Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for May 06 - Full Listing

  • Main INDEX


  • 117343 05/31/06 17:08 kenyon SMS: G0 level problems
  • 117342 05/31/06 09:42 muether SMS: Level Oscilations
  • Tuesday

  • 117341 05/30/06 16:23 kenyon SMS: Level, JT1
  • 117340 05/30/06 15:46 kenyon SMS: LHe level problems
  • 117339 05/30/06 15:43 gaskell chiller was frozen
  • 117338 05/30/06 13:37 Muether SMS: Helium Level Low Alarm
  • 117337 05/30/06 10:19 muether SMS: Water problems
  • Monday

  • 117336 05/29/06 22:37 kenyon SMS: Lead A temp sensor bad?
  • 117335 05/29/06 22:02 kenyon SMS: Another low temp alarm, change alarm set point
  • 117334 05/29/06 19:19 kenyon SMS: Lead A low temp alarm
  • Wednesday

  • 117333 05/24/06 12:10 muether SMS: The return of the LHe oscillation
  • Tuesday

  • 117332 05/23/06 17:14 muether SMS: LHe Level Low Yellow Alarm
  • 117331 05/23/06 16:12 pking Analysis: Modifications to the "gzero_back_comm1" database
  • 117330 05/23/06 15:36 mack measurements seem relatively unambiguous
  • 117329 05/23/06 13:38 Carlini Rise & Fall Time of PMT signals
  • 117328 05/23/06 13:24 Pitt/Mammei Picture of Cerenkov shielding shelf
  • 117327 05/23/06 13:11 Pitt More on time dependence of phototube signals - part 2
  • 117326 05/23/06 13:01 Pitt More on time dependence of phototube signals - part 1 - late entry
  • 117325 05/23/06 10:36 gaskell G0 girder as-found survey
  • 117324 05/23/06 10:31 kenyon SMS: Lost clean power
  • 117323 05/23/06 10:23 kenyon/hood SMS: LHe supply disruption
  • Friday

  • 117322 05/19/06 15:42 smithg Target: pumped out and backfilled G0 target with helium
  • 117321 05/19/06 12:10 Fatiha Coda Shut down , and Switching off the crates.
  • 117320 05/19/06 11:11 Carlini Analysis: Background???
  • Thursday

  • 117319 05/18/06 17:11 horn Analysis: NA Cherenkov and G0 beam at 360 MeV and 31 MHz
  • 117318 05/18/06 17:02 benesch Beam: second blip on BPM trace on scope is 4 us beam
  • 117317 05/18/06 16:53 smithg Target: deuterium ballast tank leak found & fixed
  • 117316 05/18/06 09:30 gaskell Octant 5 cerenkov shielding removed
  • 117315 05/18/06 09:28 gaskell Moller quads off
  • 117314 05/18/06 09:26 Pitt/Mammei/ Time Dependence of Phototube Signals
  • 117313 05/18/06 05:42 ellis Last shift summary for initial 360MeV
  • 117312 05/18/06 05:37 ellis Target: HPH pwr supply and cryo pump controller--off
  • 117311 05/18/06 05:34 ellis Restricted Access
  • 117310 05/18/06 05:24 Ellis Controlled Access
  • 117309 05/18/06 05:06 ellis Target: Target crossed vapor phase line
  • 117308 05/18/06 04:35 ellis Target: Hall Sweep
  • 117307 05/18/06 04:28 ellis Beam: mcc shutting down
  • 117306 05/18/06 04:20 ellis Target: Warm-up complete--awaiting hall access
  • 117305 05/18/06 03:46 ellis Target: Target warm up has begun
  • 117304 05/18/06 03:44 ellis Parity quality test aborted
  • 117303 05/18/06 03:42 gzero End of Run 29319:
  • 117302 05/18/06 03:34 gzero Run 29319: Test run, Parity quality
  • 117301 05/18/06 01:09 ellis Target: Target is Out
  • Wednesday

  • 117300 05/17/06 23:19 A_Freyberger Beam: Cavity Commissioning Summary
  • 117299 05/17/06 23:11 gzero End of Run 29318:
  • 117298 05/17/06 22:58 gzero Run 29318: Cavity Test: cav1
  • 117297 05/17/06 22:44 gzero End of Run 29317:
  • 117296 05/17/06 22:33 gzero Run 29317: Cavity Test: cav1 x position
  • 117295 05/17/06 22:31 gzero End of Run 29316:
  • 117294 05/17/06 22:27 gzero Run 29316: Cavity Test: cav1 y position
  • 117293 05/17/06 21:07 gzero End of Run 29315:
  • 117292 05/17/06 21:03 gzero Run 29315: Cavity Test: 60 uA
  • 117291 05/17/06 21:03 gzero End of Run 29314:
  • 117290 05/17/06 21:01 gzero Run 29314: Cavity Test: 60 uA
  • 117289 05/17/06 20:54 gzero End of Run 29313:
  • 117288 05/17/06 20:52 gzero Run 29313: Cavity Test: 60 uA
  • 117287 05/17/06 20:49 gzero End of Run 29312:
  • 117286 05/17/06 20:46 gzero Run 29312: Cavity Test: 60 uA
  • 117285 05/17/06 20:41 gzero End of Run 29311:
  • 117284 05/17/06 20:38 gzero Run 29311: Cavity Test: 60 uA
  • 117283 05/17/06 20:34 gzero End of Run 29310:
  • 117282 05/17/06 20:32 gzero Run 29310: Cavity Test: 60 uA
  • 117281 05/17/06 20:31 gzero End of Run 29309:
  • 117280 05/17/06 20:11 gzero Run 29309: Test run.
  • 117279 05/17/06 20:09 Juliette Target: Carbon target is in position
  • 117278 05/17/06 19:22 gzero End of Run 29308:
  • 117277 05/17/06 19:12 gzero Run 29308: Test run. no beam
  • 117276 05/17/06 18:39 Juliette SMS: SMS ramped down to 0
  • 117275 05/17/06 18:15 Pitt Beam back to MCC
  • 117274 05/17/06 18:13 Pitt/Beck Bor-poly shielding results
  • 117273 05/17/06 17:05 gzero End of Run 29307:
  • 117272 05/17/06 16:41 gzero Run 29307: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 4 uA, Mult=2
  • 117271 05/17/06 16:29 Pitt/Beck Access: install more bor-poly
  • 117270 05/17/06 16:04 Pitt Day Shift Summary
  • 117269 05/17/06 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 117268 05/17/06 15:58 Sarah Target: Target Day Shift Summary
  • 117267 05/17/06 15:58 gzero End of Run 29306:
  • 117266 05/17/06 15:22 gzero Run 29306: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 4 uA, Mult=2
  • 117265 05/17/06 15:20 gzero End of Run 29305:
  • 117264 05/17/06 15:20 gzero Run 29305: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+1
  • 117263 05/17/06 15:08 Pitt Access: additional bor-poly installed
  • 117262 05/17/06 14:47 Juliette Analysis: threshold scan results
  • 117261 05/17/06 14:39 gzero End of Run 29304:
  • 117260 05/17/06 14:13 gzero Run 29304: 360Mev 31 MHz LD2 FC Enabled, Mult=2,
  • 117259 05/17/06 14:11 gzero End of Run 29303:
  • 117258 05/17/06 13:57 gzero Run 29303: 360Mev 31 MHz LD2 FC Enabled, Mult=2,
  • 117257 05/17/06 13:55 gzero End of Run 29302:
  • 117256 05/17/06 13:53 muether HKS test run
  • 117255 05/17/06 13:48 gzero ASCS summary for Tue May 16 2006
  • 117254 05/17/06 13:42 Pitt Octant 5 NA Cerenkov PMT 1 HV disconnected
  • 117253 05/17/06 13:42 gzero Run 29302: 360Mev 31 MHz LD2 FC Enabled, Mult=2,
  • 117252 05/17/06 13:41 gzero End of Run 29301:
  • 117251 05/17/06 13:37 Juliette Analysis: cerenkov width scan results
  • 117250 05/17/06 13:34 Pitt Running with 31 MHz beam
  • 117249 05/17/06 13:25 muether Wire chamber test run
  • 117248 05/17/06 13:24 gzero Run 29301: 360Mev 31 MHz LD2 FC Enabled, Mult=2,
  • 117247 05/17/06 13:02 Doug Beck Majority logic rates for Cherenkov discriminator width study
  • 117246 05/17/06 12:39 suleiman Beam: Parity Quality for G0 at 359 MeV: run 29290 ... OUT
  • 117245 05/17/06 12:34 suleiman Beam: Parity Quality for G0 at 359 MeV: run 29289 ... IN
  • 117244 05/17/06 11:44 Pitt Tune mode beam - time distribution of events
  • 117243 05/17/06 11:42 Doug Beck Cherenkov tube mapping, plan for additional shielding based on entry
  • 117241 05/17/06 11:34 Doug Beck Position of Herbert's paddle
  • 117240 05/17/06 11:09 smithg Target: target snapshot/checklist
  • 117239 05/17/06 10:36 Pitt Cerenkov rates during the discriminator width scan
  • 117238 05/17/06 09:57 gzero End of Run 29300:
  • 117237 05/17/06 09:53 Pitt Record of widths used during NA Cerenkov discriminator width scan
  • 117236 05/17/06 09:45 gzero Run 29300: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=2,
  • 117235 05/17/06 09:43 gzero End of Run 29299:
  • 117234 05/17/06 09:35 gzero Run 29299: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=2,
  • 117233 05/17/06 09:32 gzero End of Run 29298:
  • 117232 05/17/06 09:28 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 117231 05/17/06 09:26 Juliette Analysis: Threshold scan plot
  • 117230 05/17/06 09:25 gzero Run 29298: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=2,
  • 117229 05/17/06 09:21 gzero End of Run 29297:
  • 117228 05/17/06 09:15 gzero Run 29297: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=2,
  • 117227 05/17/06 09:09 gzero End of Run 29296:
  • 117226 05/17/06 09:03 gzero Run 29296: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=2,
  • 117225 05/17/06 09:01 jroche NA multiplicity back to 2
  • 117224 05/17/06 08:59 gzero End of Run 29295:
  • 117223 05/17/06 08:50 jroche owl shift summary
  • 117222 05/17/06 08:48 Pitt Effect of the shielding on Octant 5 - better formatting
  • 117221 05/17/06 08:47 Pitt Effect of the shielding on Octant 5
  • 117220 05/17/06 08:46 jroche run 29295 : is with a threshold of 0.5 pe
  • 117219 05/17/06 08:44 jroche rates in O5CED9L and O5FPD10L (blacked out)
  • 117218 05/17/06 08:32 jroche onto the study of the width of the cerenkov
  • 117217 05/17/06 08:24 gzero Run 29295: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+4
  • 117216 05/17/06 08:20 gzero End of Run 29294:
  • 117215 05/17/06 07:48 gzero Run 29294: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+4
  • 117214 05/17/06 07:45 gzero End of Run 29293:
  • 117213 05/17/06 07:24 gzero Run 29293: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+3.5
  • 117212 05/17/06 07:22 gzero End of Run 29292:
  • 117211 05/17/06 06:54 ellis IHWP is now OUT
  • 117210 05/17/06 06:47 gzero Run 29292: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled,,Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+3
  • 117209 05/17/06 06:45 jroche NA cer multiplicity to 1 and the=3 pe
  • 117208 05/17/06 06:44 gzero End of Run 29291:
  • 117207 05/17/06 06:38 jroche Hall access + results on 05ced9l and 05fpd10l
  • 117206 05/17/06 06:36 ellis Target: target is fine
  • 117205 05/17/06 06:20 gzero Run 29291: LD2 4 uA 50 uA, Cerenkov test
  • 117204 05/17/06 06:19 jroche NA-CER multiplicity to 2
  • 117203 05/17/06 06:13 ellis Target: Gas Shed Helium bottle is low
  • 117202 05/17/06 05:46 jroche hilcity properties of the beam for the past two runs (even better format)
  • 117201 05/17/06 05:45 jroche hilcity properties of the beam for the past two runs (better format)
  • 117200 05/17/06 05:45 jroche hilcity properties of the beam for the past two runs
  • 117199 05/17/06 05:32 ellis Target: LD2 Target in place
  • 117198 05/17/06 05:12 ellis charge feedback graph
  • 117197 05/17/06 04:41 halo : some more info
  • 117196 05/17/06 04:32 gzero End of Run 29290:
  • 117195 05/17/06 03:21 ellis IHWP is now OUT
  • 117194 05/17/06 03:20 gzero Run 29290: 12C target 50 uA, feedback test, hwp out
  • 117193 05/17/06 03:12 jroche 60 uA on Carbon target : difficult to get -> settled for 50 uA
  • 117192 05/17/06 03:12 gzero End of Run 29289:
  • 117191 05/17/06 02:09 gzero Run 29289: 12C target 50 uA, feedback test
  • 117190 05/17/06 02:08 gzero End of Run 29288:
  • 117189 05/17/06 02:08 gzero Run 29288: 12C target 50 uA, feedback test
  • 117188 05/17/06 01:01 ellis Target: Carbon target in place
  • 117187 05/17/06 00:58 jroche/celli plan for the night
  • 117186 05/17/06 00:50 gzero End of Run 29287:
  • 117185 05/17/06 00:19 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 117184 05/17/06 00:17 Fatiha Shift Summary
  • 117183 05/17/06 00:14 gzero Run 29287: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+0.5
  • 117182 05/17/06 00:08 gzero End of Run 29286:
  • Tuesday

  • 117181 05/16/06 23:36 Juliette Target: swing shift summary
  • 117180 05/16/06 23:32 Fatiha NA Cerenkov Threshold files
  • 117179 05/16/06 23:24 gzero Run 29286: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+2
  • 117178 05/16/06 23:21 gzero End of Run 29285:
  • 117177 05/16/06 23:20 Fatiha Coincidence Matrix SnapShot
  • 117176 05/16/06 23:04 gzero Run 29285: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+2.5
  • 117175 05/16/06 23:02 Fatiha Et System wornings
  • 117174 05/16/06 22:53 Fatiha Cerenkov Rate for threshold+2.5 (=50mV)
  • 117173 05/16/06 22:48 gzero Run 29284: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+2.5
  • 117172 05/16/06 22:42 gzero End of Run 29283:
  • 117171 05/16/06 22:41 Fatiha Cerenkov Rates SnapShot Tresh+1.5 (=30 mV)
  • 117170 05/16/06 22:17 gzero Run 29283: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+1.5
  • 117169 05/16/06 22:15 Juliette Analysis: Threshold scan results with no multiplicity
  • 117168 05/16/06 22:14 gzero End of Run 29282:
  • 117167 05/16/06 22:11 Doug Beck Update on run plan re: adjusting width of Cherenkov signals
  • 117166 05/16/06 22:04 Fatiha Coindence matrix and error in the used Multiplicity
  • 117165 05/16/06 21:56 gzero Run 29282: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+1
  • 117164 05/16/06 21:53 gzero End of Run 29281:
  • 117163 05/16/06 21:45 gzero Run 29281: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+0.5
  • 117162 05/16/06 21:40 gzero End of Run 29280:
  • 117161 05/16/06 21:33 gzero Run 29280: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+2.5
  • 117160 05/16/06 21:29 gzero End of Run 29279:
  • 117159 05/16/06 21:29 gzero Run 29279: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+2.5
  • 117158 05/16/06 21:25 gzero End of Run 29278:
  • 117157 05/16/06 21:06 Fatiha Cerenkov SnapShot thrsh+2 (=40mV)
  • 117156 05/16/06 20:56 Fatiha Cerenkov rates SnapShot threshold+1 (=20 mV)
  • 117155 05/16/06 20:50 gzero Run 29278: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+2
  • 117154 05/16/06 20:48 gzero End of Run 29277:
  • 117153 05/16/06 20:40 Fatiha FIFO Messages in the TS and Injector crate
  • 117152 05/16/06 20:32 Fatiha Cerenkov Rates SnapShot, threshold+1 (= 30mV)
  • 117151 05/16/06 20:29 gzero Run 29277: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+1
  • 117150 05/16/06 20:25 gzero End of Run 29276:
  • 117149 05/16/06 20:18 Fatiha Run 29275 wasd with threshold+1/2 and not +1
  • 117148 05/16/06 20:08 gzero Run 29276: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+1.5
  • 117147 05/16/06 20:04 gzero End of Run 29275:
  • 117146 05/16/06 20:03 Fatiha Cerenkov Rates + SnapShot
  • 117145 05/16/06 19:45 Juliette Analysis: mistake in plot
  • 117144 05/16/06 19:44 Juliette Analysis: multiplicity scan plot
  • 117143 05/16/06 19:34 gzero Run 29275: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA, Mult=1, thresh+1
  • 117142 05/16/06 19:20 gzero End of Run 29274:
  • 117141 05/16/06 18:44 gzero Run 29274: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A, Current = 5 uA
  • 117140 05/16/06 18:40 Doug Beck Run Plan for Swing/Owl/Day May 16-17
  • 117139 05/16/06 18:40 gzero End of Run 29273:
  • 117138 05/16/06 18:19 gzero Run 29273: 360Mev Production LD2 FC Enabled, SMS: 2400A
  • 117137 05/16/06 18:17 gzero End of Run 29272:
  • 117136 05/16/06 18:10 Fatiha Half Wave Plate IN
  • 117135 05/16/06 18:06 gzero Run 29272: test
  • 117134 05/16/06 18:03 Fatiha CED9 Oct5 left, current not ramping
  • 117133 05/16/06 18:01 Fatiha Tuned beam
  • 117132 05/16/06 17:21 Juliette SMS: magnet ramped to 2400 A
  • 117131 05/16/06 17:00 Fatiha Hall going to Pawer permit
  • 117130 05/16/06 16:56 Juliette Beam: beam position scan results
  • 117129 05/16/06 16:56 gaskell FW position at 3 inches
  • 117128 05/16/06 16:54 gaskell Octant 5 cerenkov shielding
  • 117127 05/16/06 16:52 mgericke Blinding detector tubes for background tests
  • 117126 05/16/06 16:12 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and position differences for run 29271 - 2 uA
  • 117125 05/16/06 16:07 Pitt Day shift summary
  • 117124 05/16/06 16:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 117123 05/16/06 15:54 Bosted Started torus current ramping to zero
  • 117122 05/16/06 15:33 Pitt Octant 3 Cerenkov rates during position scan
  • 117121 05/16/06 15:29 Pitt Controlled access
  • 117120 05/16/06 15:28 suleiman Beam: Pairty Quality of G0 Beam at 359 MeV
  • 117119 05/16/06 15:26 Bosted Cherenkov signals on scope
  • 117118 05/16/06 14:54 Williamson SMS: Changing the magnet current (it really is simple)
  • 117117 05/16/06 14:54 gzero End of Run 29271:
  • 117116 05/16/06 14:42 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and position differences for run 29268 - 2 uA
  • 117115 05/16/06 14:40 Pitt Record of beam positions during beam position scan
  • 117114 05/16/06 14:36 smithg Target: mystery pressure drop not so mysterious after all
  • 117113 05/16/06 14:08 Pitt Special fast clear for Octant 5 only
  • 117112 05/16/06 14:06 gzero Run 29271: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , nominal, FC: octant 5 only
  • 117111 05/16/06 14:03 gzero End of Run 29270:
  • 117110 05/16/06 14:01 gzero Run 29270: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , nominal, FC: octant 5 only
  • 117109 05/16/06 13:57 Pitt Accelerator takes beam for PZT study
  • 117108 05/16/06 13:43 Fatiha Latches
  • 117107 05/16/06 13:38 gzero End of Run 29269:
  • 117106 05/16/06 13:24 Beise Analysis: 1st pass at target boiling
  • 117105 05/16/06 13:11 Pitt HV turned on before run end
  • 117104 05/16/06 13:08 gzero Run 29269: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , nominal
  • 117103 05/16/06 13:06 gzero End of Run 29268:
  • 117102 05/16/06 13:02 muether Analysis: 360MeV 2uA LD2 Field Scan Plots
  • 117101 05/16/06 12:59 pking Analysis: I think that we have the SDMCH octant order backwards in the analyzer
  • 117100 05/16/06 12:51 Pitt Special high voltage configuration for run 29268
  • 117099 05/16/06 12:49 Pitt HV - sniper trip
  • 117098 05/16/06 12:47 gzero Run 29268: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , nominal
  • 117097 05/16/06 12:27 gzero End of Run 29267:
  • 117096 05/16/06 12:21 gzero Run 29267: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , y=-1 mm
  • 117095 05/16/06 12:18 gzero End of Run 29266:
  • 117094 05/16/06 12:13 gzero Run 29266: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , y=+3 mm
  • 117093 05/16/06 12:09 gzero End of Run 29265:
  • 117092 05/16/06 12:00 gzero Run 29265: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , y=+2 mm
  • 117091 05/16/06 11:58 Pitt Beam: G0 and G0B BPMs froze up
  • 117090 05/16/06 11:47 gzero End of Run 29264:
  • 117089 05/16/06 11:43 gzero Run 29264: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x= + 2 mm
  • 117088 05/16/06 11:40 gzero End of Run 29263:
  • 117087 05/16/06 11:31 gzero Run 29263: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x= + 1 mm
  • 117086 05/16/06 11:27 gzero End of Run 29262:
  • 117085 05/16/06 11:23 Doug Beck Another try at formatting table of anode currents
  • 117084 05/16/06 11:20 gzero Run 29262: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x= + 2.5 mm
  • 117083 05/16/06 11:15 gzero End of Run 29261:
  • 117082 05/16/06 11:05 gzero Run 29261: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x= + 2 mm
  • 117081 05/16/06 10:58 gzero End of Run 29260:
  • 117080 05/16/06 10:50 gzero Run 29260: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x= + 1 mm
  • 117079 05/16/06 10:45 gzero End of Run 29259:
  • 117078 05/16/06 10:38 gzero Run 29259: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , nominal
  • 117077 05/16/06 10:32 gzero End of Run 29258:
  • 117076 05/16/06 10:27 gzero Run 29258: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x position -2
  • 117075 05/16/06 10:21 gzero End of Run 29257:
  • 117074 05/16/06 10:19 gzero End of Run 29257:
  • 117073 05/16/06 10:17 Pitt Access done
  • 117072 05/16/06 10:15 gzero Run 29257: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x position -1
  • 117071 05/16/06 09:40 Pitt Beam positions during current scan
  • 117070 05/16/06 09:02 Bosted Target: Changed low limits on beam heat load
  • 117069 05/16/06 08:48 Pitt Call for controlled access
  • 117068 05/16/06 08:34 gzero Run 29256: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x position -1
  • 117067 05/16/06 08:22 gzero End of Run 29255:
  • 117066 05/16/06 08:17 jroche owl shift summary
  • 117065 05/16/06 08:17 jroche owl shift summary
  • 117064 05/16/06 08:08 gzero Run 29255: 360Mev LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 , x position +1
  • 117063 05/16/06 08:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 117062 05/16/06 07:54 gzero End of Run 29254:
  • 117061 05/16/06 07:28 jroche DAQ : ER backed up causing console to freeze
  • 117060 05/16/06 07:22 gzero Run 29254: 360Mev Production LD2 FC enabled, MULT=2 test run
  • 117059 05/16/06 07:19 gzero End of Run 29253:
  • 117058 05/16/06 06:48 gzero Run 29253: 360Mev Production LD2 FC enabled, MULT=4
  • 117057 05/16/06 06:46 gzero End of Run 29252:
  • 117056 05/16/06 06:45 jroche more on magnet scan : cerenkov rates
  • 117055 05/16/06 06:32 jroche how I changed the Cerenkov multiplicity level
  • 117054 05/16/06 06:29 gzero Run 29252: 360Mev Production LD2 FC enabled, MULT=3
  • 117053 05/16/06 06:22 gzero End of Run 29251:
  • 117052 05/16/06 06:12 gzero Run 29251: 360Mev Production LD2 FC enabled, SMS: 2400A
  • 117051 05/16/06 06:11 jroche Onto the cerenkov study of the rate dependance as a function of the multiplicity level
  • 117050 05/16/06 06:05 gzero End of Run 29250:
  • 117049 05/16/06 05:57 jroche online analysis of the magnet scan
  • 117048 05/16/06 05:37 gzero Run 29250: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 3400A
  • 117047 05/16/06 05:33 gzero End of Run 29249:
  • 117046 05/16/06 05:19 gzero Run 29249: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 3200A
  • 117045 05/16/06 05:14 gzero End of Run 29248:
  • 117044 05/16/06 04:54 gzero Run 29248: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 3000A
  • 117043 05/16/06 04:45 gzero End of Run 29247:
  • 117042 05/16/06 04:28 mgericke Target: gpt3 pressure alarm
  • 117041 05/16/06 04:26 gzero Run 29247: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 2800A
  • 117040 05/16/06 04:22 gzero End of Run 29246:
  • 117039 05/16/06 04:02 gzero Run 29246: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 2600A
  • 117038 05/16/06 03:57 jroche Analysis: something strange with the SDMCH rates in the G0Integrity file
  • 117037 05/16/06 03:55 gzero End of Run 29245:
  • 117036 05/16/06 03:34 gzero Run 29245: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 2200A
  • 117035 05/16/06 03:29 gzero End of Run 29244:
  • 117034 05/16/06 03:08 gzero Run 29244: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 2000A
  • 117033 05/16/06 03:04 gzero End of Run 29243:
  • 117032 05/16/06 02:46 gzero Run 29243: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 1800A
  • 117031 05/16/06 02:41 gzero End of Run 29242:
  • 117030 05/16/06 02:22 gzero Run 29242: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 1600A
  • 117029 05/16/06 02:13 jroche fastbus pre-scale changed to 2000 from 3000 : DAQ suggestion
  • 117028 05/16/06 02:09 gzero Run 29241: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 1600A
  • 117027 05/16/06 02:06 gzero End of Run 29240:
  • 117026 05/16/06 01:55 mgericke Target: He Cell Pressure Warnings
  • 117025 05/16/06 01:55 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 117024 05/16/06 01:47 jroche SMS: Is it supposed to be that complicated to change the magnet current ?
  • 117023 05/16/06 01:42 gzero Run 29240: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled, SMS: 1400A
  • 117022 05/16/06 01:04 gzero End of Run 29239:
  • 117021 05/16/06 00:48 jroche on to the magnet scan
  • 117020 05/16/06 00:35 gzero Run 29239: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled
  • 117019 05/16/06 00:29 gzero End of Run 29238:
  • 117018 05/16/06 00:13 ellis Swing Shift Summary
  • 117017 05/16/06 00:01 gzero Run 29238: 360Mev Production LD2 FC enabled ps4=100
  • Monday

  • 117016 05/15/06 23:52 gzero End of Run 29237:
  • 117015 05/15/06 23:41 ellis pictures in JPEG
  • 117014 05/15/06 23:21 Doug Beck Anode current measurements - better formats
  • 117013 05/15/06 23:16 Doug Beck Anode current measurements
  • 117012 05/15/06 23:05 gzero Run 29237: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled ps=3000
  • 117011 05/15/06 22:51 Breuer Please supply pictures in more common format
  • 117010 05/15/06 22:43 gzero End of Run 29236:
  • 117009 05/15/06 22:20 Doug Beck Additional comment on magnet scan plan
  • 117008 05/15/06 22:19 Beck/ellis Interpretation of Cerenkov online rates
  • 117007 05/15/06 22:08 smithg Target: plot of falling pressure
  • 117006 05/15/06 21:57 Doug Beck Plan for magnet scan
  • 117005 05/15/06 21:55 Juliette Target: target pressure action plan
  • 117004 05/15/06 21:49 gzero Run 29236: 360Mev Production LD2 FC enabled ps4=100
  • 117003 05/15/06 21:46 gzero End of Run 29235:
  • 117002 05/15/06 21:16 gzero Run 29235: 360Mev Production LD2 FC disabled ps=3000
  • 117001 05/15/06 21:14 gzero End of Run 29234:
  • 117000 05/15/06 21:13 Juliette Target: gpt3/5 low alarms changed temporarily
  • 116999 05/15/06 21:03 suleiman Beam: Injector BPMs position differences for run 29232
  • 116998 05/15/06 21:00 gzero Run 29234: 360Mev Production LH2 fc enabled ps4=100
  • 116997 05/15/06 20:56 Juliette Target: LD2 target in place
  • 116996 05/15/06 20:50 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and position differences for run 29232
  • 116995 05/15/06 20:40 suleiman Beam: Charge asymmetry plot for run 29231
  • 116994 05/15/06 20:40 gzero End of Run 29233:
  • 116993 05/15/06 20:36 Juliette Target: gpt5/3 pressure drop wrong sign?
  • 116992 05/15/06 20:32 ellis Rate and Coincidence pictures
  • 116991 05/15/06 20:30 suleiman Beam: BPM C20A has one bad signal
  • 116990 05/15/06 20:25 gzero Run 29233: 360Mev Production Carbon fc enabled ps4=100
  • 116989 05/15/06 20:23 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and position differences for run 29231
  • 116988 05/15/06 20:17 gzero End of Run 29232:
  • 116987 05/15/06 20:14 Doug Beck SMS: Resetting HV interlock based on magnet current
  • 116986 05/15/06 20:10 Doug Beck Plan for Swing, Owl 5/15-16
  • 116985 05/15/06 20:07 Juliette Target: changed low alarm on gpt5 to 3.4
  • 116984 05/15/06 20:07 ellis HV all on
  • 116983 05/15/06 20:05 gzero Run 29232: carbon, 60uA
  • 116982 05/15/06 20:01 gzero End of Run 29231:
  • 116981 05/15/06 19:54 gzero End of Run 29231:
  • 116980 05/15/06 19:45 gzero Run 29231: Production 360Mev 60uA
  • 116979 05/15/06 19:24 Doug Beck Magnet ramped to 2400 A
  • 116978 05/15/06 19:22 gzero Run 29230: Production 360Mev
  • 116977 05/15/06 19:22 Doug Beck Setting up special fast clear for octant 5
  • 116976 05/15/06 18:46 ellis Great Beam!
  • 116975 05/15/06 18:35 ellis Great Beam!
  • 116974 05/15/06 18:29 Juliette Target: gpt5 pressure still dropping
  • 116973 05/15/06 18:21 Juliette Target: gpt5/3 pressure drop with target change
  • 116972 05/15/06 18:16 muether SMS: LHe Level recovered...back on PID
  • 116971 05/15/06 18:12 Juliette Target: moved carbon target in at 16:00
  • 116970 05/15/06 17:37 pking ROC2 was showing "P/S OVER TEMP"; moved cables and rebooted ROC2
  • 116969 05/15/06 17:33 Doug Beck Tentative plan for the day
  • 116968 05/15/06 17:19 ellis hv interlock
  • 116967 05/15/06 17:07 ellis beam status
  • 116966 05/15/06 17:03 gzero End of Run 29229:
  • 116965 05/15/06 16:42 gzero Run 29229: Beam Tune, C target
  • 116964 05/15/06 16:34 gzero End of Run 29228:
  • 116963 05/15/06 16:23 ellis Maud gain matching HV setting installed
  • 116962 05/15/06 16:09 ellis beam tune runs
  • 116961 05/15/06 16:08 gzero Run 29228: Beam Tune
  • 116960 05/15/06 15:51 ellis coda on line
  • 116959 05/15/06 15:34 muether SMS: LHe Level still overfull
  • 116958 05/15/06 15:05 Maud Analysis: Gain Matching from cosmic run 29227
  • 116957 05/15/06 14:35 smithg Target: rebooted again to kill tach noise
  • 116956 05/15/06 12:48 smithg Target: 15K cooldown completed
  • 116955 05/15/06 12:10 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on gzero account and the farm.
  • 116954 05/15/06 11:05 Doug Beck SMS: Parallel plate relief valve leak
  • 116953 05/15/06 10:45 gaskell Moller q1 problems remain
  • 116952 05/15/06 07:58 smithg Target: premptive tgt ioc reboot
  • 116951 05/15/06 07:37 gaskell Moller solenoid warm
  • 116950 05/15/06 07:11 smithg Target: started cool down
  • Sunday

  • 116949 05/14/06 19:48 gaskell Moller q1 problems
  • Saturday

  • 116948 05/13/06 16:31 Williamson SMS: LHe Oscillations Continue
  • 116947 05/13/06 10:46 Fatiha Turned all HV off
  • 116946 05/13/06 10:44 gzero End of Run 29227:
  • Friday

  • 116945 05/12/06 23:30 Williamson SMS: LHe Level Oscillations Worsen (Level Drops Below ORANGE)
  • 116944 05/12/06 19:07 Fatiha Turned CEDs, FPDs and CerenKovs HVs ON For the night.
  • 116943 05/12/06 18:57 gzero Run 29227: Cosmic run for the night
  • 116942 05/12/06 18:55 Williamson SMS: Transient Behavior in LHe Level -- something's happening to the LHe Supply
  • 116941 05/12/06 18:51 jroche/slbai re-organized PMTs on octant 4
  • 116940 05/12/06 18:50 gzero End of Run 29226:
  • 116939 05/12/06 18:47 Williamson SMS: Overpressure again -- yellow threshold raised
  • 116938 05/12/06 18:44 gzero Run 29226: DAQ test
  • 116937 05/12/06 18:40 Williamson SMS: Overpressure
  • 116936 05/12/06 18:09 bailey/roche magnet : LHe overpressure alarm (we don't know what to do, do you?)
  • 116935 05/12/06 17:41 gzero End of Run 29225:
  • 116934 05/12/06 17:39 gzero Run 29225: DAQ test
  • 116933 05/12/06 17:37 Fatiha Upgraded Ts_Fullinj Configuration to include the coil modulation scritps.
  • 116932 05/12/06 17:31 gzero End of Run 29224:
  • 116931 05/12/06 17:31 gzero Run 29224: DAQ test
  • 116930 05/12/06 17:28 gzero End of Run 29223:
  • 116929 05/12/06 17:26 gzero Run 29223: DAQ test
  • 116928 05/12/06 17:17 pking Analysis: Moved some rootfiles form the gzero account to the work disk.
  • 116927 05/12/06 17:06 gzero End of Run 29222:
  • 116926 05/12/06 17:05 gzero Run 29222: DAQ test
  • 116925 05/12/06 16:45 pking Analysis: Modified the beam input file to correct the Cavity monitor channel layout
  • 116924 05/12/06 15:09 gaskell Hall status
  • 116923 05/12/06 14:17 gzero End of Run 29221:
  • 116922 05/12/06 14:15 gzero Run 29221: DAQ test
  • 116921 05/12/06 14:08 gzero End of Run 29220:
  • 116920 05/12/06 14:07 gzero Run 29220: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC enable, target out, 10uA beam
  • 116919 05/12/06 13:59 Fatiha DAQ Set for the cosmics
  • 116918 05/12/06 13:57 gzero End of Run 29219:
  • 116917 05/12/06 13:56 gzero Run 29219: Set Ps4 to 0, NoTED, Fast Clear enabled
  • 116916 05/12/06 13:49 gzero End of Run 29218:
  • 116915 05/12/06 13:47 gzero Run 29218: DAQ test, with Inj
  • 116914 05/12/06 13:43 gzero End of Run 29217:
  • 116913 05/12/06 13:42 gzero Run 29217: DAQ test for tonight cosmics.
  • 116912 05/12/06 13:28 S. Bailey calibration values from recent reanalysis of the calibration runs resubmitted to database
  • 116911 05/12/06 12:56 muether SMS: SMS Control Program
  • 116910 05/12/06 12:53 pking Analysis: Recovered one of the MySQL data tables from tape backup
  • 116909 05/12/06 12:32 Fatiha Cosmic Run for this night
  • 116908 05/12/06 11:52 Goulven Strange behaviour of ARS acquisition (French octants)
  • Thursday

  • 116907 05/11/06 19:36 smithg Target: Completed pump/purge/backfill of target
  • 116906 05/11/06 17:49 S. Bailey Analysis: correlation matrix for beam parameters
  • 116905 05/11/06 14:26 saw Drift Chamber HV
  • Wednesday

  • 116904 05/10/06 20:09 S. Bailey reanalysis of the last four bcm/bpm/lumi calibrations
  • 116903 05/10/06 19:01 jroche/slbai re-organized PMTs on octant 5
  • 116902 05/10/06 15:45 gaskell CO2 flowing to aerogel
  • 116901 05/10/06 15:09 pking Analysis: Changed the "analysis" table in the gzero_back_comm1 database.
  • 116900 05/10/06 14:09 S. Bailey lumi pedestals
  • Tuesday

  • 116899 05/09/06 18:48 Fatiha LD2 single rates at 2 uA and 10 uA
  • 116898 05/09/06 18:47 Fatiha LD2 single rates at 2 uA and 10 uA
  • 116897 05/09/06 17:44 Fatiha Single rates from current scan with Carbon data.
  • 116896 05/09/06 14:41 beaufait G0 power supply
  • 116895 05/09/06 12:21 pking Restoring the MySQL replication process for wmg0 (had been stalled since April 20)
  • 116894 05/09/06 11:41 Fatiha Hole in Oct5 Pion Matrix (ced, fpd) = (8, 14)
  • 116893 05/09/06 10:31 Quenching effects in nitrogen gas scintillation
  • Monday

  • 116892 05/08/06 14:23 S. Bailey Analysis: Linear Regression : clarification (single parameter vs full correction)
  • 116891 05/08/06 14:08 Fatiha Single rates comparison
  • 116890 05/08/06 12:12 Fatiha Reversed Polarity coincidence rates
  • 116889 05/08/06 11:14 S. Bailey Analysis: linear regression : raw vs corrected
  • Friday

  • 116888 05/05/06 15:29 Fatiha Cleaned soem coda Configuration
  • 116887 05/05/06 14:28 Carlini Analysis: Possibly use of ~10ns microstructure to reduce background
  • 116886 05/05/06 09:00 ppillot Analysis: origine of particles in the uper-inelastic region (top left corner in the coinc matrices)
  • 116885 05/05/06 07:30 Furget Comment on picture at 10 muA reverse polarity 3500A
  • Thursday

  • 116884 05/04/06 20:41 Breuer Analysis: Argon in Cerenkov was not a good idea, maybe CO2 is good?
  • 116883 05/04/06 15:15 Breuer events in upper left of coincidence matrix
  • 116882 05/04/06 13:23 suleiman Beam: The Parity Quality of G0 Beam - Hydrogen + 60 uA
  • Wednesday

  • 116881 05/03/06 22:57 Breuer Analysis: FPD singles rates and CED coincidences: ADC spectra allow rate comparison, 2uA on LD2
  • 116880 05/03/06 11:49 muether SMS: He Level High Alarm
  • 116879 05/03/06 11:46 S. Bailey Coil Modulation: still scraping in y
  • Tuesday

  • 116878 05/02/06 22:50 mack upper left corner in electron plots: Dalitz + stuff
  • 116877 05/02/06 19:52 Fatiha Is there any Physics up there? ( in the left upper triangle for deuterium)
  • 116876 05/02/06 19:15 Fatiha LD2 and LH2 Normalized rates and Ratio (LD2/LH2) for pion coincidence matrix
  • 116875 05/02/06 19:15 pking Powered down some of the crates
  • 116874 05/02/06 19:12 pking Reset VESDA panels for "power supply racks" and "SOS + Enge huts"
  • 116873 05/02/06 19:10 pking Shut down the CODA processes on gzerol3 running at the cdaql3 console.
  • 116872 05/02/06 19:07 Fatiha Analysis: LD2 and LH2 Normalized rates and Ratio (LD2/LH2) for electron coincidence matrix
  • 116871 05/02/06 17:48 muether SMS: The SMS ghost revealed
  • 116870 05/02/06 14:44 smithg SMS: magnet ghost is servicing alarms
  • 116869 05/02/06 13:23 Lassiter Q3 back to cold return
  • 116868 05/02/06 12:47 Fatiha Analysis: Comparison between LD2 and LH2 normalized rate for teh coincidence Matrix
  • 116867 05/02/06 11:30 smithg Target: pumped and backfilled target with helium
  • 116866 05/02/06 09:06 beise 687 piminus rates, fixed formatting
  • 116865 05/02/06 09:03 Lassiter Cooldown of Q3 begins
  • 116864 05/02/06 09:00 beise Analysis: fixed x16 mistake in pi- rates
  • 116863 05/02/06 08:54 beise Analysis: stupid mistake on my part of x16 in pi- rates
  • Monday

  • 116862 05/01/06 15:56 smithg Target: mystery pressure drop
  • 116861 05/01/06 14:53 mack April 2006 Unser calibration: it takes a lickin', but keeps on tickin'
  • 116860 05/01/06 13:43 Fatiha Recovered run 29154 Analysis
  • 116859 05/01/06 13:18 Fatiha Cleaned some old rootfiles on Saturday
  • 116858 05/01/06 11:56 smithg Target: Completed target warmup
  • 116857 05/01/06 11:36 gaskell Moller status (quads off)
  • 116856 05/01/06 11:08 muether SMS: SMS Shut down
  • 116855 05/01/06 10:28 ellis eye glasses in counting house
  • 116854 05/01/06 09:16 Greg/Juliett Target: target ioc reboot
  • 116853 05/01/06 09:02 Greg/Juliett Target: target gpt5/3 tests
  • 116852 05/01/06 08:12 ellis Final Owl Summary with Reverse Polarity Runs
  • 116851 05/01/06 08:11 ellis Restricted access
  • 116850 05/01/06 08:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 116849 05/01/06 07:51 Juliette SMS: magnet low alarm set to 0A
  • 116848 05/01/06 07:51 ellis RADCON sweeping hall
  • 116847 05/01/06 07:37 ellis HV is off
  • 116846 05/01/06 07:25 Juliette SMS: Ramping down SMS
  • 116845 05/01/06 07:24 gzero End of Run 29216:
  • 116844 05/01/06 07:11 ellis/juliet Have beam until 7:20
  • 116843 05/01/06 07:09 ellis 205215
  • 116842 05/01/06 07:07 gzero Run 29216: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=4900A, FC enabled, LD2, 2uA beam
  • 116841 05/01/06 07:02 gzero End of Run 29215:
  • 116840 05/01/06 06:41 ellis MCC trying to send beam to hall
  • 116839 05/01/06 06:39 gzero Run 29215: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=4900A, FC enable, LD2, 2uA beam
  • 116838 05/01/06 06:22 Juliette Target: LD2 target in place
  • 116837 05/01/06 05:44 gzero End of Run 29214:
  • 116836 05/01/06 05:43 ellis SMS 4900A, LD2 target in Waiting on Beam
  • 116835 05/01/06 05:40 Juliette Target: changed alarm low limit on gpt5 back to 6.2
  • 116834 05/01/06 05:28 ellis MCC working a problem
  • 116833 05/01/06 04:54 gzero End of Run 29214:
  • 116832 05/01/06 04:53 gzero Run 29214: Junk--MCC magnet trip--ended run
  • 116831 05/01/06 04:50 gzero End of Run 29213:
  • 116830 05/01/06 04:44 Juliette Target: changed alarm low limit on gpt5 to 5.5
  • 116829 05/01/06 04:36 Juliette Target: target moved to out of beam position
  • 116828 05/01/06 04:31 gzero Run 29213: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC enable, target out, 10uA beam
  • 116827 05/01/06 04:27 ellis sms reverse polarity
  • 116826 05/01/06 04:20 gzero End of Run 29212:
  • 116825 05/01/06 04:04 Juliette Target: changed alarm low limit on gpt5 to 5.7
  • 116824 05/01/06 04:01 gzero Run 29212: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC disable, Carbon 2uA beam
  • 116823 05/01/06 03:56 Juliette Target: moved to carbon target
  • 116822 05/01/06 03:52 gzero Run 29211: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC enable, Carbon 2uA beam
  • 116821 05/01/06 03:51 ellis GPT5
  • 116820 05/01/06 03:25 ellis SMS reverse polarity--Carbon target next up
  • 116819 05/01/06 03:23 gzero End of Run 29210:
  • 116818 05/01/06 03:06 ellis CODA reboot
  • 116817 05/01/06 03:03 gzero Run 29210: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC disable, LD2, 10uA beam
  • 116816 05/01/06 02:57 gzero End of Run 29209:
  • 116815 05/01/06 02:48 ellis Picture at 10uA reverse polarity, SMS 3500A
  • 116814 05/01/06 02:37 gzero Run 29209: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC enable, LD2, 10uA beam
  • 116813 05/01/06 02:33 gzero End of Run 29208:
  • 116812 05/01/06 02:27 ellis SMS runs
  • 116811 05/01/06 02:13 gzero Run 29208: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC disable, LD2, 2uA beam
  • 116810 05/01/06 02:10 gzero End of Run 29207:
  • 116809 05/01/06 02:01 ellis/Juliet Picture
  • 116808 05/01/06 01:47 gzero Run 29207: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=3500A, FC enable, LD2, 2uA beam
  • 116807 05/01/06 01:31 ellis JPEG of ced/fpd picture
  • 116806 05/01/06 01:30 gzero End of Run 29206:
  • 116805 05/01/06 01:26 ellis CED/FPD picture, reverse polarity SMS
  • 116804 05/01/06 01:13 gzero Run 29206: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=2000A, FC disabled, LD2, 2uA beam
  • 116803 05/01/06 01:11 gzero End of Run 29205:
  • 116802 05/01/06 01:06 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 116801 05/01/06 01:01 gzero Run 29205: SMS reverse polarity, Torus=2000A, FC enable, LD2, 2uA beam
  • 116800 05/01/06 00:45 muether SMS: Changed LN2 Bayonet Vacuum alarm to 280
  • 116799 05/01/06 00:45 beaufait G0 pol change
  • 116798 05/01/06 00:43 Juliette Target: changed SMS current lo alarm
  • 116797 05/01/06 00:17 muether/beau SMS: Leads switched on top of SMS Power Supply
  • 116796 05/01/06 00:07 Armstrong Swing Shift Summary
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    If you have any comments or problems, please contact:
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    (757) 269-7367