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User name arvieux

Log entry time 22:43:33 on August 12, 2006

Entry number 120630

keyword=Beam: Checking beam size

Following a suggestion by Mark Pitt, it would be instructive to have some
idea about the real beam size in HallC. To do so:
- wait until beam is really stable and of good quality (e.g. after a
production run of 1 hour)
- contact MCC and tell them that we are going to do a short test by
moving the beam right/left and up/down
- when they are ready, stop current run
- switch off detector HV but leave Lumi and halo HV
- start a run labelled beam test
- after 5' ask MCC to move beam very slowly to left. They should stop
when the halo reaches about 100. Note the beam position and lumi values
- move beam slowly to the right, same procedure
- go back to nominal x-position and repeat procedure for up and down.
- go back to nominal y-position
- stop run (all this can be done within one single run).
- set HV back
- resume production run