Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for May 06 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX










  • 117331 05/23/06 16:12 pking Analysis: Modifications to the "gzero_back_comm1" database
  • Friday

  • 117320 05/19/06 11:11 Carlini Analysis: Background???
  • Thursday

  • 117319 05/18/06 17:11 horn Analysis: NA Cherenkov and G0 beam at 360 MeV and 31 MHz
  • Wednesday

  • 117262 05/17/06 14:47 Juliette Analysis: threshold scan results
  • 117251 05/17/06 13:37 Juliette Analysis: cerenkov width scan results
  • 117231 05/17/06 09:26 Juliette Analysis: Threshold scan plot
  • Tuesday

  • 117169 05/16/06 22:15 Juliette Analysis: Threshold scan results with no multiplicity
  • 117145 05/16/06 19:45 Juliette Analysis: mistake in plot
  • 117144 05/16/06 19:44 Juliette Analysis: multiplicity scan plot
  • 117106 05/16/06 13:24 Beise Analysis: 1st pass at target boiling
  • 117102 05/16/06 13:02 muether Analysis: 360MeV 2uA LD2 Field Scan Plots
  • 117101 05/16/06 12:59 pking Analysis: I think that we have the SDMCH octant order backwards in the analyzer
  • 117038 05/16/06 03:57 jroche Analysis: something strange with the SDMCH rates in the G0Integrity file
  • Monday

  • 116958 05/15/06 15:05 Maud Analysis: Gain Matching from cosmic run 29227
  • 116955 05/15/06 12:10 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on gzero account and the farm.
  • Sunday





  • 116928 05/12/06 17:17 pking Analysis: Moved some rootfiles form the gzero account to the work disk.
  • 116925 05/12/06 16:45 pking Analysis: Modified the beam input file to correct the Cavity monitor channel layout
  • 116910 05/12/06 12:53 pking Analysis: Recovered one of the MySQL data tables from tape backup
  • Thursday

  • 116906 05/11/06 17:49 S. Bailey Analysis: correlation matrix for beam parameters
  • Wednesday

  • 116901 05/10/06 15:09 pking Analysis: Changed the "analysis" table in the gzero_back_comm1 database.
  • Tuesday



  • 116892 05/08/06 14:23 S. Bailey Analysis: Linear Regression : clarification (single parameter vs full correction)
  • 116889 05/08/06 11:14 S. Bailey Analysis: linear regression : raw vs corrected
  • Friday

  • 116887 05/05/06 14:28 Carlini Analysis: Possibly use of ~10ns microstructure to reduce background
  • 116886 05/05/06 09:00 ppillot Analysis: origine of particles in the uper-inelastic region (top left corner in the coinc matrices)
  • Thursday

  • 116884 05/04/06 20:41 Breuer Analysis: Argon in Cerenkov was not a good idea, maybe CO2 is good?
  • Wednesday

  • 116881 05/03/06 22:57 Breuer Analysis: FPD singles rates and CED coincidences: ADC spectra allow rate comparison, 2uA on LD2
  • Tuesday

  • 116872 05/02/06 19:07 Fatiha Analysis: LD2 and LH2 Normalized rates and Ratio (LD2/LH2) for electron coincidence matrix
  • 116868 05/02/06 12:47 Fatiha Analysis: Comparison between LD2 and LH2 normalized rate for teh coincidence Matrix
  • 116864 05/02/06 09:00 beise Analysis: fixed x16 mistake in pi- rates
  • 116863 05/02/06 08:54 beise Analysis: stupid mistake on my part of x16 in pi- rates
  • Monday