Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name muether

Log entry time 23:29:12 on October 11, 2006

Entry number 124124

keyword=Analysis: Analysis Shift Checklist (31391-31401)

For runs 31391-31401

I) /dev/hde1 240362656 168897756 69022940 71% /data1 /dev/hdg1 240362656 167253580 70667116 71% /data2

II) a) ROOT files are processing as normal b) The charge asymmetry is marginal for this run...but will still keep it as "GOOD" summary_31391.text: x targ | -0.6 | -267.1 +/- 240.3 | 14234.8 +/- 171.4 *** out of acceptable range ***

THESE RUNS LOOK FINE UPON FURTHER ANALYSIS summary_31393.text: C12 x | 0.2 | 519.3 +/- 387.7 | 22720.8 +/- 271.6 *** out of acceptable range *** summary_31398.text: C12 x | 0.3 | 775.2 +/- 433.0 | 23953.2 +/- 315.1 *** out of acceptable range ***

III) C12 x: may need to be changed

IV) Good for GUI up to date (but why do they take so long to show up in the goat???)

TOTAL: Total analyzed charge with IHWP IN = 29.9389 C Total analyzed charge with IHWP OUT = 31.7912 C

Shift Runs: Total analyzed charge with IHWP IN = 0.758615 C Total analyzed charge with IHWP OUT = 0.473924 C

V) SEE SCREEN SHOTS RUN 31397 (Accelerator mismatch) marked this as good and bad in the good_for_gui to recover later

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6