Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for August 06 - Target

  • Main INDEX


  • 122176 08/31/06 13:12 smithg Target: target warmup completed
  • 122172 08/31/06 12:42 jschaub Target: HV off
  • 122169 08/31/06 12:13 jschaub Target: Shift Report and Checklist Scans
  • 122148 08/31/06 07:34 jmammei Target: low alarm for ghet3
  • 122147 08/31/06 07:27 jmammei Target: owl shift report
  • 122144 08/31/06 06:58 jmammei Target: moved to frame position
  • 122140 08/31/06 05:44 jmammei Target: Carbon target in place
  • Wednesday

  • 122118 08/30/06 22:08 Louis BIMBOT Target: More about the solid target temperature with the right snapshot
  • 122117 08/30/06 22:03 Louis BIMBOT Target: More about the solid target temperature
  • 122115 08/30/06 21:43 Louis BIMBOT Target: Radiator temperature behaviour : is it really related with W radiator?
  • 122113 08/30/06 21:35 Louis BIMBOT Target: Radiator temperature behaviour : is it really related with W radiator?
  • 122109 08/30/06 21:09 Louis BIMBOT Target: Moving target from Radiator to Frame
  • 122107 08/30/06 20:43 Louis BIMBOT Target: Move the Target To put Radiator IN beam and $)uA for @) minutes
  • 122104 08/30/06 19:42 Louis BIMBOT Target: Snapshots of Tgt for References and Missing alarms
  • 122103 08/30/06 19:35 Louis BIMBOT Target: Alarms on the Radiator temperature missing
  • 122096 08/30/06 18:14 Louis BIMBOT Target: Moving target to put Carbon in beam
  • 122092 08/30/06 17:43 Louis BIMBOT Target: Sampler of the day about Flyswatter and Radiator temperatures
  • 122089 08/30/06 17:08 Louis BIMBOT Target: Move LH2 -----> OUT of beam
  • 122087 08/30/06 16:56 Louis BIMBOT Target: High Low Alarm on Flyswatter temperature
  • 122085 08/30/06 16:31 Louis BIMBOT Target: Snapshot for Flyswatter IN and LH2 IN with IHWP OUT
  • 122083 08/30/06 16:25 Louis BIMBOT Target: LH2 terget put IN beam
  • 122036 08/30/06 07:29 jmammei Target: reason for looking at transverse asymmetries
  • 122023 08/30/06 03:59 jmammei Target: strip charts and main gui
  • 122012 08/30/06 00:16 Louiis BIMBO Target: Scan of the full CheckList
  • Tuesday

  • 122006 08/29/06 22:57 Louis BIMBOT Target: Snapshots for references about Tgt and Beam
  • 121999 08/29/06 20:54 Louis BIMBOT Target: Beam trajectory not so good
  • 121989 08/29/06 18:11 Louis BIMBOT Target: The flyswatter saw the beam
  • 121982 08/29/06 17:05 Louis BIMBOT Target: Moving the tharget back In Beam
  • 121980 08/29/06 16:50 jschaub Target: Target Shift Checklist Instructions
  • 121979 08/29/06 16:50 jschaub Target: Target Shift Checklist Instructions
  • 121976 08/29/06 16:38 saw Target: G0 target logger restarted with fresh disk
  • 121966 08/29/06 12:44 jschaub Target: Snapshots for Shift Checklist--Better Format
  • 121965 08/29/06 12:38 jschaub Target: More Screen Snapshots for Shift Checklist
  • 121960 08/29/06 12:20 jschaub Target: Snapshots for Shift Checklist
  • 121958 08/29/06 12:15 jschaub Target: Snapshots for Shift Checklist
  • 121952 08/29/06 11:27 jschaub Target: Flyswatter
  • 121950 08/29/06 11:14 jschaub Target: Moving Target out of Beamline
  • 121936 08/29/06 07:44 jmammei Target: shift summary
  • 121929 08/29/06 04:03 jmammei Target: BPM screens for shift checklist
  • 121926 08/29/06 02:55 jmammei Target: coolant temperature low alarm
  • 121925 08/29/06 02:53 jmammei Target: coolant temperature low alarm
  • Monday

  • 121903 08/28/06 18:59 Louis BIMBOT Target: Snapshops of Target windows as reference
  • 121894 08/28/06 16:58 jschaub Target: Target Shift Report
  • 121853 08/28/06 05:26 Williamson Target: Target Computer Screen Shots
  • Sunday

  • 121780 08/27/06 08:24 Louis BIMBOT Target: Reference Scans of Tgt status
  • 121754 08/27/06 01:02 Williamson Target: Target Reboot (Temperatures Frozen)
  • Saturday

  • 121720 08/26/06 15:36 Louis BIMBOT Target: Failure for Checklist scan
  • 121718 08/26/06 14:41 Louis BIMBOT Target: New snapshots for reference (with pictures)
  • 121714 08/26/06 13:51 Louis BIMBOT Target: Few snapshots for reference
  • 121709 08/26/06 11:35 Louis BIMBOT Target: Setting limits with GUIs
  • 121708 08/26/06 11:10 Louis BIMBOT Target: gbheat cont'd
  • 121705 08/26/06 10:30 Louis BIMBOT Target: gbheat
  • 121702 08/26/06 08:45 Louis BIMBOT Target: Reboot IOC and HeatLoad Alarms
  • 121690 08/26/06 05:30 Williamson Target: Rebooted Target IOC
  • Friday

  • 121644 08/25/06 14:07 Bimbot Target: Heatload anomaly
  • 121638 08/25/06 13:18 bimbot/mueth Target: Heater Stripcharts from Archiver
  • 121636 08/25/06 13:02 Louis BIMBOT Target: Snapshot of Strip-charts
  • 121613 08/25/06 08:43 Louis BIMBOT Target: Sampler of target screens
  • Thursday

  • 121563 08/24/06 16:32 Louis BIMBOT Target: LH2 target put back in beam
  • 121553 08/24/06 14:50 Louis Bimbot Target: Target out of beam
  • 121547 08/24/06 14:12 saw Target: g0tpos_switch variable restored
  • 121546 08/24/06 14:09 Louis Bimbot Target: Reboot of the IOC
  • Wednesday



  • 121390 08/22/06 11:57 Louis Bimbot Target: Strange behaviour in HPH
  • Monday

  • 121346 08/21/06 22:02 Goulven Target: Hum hum... Back to LH2 since 19h24... 0|-)
  • 121330 08/21/06 18:16 Goulven Target: Moved to frame target since 17h55...
  • Sunday







  • 120980 08/17/06 13:14 suleiman Target: Moved to C for a while, now back to hydrogen
  • Wednesday







  • 120656 08/13/06 07:58 Sarah K Target: Target Operator Owl Shift Summary
  • Saturday

  • 120631 08/12/06 22:46 suleiman Target: Coolant In temperature is stable again
  • 120625 08/12/06 22:12 suleiman Target: The coolant temperature is oscillating below 14 K
  • 120590 08/12/06 14:41 Goulven Target: Back to LH2
  • 120571 08/12/06 12:37 guillard Target: Target changed from lh2 to C12
  • 120545 08/12/06 07:57 Sarah K Target: Target Operator Owl Shift Summary
  • Friday

  • 120512 08/11/06 20:36 van Oers Target: Interruption
  • 120469 08/11/06 10:17 Maud Target: found the ones to blame for this morning problems!
  • 120466 08/11/06 09:57 Maud Target: Tricky target this morning
  • 120442 08/11/06 03:09 birchall Target: Target snapshots during run 30351
  • Thursday

  • 120357 08/10/06 04:33 birchall Target: Snapshots of target
  • Wednesday

  • 120275 08/09/06 03:32 birchall Target: Target snapshots
  • Tuesday







  • 119991 08/05/06 21:42 Pitt Target: Quick analysis of target boiling study
  • Friday

  • 119849 08/04/06 06:34 Page Target: Carbon target inserted
  • Thursday

  • 119810 08/03/06 16:37 birchall Target: Target heat load alarm
  • Wednesday

  • 119691 08/02/06 14:45 Spayde Target: Taking Target Out of Beam
  • 119679 08/02/06 12:19 Spayde Target: Moving LH2 Into Beam
  • 119675 08/02/06 11:21 Spayde Target: Moving Target out of Beam
  • 119643 08/02/06 03:24 Page Target: small change to beam heat low alarm limits
  • 119638 08/02/06 02:23 Page Target: target in - dc offset problem with beam off
  • Tuesday

  • 119630 08/01/06 20:58 smithg Target: tgt polarization responsible for Wein angle discrepancy?
  • 119584 08/01/06 10:25 smithg Target: missing heater variables restored
  • 119568 08/01/06 08:21 Spayde Target: Moving LH2 Target Out of Beam