Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for August 06 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX


  • 122170 08/31/06 12:14 Alex Analysis: Last Daily analysis summary :)
  • 122155 08/31/06 08:44 jschaub Analysis: Checking Good For Table For Transverse Runs
  • 122145 08/31/06 07:16 jmammei Analysis: lumi yields for IHWP IN and OUT
  • 122143 08/31/06 06:55 jmammei Analysis: lumi asymmetries; linear and sin fits
  • Wednesday

  • 122094 08/30/06 17:57 jmammei Analysis: offsets in lumi asymmetries
  • 122093 08/30/06 17:51 jmammei Analysis: lumi asymmetries for transverse running
  • 122088 08/30/06 17:05 Alex Analysis: Quick analysis daily summary
  • 122084 08/30/06 16:27 jschaub Analysis: Quick Analysis for Recent Flyswatter, Radiator and Carbon Runs
  • 122067 08/30/06 12:44 muether Analysis: Updated Transverse plots (Runs 30804-30818)
  • 122063 08/30/06 11:40 suleiman Analysis: Something nor right with InPLUSOut and InMINUSOut
  • 122057 08/30/06 10:30 muether Analysis: Last plot is OUT-IN not IN-OUT
  • 122051 08/30/06 10:11 muether Analysis: Transverse Data averaged over runs 30803-30815
  • 122038 08/30/06 07:52 jmammei Analysis: transverse asymmetries
  • 122037 08/30/06 07:48 jmammei Analysis: transverse asymmetry for 30812 (IHWP IN)
  • 122032 08/30/06 06:43 jmammei Analysis: running transverse asymmetry
  • Tuesday

  • 121985 08/29/06 17:33 jschaub Analysis: Goat GUI Layout
  • 121984 08/29/06 17:32 jschaub Analysis: Goat GUI Layout
  • 121978 08/29/06 16:49 muether Analysis: Analysis Shift for Runs 30772-30796
  • 121977 08/29/06 16:47 muether Analysis: Analysis Shift for Runs 30772-30796
  • 121968 08/29/06 14:29 Alex Analysis: Asymmetries for Al Frame target and Carbon Target
  • Monday

  • 121901 08/28/06 18:41 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • 121897 08/28/06 17:37 Alex Analysis: Missing data in a few runs :/
  • 121867 08/28/06 10:41 Alex Analysis: Preliminary results on the Al Frame analysis : contamination
  • Sunday

  • 121802 08/27/06 15:17 Alex Analysis: correction on the Daily analysis summary
  • 121799 08/27/06 14:48 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • Saturday

  • 121736 08/26/06 19:57 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist for Runs 30705-30729
  • 121727 08/26/06 17:02 jschaub Analysis: Back to First Run 29973 as Default in Goat GUI
  • 121692 08/26/06 06:30 C. Furget Analysis: Counting rates and Cerenkov efficiency
  • Friday

  • 121657 08/25/06 16:54 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • 121653 08/25/06 16:31 jschaub Analysis: Goat GUI Starting Runs
  • 121640 08/25/06 13:23 pking Analysis: Forgot the plot in the previous entry
  • 121639 08/25/06 13:20 pking Analysis: French Cerenkov asymmetries no longer have shoulders
  • 121624 08/25/06 11:06 jmammei Analysis: shift summary
  • 121623 08/25/06 11:01 jmammei Analysis: 1,2 Hz study
  • 121620 08/25/06 10:02 jmammei Analysis: run 30690 summary file
  • 121616 08/25/06 09:04 C. Furget Analysis: Deadtime estimate
  • Thursday

  • 121564 08/24/06 16:39 ppillot Analysis: Effect on the old new fan on the strange cerenkov asymmetries
  • 121561 08/24/06 16:15 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • 121560 08/24/06 16:10 pking Analysis: We will not reanalyze runs 30617-30677 at this time
  • 121552 08/24/06 14:46 pking Analysis: The runs after 30617 were still normalized by BCM1
  • 121549 08/24/06 14:24 pking Analysis: Set target positions to "h" for runs 30673-30677
  • 121548 08/24/06 14:22 pking Analysis: Flipper has the correct settings for both IHWP states
  • 121545 08/24/06 13:44 pking Analysis: Target position EPICS variable is not valid since during run 30673
  • 121541 08/24/06 11:32 pking Analysis: I have updated the default analysis version on the gzero accounts
  • 121540 08/24/06 10:38 pking Analysis: BCM "beam off" cuts set too low for the new BCM calibration
  • 121530 08/24/06 07:30 muether Analysis: For on strange asymmetry distribution
  • 121519 08/24/06 05:10 muether Analysis: Correction to Alexs shift summary
  • 121506 08/24/06 01:58 muether Analysis: more on asymmetry problem
  • Wednesday

  • 121493 08/23/06 22:08 Alex Analysis: Frame target coincidences matrices, ratio coincidence matrix frame/LH2 and Al asymmetry
  • 121486 08/23/06 19:18 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • 121478 08/23/06 16:07 ppillot Analysis: Strange behaviour of the asymmetry of the French Cerenkov PMT yield
  • 121469 08/23/06 15:26 ppillot Analysis: oups... here is the plot!
  • 121467 08/23/06 15:23 ppillot Analysis: More on the LUMI asymmetry during the unstable period
  • 121463 08/23/06 14:42 Fatiha Analysis: Offline analysis (Instructions)
  • Tuesday

  • 121416 08/22/06 22:24 jmammei Analysis: shift summary
  • 121412 08/22/06 21:01 jmammei Analysis: 1 , 2 Hz study
  • 121405 08/22/06 17:33 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis checklist
  • 121386 08/22/06 11:09 ppillot Analysis: Change in FR Cer trigger (part 2)
  • 121358 08/22/06 00:09 ppillot/furg Analysis: Change in FR CER trigger (part 2)
  • Monday

  • 121352 08/21/06 23:01 ppillot Analysis: small Instabilities in CFD Left rates of Oct1-CED5, Oct1-CED8 and Oct5-CED8
  • 121348 08/21/06 22:05 ppillot Analysis: Re: problem in electron coincidence matrix of octant 2
  • 121333 08/21/06 18:32 B. Quinn Analysis: Why we are running frame target
  • 121317 08/21/06 15:02 ppillot/pkin Analysis: re-started the real time to solve the problem of Cerenkov display
  • 121314 08/21/06 13:57 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • 121297 08/21/06 10:17 Pitt Analysis: BCM behavior during current scan
  • 121292 08/21/06 09:29 ppilllot Analysis: news in the BCM problem during the current scan
  • Sunday

  • 121251 08/20/06 18:53 ppillot Analysis: Problem in BCM calibration
  • 121240 08/20/06 15:13 Alex Analysis: Daily analysis summary
  • Saturday

  • 121196 08/19/06 22:45 W. Korsch Analysis: Runs 30570- 30574
  • 121180 08/19/06 17:32 W. Korsch Analysis: General analysis for runs 30546-30569
  • 121178 08/19/06 17:10 W. Korsch Analysis: 1 Hz analysis for runs 30546-30569
  • Friday

  • 121116 08/18/06 22:57 W. Korsch Analysis: !Hz ceck for run 30548
  • 121107 08/18/06 19:23 breuer Analysis: Please ignore entry 121070; contains errors.
  • 121106 08/18/06 19:17 W. Korsch Analysis: runs 30516 - 30545
  • 121101 08/18/06 18:16 jschaub Analysis: Added test_FPD_CED_functions to G0DBPlotter package
  • 121099 08/18/06 17:52 W. Korsch Analysis: 1 Hz checks for runs 30516 - 30545
  • 121096 08/18/06 17:11 jschaub Analysis: Goat++ GUI Revamped
  • 121095 08/18/06 17:06 Breuer Analysis: remarks on results for new 2" tubes
  • Thursday

  • 120989 08/17/06 16:16 W. Korsch Analysis: 1 Hz check for run 30511
  • 120984 08/17/06 15:18 jschaub Analysis: The Blue Line on the Fourier Transform Plots
  • Wednesday

  • 120950 08/16/06 22:36 W. Korsch Analysis: runs 30493-30504
  • 120947 08/16/06 21:05 W. Korsch Analysis: 1 Hz analysis for rnus 30502-30503
  • 120939 08/16/06 18:01 W. Korsch Analysis: 1 Hz analysis for runs 30493-30501
  • 120933 08/16/06 16:23 Breuer Analysis: comments on rates in new test tubes
  • 120912 08/16/06 11:34 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist for Runs 30480-30492
  • 120909 08/16/06 10:14 beise Analysis: Followup to 687 MeV Wells plot data
  • Tuesday

  • 120870 08/15/06 22:55 W. Korsch Analysis: Runs 30470 - 30479
  • 120861 08/15/06 20:30 W. Korsch Analysis: 1 Hz analysis for run 30478
  • 120838 08/15/06 16:31 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist for Runs 30465-30469
  • 120809 08/15/06 05:01 muether Analysis: Analysis Shift Check List
  • Monday



  • 120711 08/13/06 23:56 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • 120707 08/13/06 23:17 jmammei Analysis: problem with CAV2 in the analysis code?
  • 120686 08/13/06 18:19 ppillot Analysis: Deadtime corrected rates versus beam current (LH2)
  • 120675 08/13/06 15:22 ppillot Analysis: raw rates from current scans (LH2 and C12)
  • Saturday

  • 120610 08/12/06 19:56 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • 120601 08/12/06 16:57 muether Analysis: More on octant 7 pion rate
  • Friday

  • 120516 08/11/06 22:04 jmammei Analysis: e - Octant 1 FPD12/CED3
  • 120483 08/11/06 15:54 Goulven Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • 120475 08/11/06 11:45 Goulven Analysis: Octant 7 : it is a known behaviour.
  • Thursday

  • 120428 08/10/06 23:46 jmammei Analysis: odd octant 7 pion matrix
  • 120427 08/10/06 23:44 jmammei Analysis: odd octant 7 pion matrix
  • 120402 08/10/06 16:13 Goulven Analysis: Analysis shift checklist
  • 120358 08/10/06 07:17 horn Analysis: NA Cerenkov Eff at 362MeV, 31MHz initial check
  • Wednesday

  • 120334 08/09/06 17:52 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • 120304 08/09/06 12:21 muether Analysis: Oct 3 ced 9 fpd 16 back to normal
  • 120278 08/09/06 03:53 Maud Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • Tuesday

  • 120259 08/08/06 22:45 arvieux Analysis: To all shift leaders, analysis workers.....(in fact everybody)
  • 120240 08/08/06 18:08 muether/fati Analysis: Octant 3 CED9/FPD16 oddity
  • 120239 08/08/06 17:54 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • 120220 08/08/06 13:16 jschaub Analysis: Updated Analysis Shift Checklist Instructions
  • Monday

  • 120139 08/07/06 17:53 jschaub Analysis: G0 and G0B Plots for Yesterday
  • 120138 08/07/06 17:45 jschaub Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist
  • 120123 08/07/06 13:48 jschaub Analysis: 1Hz-Related Plots for Several Recent Shifts
  • Sunday

  • 120040 08/06/06 14:11 Pitt Analysis: Topic to add to analysis shift work list
  • 120034 08/06/06 11:09 Pitt Analysis: Updated reference histograms
  • Saturday

  • 119970 08/05/06 14:32 muether Analysis: Analysis Shift Summary
  • Friday

  • 119906 08/04/06 17:07 Pitt Analysis: Suggestions for plot to post in daily analysis shift report
  • 119904 08/04/06 16:40 jschaub Analysis: Position Difference Plots for G0 and G0B
  • 119892 08/04/06 12:20 horn Analysis: 32ns beam structure - hydrogen check
  • 119886 08/04/06 11:30 jschaub Analysis: 1Hz/2Hz Fluctuations
  • 119885 08/04/06 11:19 jschaub Analysis: More on the 1 Hz and "new" 2 Hz fluctuations
  • 119867 08/04/06 09:42 horn Analysis: 32ns beam structure check
  • Thursday

  • 119819 08/03/06 18:23 jschaub Analysis: 1 Hz Plots for Run 30171--Something New
  • 119816 08/03/06 17:53 jschaub Analysis: Expanded-Range Fourier Plot for Run 30170
  • 119803 08/03/06 15:25 jschaub Analysis: 1 Hz plots for run 30170
  • 119794 08/03/06 14:19 muether Analysis: Routine Analysis Shift tasks
  • 119791 08/03/06 13:28 jschaub Analysis: 1 Hz saga continued
  • 119777 08/03/06 10:35 jschaub Analysis: 1 Hz saga, continued
  • Wednesday

  • 119708 08/02/06 16:01 jschaub Analysis: More study of the 1 Hz fluctuation
  • 119703 08/02/06 15:50 pking Analysis: I have cleared the data_tracker entries from
  • 119697 08/02/06 15:34 Breuer Analysis: Test tube results: shielding of 5" tubes, LH2/12C target dependence
  • 119683 08/02/06 13:45 muether Analysis: backup_status errors
  • 119642 08/02/06 03:07 Maud Analysis: 31MHz run needed to get pion rates in coincidence cells
  • Tuesday

  • 119634 08/01/06 23:44 muether Analysis: BPO Timing Scan Analysis Extended Plots
  • 119631 08/01/06 21:14 Alex/Goulven Analysis: Base line / gain issue
  • 119613 08/01/06 15:03 pking Analysis: I have updated the analyzer on the gzero account to be version 2.17
  • 119609 08/01/06 14:49 Beck Analysis: Database loci in CED-FPD coincidence matrix
  • 119603 08/01/06 13:12 Spayde Analysis: Changes to Yields and Asymmetries in the Database
  • 119602 08/01/06 13:07 muether Analysis: Matrix Loci Picture (Cuts)
  • 119594 08/01/06 11:39 jschaub Analysis: 1 Hz Fluctuation Still With Us (Unfortunately)
  • 119589 08/01/06 11:10 muether Analysis: BPO Timing Scan Analysis
  • 119588 08/01/06 10:46 pking Analysis: Stopped the autoanalyzer