Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for September 06 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX


  • 123234 09/30/06 15:41 pking Analysis: The BCM/BPM calibrations from run31004 have been inserted in the database.
  • 123231 09/30/06 14:41 Sarah K Analysis: Analysis Checklist (formatted)
  • 123230 09/30/06 14:41 Sarah K Analysis: Analysis Checklist
  • 123210 09/30/06 07:00 Larry Analysis: Analysis checklist
  • Friday

  • 123186 09/29/06 23:20 Breuer/King Analysis: declared run 31067 as bad instead of good
  • 123185 09/29/06 23:16 Breuer/King Analysis: "good for" : check only 1 "data quality" box
  • 123181 09/29/06 22:19 Breuer Analysis: Analysis check list 29-Sep-2004 20:50
  • 123158 09/29/06 15:50 Alex Analysis: analysis checklist
  • 123124 09/29/06 07:29 Larry Analysis: Analysis checklist
  • Thursday

  • 123082 09/28/06 16:08 pking Analysis: Comparison of X position difference widths from last night and Tuesday
  • 123081 09/28/06 15:56 pking Analysis: The database asymmetry averages/widths include events with large asymmetries
  • 123077 09/28/06 14:28 Alex Analysis: Analysis checklist
  • 123047 09/28/06 04:23 C. Furget Analysis: Beam charge asymmetry width in goat ???
  • 123041 09/28/06 02:51 C. Furget Analysis: Complete analysis check list
  • Wednesday

  • 123001 09/27/06 15:08 Alex Analysis: analysis checklist
  • 122960 09/27/06 02:44 C. Furget Analysis: Analysis Check list
  • Tuesday

  • 122952 09/26/06 23:40 pking Analysis: Turned on the comparison to the "golden" file in the G0Integrity checks
  • 122868 09/26/06 03:39 C. Furget Analysis: Asymmetry width to counting statistic ratio
  • 122857 09/26/06 00:52 Breuer Analysis: Plots ADC left vs right for FPDs, gain calibration runs 31017 to 31020
  • Monday

  • 122834 09/25/06 18:52 ppillot Analysis: first study of the last current scan
  • 122818 09/25/06 14:25 ppillot Analysis: evolution of randoms and deadtime between spring and today
  • 122790 09/25/06 08:42 C. Furget Analysis: Comparison of e/(e+pi) between 5 and 60 muA
  • 122751 09/25/06 04:28 C. Furget/pp Analysis: Cerenkov current scan
  • 122750 09/25/06 03:51 C. Furget/pp Analysis: Cerenkov current scan
  • Sunday

  • 122734 09/24/06 23:59 pking Analysis: Reanalysis of BCM calibration run 31004 is in progress
  • 122683 09/24/06 08:15 suleiman Analysis: Tried to Analyze the BCM/BPM Cal run but stopped with these plots. Some one should check and continue ...
  • Saturday

  • 122622 09/23/06 20:34 Alex Analysis: today's bpo scan results
  • 122581 09/23/06 12:10 pking Analysis: Restarted the autoanalyzers
  • 122580 09/23/06 11:53 pking Analysis: The correct database is now "gzero_687MeV_comm2"
  • 122578 09/23/06 11:51 pking Analysis: Changed the default BCM used for normalization to BCM1
  • 122574 09/23/06 11:10 Williamson Analysis: good-for GUI started but...
  • 122571 09/23/06 10:07 pking Analysis: Stopped the autoanalyzer temporarily
  • Friday

  • 122510 09/22/06 10:29 pking Analysis: Reinstalled one of the mysql libraries on cdaql3
  • Thursday















  • 122321 09/13/06 13:34 jmammei Analysis: Lumi asymmetries for longitudinal data
  • Tuesday

  • 122231 09/12/06 09:43 pking Analysis: Added a locus file to the new 687MeV DB; also changed the run_fill_* scripts
  • Monday

  • 122230 09/11/06 17:50 pking Analysis: Configured gzero analyser to use the new gzero_687MeV_comm2 database
  • Friday







  • 122188 09/05/06 13:36 jmammei, pit Analysis: asymmetries for "good" and "bad" lumi widths
  • Friday

  • 122186 09/01/06 15:46 jmammei Analysis: lumi yields
  • 122185 09/01/06 15:27 jmammei Analysis: good_for_gui_values updated? and new transverse asymmetry plots
  • 122184 09/01/06 15:23 jmammei Analysis: good_for_gui_values updated? and new transverse asymmetry plots