Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Armstrong

Log entry time 14:15:44 on January 17, 2007

Entry number 131031

keyword=adjusted beam threshold on BTA

Note: for the present running, I have adjusted the threshold on the Beam Time Accounting tool down to 0.4 µA so that we keep track of this low-current beam delivery correctly in our ABU hours.

We must remember to adjust back to 20 µA when we return to 499 MHz, 35 µA data-taking. This will be sometime on Swing shift, if all goes smoothly. The plan is 8 hours of data-taking at 31 MHz. We started the FASTBUS runs (after the DAQ problem was resolved, and the short runs with various Cerenkov multiplicities that Herbert requested) at 13:45, so we should continue until about 22:00 in the present mode.