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User name Breuer

Log entry time 23:39:22 on September 26, 2006

Entry number 122951

keyword=Oct 1, pixel CED3/FPD12 fixed before run 31077 (unfixed during run 31079)

in the coincidence matrix for octant 1, the point for CED3 in coincidence with FPD12 had very much reduced count rate - in one run checked yesterday the rate was a factor of 90 lower than an adjacent channel.

The cable conataining this channel is OCT1 e- C.

Yester day I replaced the connector on the decoder end of the ribbon cable, which did not change the situation (I believe I made a log book entry). Today I exchanged the complete cable during run 31077 and that seems to have fixed the problem.

I replaced the remaining connector on the original cable and swapped back to the "repaired" original cable before run 31079. ---> cable still bad. Stopped run after a few minutes, and replaced the bad cable with the previous temporary cable before run 31080.