Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name pate

Log entry time 11:39:25 on January 13, 2007

Entry number 130716

keyword=Target: had to reboot target IOC

A "funny" and ribald message announced that the target IOC was frozen, and in fact there seemed to be a few parameters that flatlined on the target displays.

We asked for the beam to be taken away, and then stabilized the target temperature using the manual controls.

We rebooted using the "Reboot" button on the "IOC Save/Restore/Reboot" window. This took a long time to produce the usual "whiteout" effect but it did come after a while.

Then we did a Normal Restore using the "!" button on the "IOC Save/Restore/Reboot" window. Then we restored PID operation, and asked for the beam to be returned.

Everything seems fine now.

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