Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Louis TgT-Op

Log entry time 22:49:44 on October 25, 2006

Entry number 125292

keyword=Analysis: Summary for Analysis Checklist Runs 31716 to 31718

I)- Space on disk
70% 71%
II)- Progress on Pass1
** OK up to 31728 but 31717 missing (Coda crash)
** Integrity of files: 31716 to 31728 for Good runs only
**** i.e. 317176, 31720, 31721, 31722, 31724, 31727, 31728
**** OK for 31721, 31722, 31727, 31728 **
**** 31716 : C12 x -- Out of Range --
**** 31720 et 31724 : y_targ -- Out of Range --
III)- Golden Values
** No Change
IV)- Check "GOOD-for"
** Fine up to 31728 but special case of 31717 missing
V)- Data accounting
** For the set of RUNS 31716 to 31728
** : IN : 1.108 C
** For the Total:
** IN : 49.44 C OUT : 55.61 C
VI)- See plots
VII)-See plot
VIII)- Hall-A feedback ON ---NO BEAM
IX)- Shift Leader checked Asym and matrix on found them FINE --NO BEAM

During the checking we cannot find the directory
and cannot launch goat++
so I went to
and launch goat++ in this directory and it went fine.
Meanwhile Fatiha was emailed and restored the usual situation.
Thanks Fatiha!

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5

Figure 6