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User name Williamson

Log entry time 23:59:50 on September 26, 2006

Entry number 122953

keyword=RC Summary Monday 09-25-2006 Swing through Tuesday 09-26-2006 Day

RC Summary Monday 09-25-2006 Swing through Tuesday 09- 26-2006 Day

RC Summary
Monday 09-25-2006 Swing through
Tuesday 09-26-2006 Day

Current Status

Achievements and events


During the next few shifts we will perform the following additional tests: We have accumulated quite a bit of data with the IHWP OUT. So for, for a while, we will follow a cycle of: 2 days IN, 1 day OUT, 2 days IN, 1 day OUT. When the charge is better balanced, we change the IHWP every day at the start of the day shift.

We will concentrate on Production, Production, Production.

Concerns and Their Resolution

Shift Summaries

Swin g
Owl< /A>
Day< /A>