Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Louis TgT-Op

Log entry time 15:21:56 on October 20, 2006

Entry number 124851

keyword=Analysis: Checklist on Analysis of the shift RUNS 31591 to 31598

I)- 71% for data1 70% for data2
II)- Pass1 analysis
1_ Pass1 file created OK up to 31598
2_ Integrity files for runs 31591 to 31598 except 31596 (beam off)
Good but for this Oct 4 Cerenkov
III)- Not changed
IV)- Good for :
Last run 31598 have been set Good for production
V)- Total charge : IN 43.17 C
OUT 45.82 C
For the last set of runs
IN 1.55 C
VI)- See plots below
VII)- See plot below
VIII)- HallA feedback ON checked
IX)- Check with Shift leader the matrix from G0Realtime monitor

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6