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User name B. Quinn

Log entry time 15:59:28 on August 25, 2006

Entry number 121651

keyword=Beam: Yesterday's Mott measurement (forgot to enter it yesterday)

Wien at 71.22 degrees, plenty of angle for a mott. No wien adjustment necessary.

PMTs ON 10 minutes before setup, to warm up (necessary?)

Auto RF reset turned 0L03 back ON. Maybe mott script can deactivate the auto RF reset script?

Target ladder idle for ~ 1 minute, then eventually moved to position. Software or hardware glitch? Where is "step2"? Maybe change this instruction on the script page to "take data" or something like that.

Results for ~ 300 second runs with ~ 0.5 to 0.6 uA:

Hall A laser, halfwaveplate OUT, mott5.24Aug06_08:50:00 Script does not provide a valid polarization.

Hall A laser, halfwaveplate IN, mott5.24Aug06_08:57:20 P = 84.16% +/- 1.42stat +/- 0.96sys

Hall C laser, halfwaveplate IN, mott5.24Aug06_09:04:23 P = 84.96% +/- 1.53stat +/- 0.96sys

Hall C laser, halfwaveplate OUT, mott5.24Aug06_09:13:03 P = 84.58% +/- 1.56stat +/- 0.96sys

Hall A laser, halfwaveplate OUT, mott5.24Aug06_09:21:30 P = 82.58% +/- 1.49stat +/- 0.94sys

I don't know why the first measurement of Hall A laser, halfwaveplate OUT did not provide a good result using the analyzer.

It would really be nice if the analyzer provided a sign, + or -, for the result. This would tell us that indeed the waveplate moved in/out.

1 hour total time for setup, measurement and backout.