin/ Analysis: a search for SOS Cherenkov information
  • 116196 04/25/06 17:33 muether Analysis: "Blair" plots for recent fielf scan
  • 116133 04/25/06 05:43 muether Analysis: Some results from the most recent field scan
  • 116110 04/25/06 00:42 J.W. Martin Analysis: ARS as a tighter-gated charge ADC
  • Monday

  • 116100 04/24/06 23:15 J.W. Martin/ Analysis: coincidence matrix plots for 29031 offline and CED 6 / Octant 6 problem
  • 116054 04/24/06 15:25 ppillot Analysis: PMT threshold study for French CED/FPD (30Hz data)
  • 116046 04/24/06 12:04 S. Bailey Analysis: Shielding wall reduces yield of second peak by a factor of 1.5 in CED 9
  • Sunday

  • 115979 04/23/06 17:41 muether Analysis: Octant averaged asymmetries
  • 115977 04/23/06 17:28 muether Analysis: Asymmetry properties per octant
  • 115963 04/23/06 16:34 muether Analysis: Comparison of runs before and after Herberts wall
  • 115943 04/23/06 13:24 ppillot Analysis: Comparison between target out runs with and without magnetic field
  • 115906 04/23/06 04:53 ppillot Analysis: Threshold study for French and NA CED/FPD
  • 115902 04/23/06 03:02 S. Bailey Analysis: Summary of my analysis on the double peak structure
  • Saturday



  • 115775 04/21/06 21:07 pking Analysis: Installed the new G0Analysis version on the gzero account
  • 115747 04/21/06 14:34 S. Bailey Analysis: Coil Modulation - Yup, we are scraping
  • 115742 04/21/06 14:17 ppillot Analysis: double peak study from LH2 target runs (fastbus data)
  • 115732 04/21/06 08:37 ppillot Analysis: comparison of coincidence rates before and after the shielding wall was built
  • 115715 04/21/06 04:31 Bosted Analysis: Octant 6, Cerenkov 1 HV trip
  • Thursday

  • 115662 04/20/06 17:07 S. Bailey Analysis: New distances for theta x and theta y calculations
  • 115661 04/20/06 16:35 S. Bailey Analysis: Linear Regression - Now we're cookin
  • 115656 04/20/06 12:44 Fatiha Analysis: Work Disk is Full
  • Wednesday

  • 115590 04/19/06 13:46 S. Bailey Analysis: More linear regression
  • 115589 04/19/06 13:12 Maud Analysis: Coinc count rates vs B field analysis
  • Tuesday

  • 115571 04/18/06 17:07 S. Bailey Analysis: Linear Regression continued
  • 115562 04/18/06 13:29 S. Bailey Analysis: Linear Regression
  • Monday

  • 115492 04/17/06 01:03 muether Analysis: Asymmetries since new cuts and "good" beam
  • Sunday



  • 115399 04/15/06 11:32 ppillot Analysis: coincidences counting rates from target out run and WITHOUT HALO MONITOR
  • 115374 04/15/06 03:44 ppillot Analysis: ... if you want t compare with a previous target out run
  • 115363 04/15/06 01:41 ppillot Analysis: coincidences counting rates from target out run
  • Friday

  • 115338 04/14/06 17:44 T.A. Forest Analysis: rubbon cable dislodged
  • 115323 04/14/06 14:23 Fatiha Analysis: DataBase
  • 115296 04/14/06 07:57 ppillot Analysis: lost and random coincidences at 60 uA beam current before and after halo problem was solved
  • 115295 04/14/06 07:32 ppillot Analysis: 2 pic in ADC spectra using Cerenkov !
  • Thursday

  • 115265 04/13/06 21:13 Beck Analysis: Another try at plot
  • 115263 04/13/06 20:39 Beck Analysis: Another try with the figure
  • 115262 04/13/06 20:35 Beck Analysis: Preliminary look at field scan data
  • 115254 04/13/06 19:46 muether Analysis: One last try
  • 115252 04/13/06 19:44 muether Analysis: plot
  • 115251 04/13/06 19:41 muether Analysis: Cut definition
  • 115250 04/13/06 19:41 muether Analysis: Cut definition
  • 115249 04/13/06 19:41 muether Analysis: Cut definition
  • 115212 04/13/06 12:50 muether Analysis: 4in Field Scan Study
  • 115202 04/13/06 11:46 Carlini Analysis: Figure of merit plots
  • 115194 04/13/06 10:28 S. Bailey Analysis: Double peaks structure -> contribution by electrons and "not" electrons
  • Wednesday

  • 115147 04/12/06 21:46 muether Analysis: 4in field scan study
  • 115139 04/12/06 19:53 muether Analysis: Pion Asymmetry Plots
  • 115136 04/12/06 19:45 muether Analysis: More asymmetry plots (ela,sup,inel)
  • 115127 04/12/06 19:21 muether Analysis: Asymetries Averaged over octants by run
  • 115098 04/12/06 15:35 Carlini Analysis: Suggestion
  • Tuesday

  • 114996 04/11/06 21:52 muether Analysis: Asymetries and asymetry widths
  • 114966 04/11/06 14:11 pking Analysis: Removed empty G0Pass1 files and reset the autoanalyzer for some runs from last night
  • 114962 04/11/06 12:24 pking Analysis: Changed option list for G0Pass1 replay beginning for run 28747
  • 114903 04/11/06 00:36 pking Analysis: Clearing space on the ROOT file directory; Don't run non-official analysis jobs on cdaq machines overnight
  • Monday

  • 114892 04/10/06 22:40 muether Analysis: Elastic Asymmetry vs Run Number for all octant
  • 114852 04/10/06 14:36 muether Analysis: Some more Asymmetry Plots
  • 114846 04/10/06 12:35 muether Analysis: Some Asymmetry Plots
  • Sunday

  • 114782 04/09/06 23:51 suleiman Analysis: Coinc Yield in (CED,FPD) for Target out of beam and 6mm halo target
  • 114775 04/09/06 23:11 suleiman Analysis: Coinc Yield in (CED,FPD) for Target out of beam and 11mm halo target
  • 114760 04/09/06 20:05 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on gzero account and the farm; run 28703 is the first run analyzed with this version.
  • 114752 04/09/06 17:58 muether Analysis: Flyswatter minus target out with super elastic contribution removed
  • 114747 04/09/06 16:35 beise Analysis: Summary of runs taken for Wells plot
  • 114741 04/09/06 15:48 muether Analysis: Flyswatter minus target out analysis
  • 114735 04/09/06 14:58 beise Analysis: Asymmetry widths in Integrity Files
  • 114734 04/09/06 14:45 pking Analysis: Found the autoanalyzers had gotten hung up.
  • 114728 04/09/06 13:59 pking Analysis: Added the "bf_tests" table to the gzero_back_comm1 database on g0dbserver
  • 114716 04/09/06 12:35 jroche Analysis: Asymmetry width in Integrity files
  • 114714 04/09/06 12:02 Goulven Analysis: ARS overview : NA octants
  • 114710 04/09/06 11:02 Goulven Analysis: ARS overview : french octants
  • 114706 04/09/06 09:51 beise Analysis: zeros in asymmetry histograms
  • 114703 04/09/06 09:41 beise,quinn Analysis: Asymmetry widths in Integrity Files
  • Saturday

  • 114654 04/08/06 23:52 beise Analysis: g0beamfeedback is crashing and making big core files.
  • 114639 04/08/06 20:26 Goulven Analysis: duplicate ARS are back
  • 114615 04/08/06 17:34 pking Analysis: Modified the local version of G0Analysis and recompiled G0Scripts
  • 114598 04/08/06 14:11 beise, quinn Analysis: More disk cleanup under /net/cdaqfs/home and cdaql3 processes
  • 114588 04/08/06 11:26 Brian Quinn, Analysis: How to for shift takers error
  • Friday

  • 114477 04/07/06 12:19 S. Bailey Analysis: Correction to my previous entry 114473
  • 114473 04/07/06 11:47 S. Bailey Analysis: 2nd peak with target in and out
  • Thursday

  • 114408 04/06/06 23:53 jroche/breue Analysis: spot checked the output of G0Integrity against visual scaler : all fine
  • 114401 04/06/06 23:15 pking Analysis: I have restarted the autoanalysis processes on cdaql1, cdaql2, cdaql4.
  • 114398 04/06/06 22:51 pking Analysis: The simple approach to get rates per microamp from the online/offline histograms is WRONG.
  • 114344 04/06/06 11:17 pking Analysis: Killed several analysis jobs on cdaql4; don't run batch analysis on Hall C CPUs
  • Wednesday

  • 114252 04/05/06 22:33 ellis Analysis: Beam variables vs run number
  • 114203 04/05/06 14:58 B. Quinn Analysis: Re-started DAQ and Realtime Monitor
  • 114201 04/05/06 14:39 pking Analysis: G0Analysis has been updated on gzero account.; all logins need to be refreshed.
  • 114186 04/05/06 12:51 pking Analysis: G0Analysis 2.10 is installed on gzero account; will be made default at 2pm
  • Tuesday

  • 114105 04/04/06 18:38 Maud/Serge Analysis: Counting rates and magnetic field
  • Monday

  • 113942 04/03/06 12:05 pking Analysis: NA Coincidence histogramming "IS NOT" and "WAS NOT" correct.
  • 113941 04/03/06 12:05 pking Analysis: NA Coincidence histogramming "IS NOT" and "WAS NOT" correct.
  • 113885 04/03/06 00:06 pking Analysis: Updated the G0Scripts
  • Sunday

  • 113862 04/02/06 20:51 pking Analysis: Installed a new
  • 113859 04/02/06 20:11 pking Analysis: Started the automatic analysis on cdaql1, cdaql2, cdaql4
  • 113852 04/02/06 19:16 pking Analysis: Modifed the "g0cuts" file for the analyzer installed on gzero account.
  • 113834 04/02/06 17:17 muether Analysis: Coinsidence Matrix Study
  • 113833 04/02/06 17:16 pking Analysis: Added warnings to G0Integrity files for "MPS out of order" and "MPS skipped"
  • 113807 04/02/06 12:37 Beck Analysis: Comparison of electron, pion rates for LH2 (run 28447)
  • 113792 04/02/06 08:25 arvieux Analysis: problem with some run_summary files (flyswater data)
  • Saturday

  • 113754 04/01/06 22:32 Beck Analysis: Plots of Cherenkov rates from threshold study
  • 113711 04/01/06 14:32 pking Analysis: Changed the "online_integrity" script and the location of the G0Online rootfiles