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User name suleiman

Log entry time 08:43:06 on January 24, 2007

Entry number 131609


keyword=We are going to Calibrate the Helicity Magnets in the Injector - Changes are done to the DAQ

We are going to calibrate the Helicity Magnets. I did the following:

1- Turn OFF Charge Feedback 2- Coil Modulation OFF 3- Kill Coda in Hall C Counting House

4- on cdaql3:


File was,

#This is the cuts parameter input file #name min max unit q_bcm1 20. 3000. nC q_bcm2 20. 3000. nC q_targ 20. 3000. nC q_targ_fluc -5. 5. % coil_halo3 0. 60. Hz/uA # norm_halo3 0. 2500. Hz/uA # q_inj 20. 10000. nC # q_inj_fluc -5. 5. % # q_A_halla_bcm 20. 3000. nC # h_energy 5. 100000 eV # x_targ -10 10 mm # y_targ -10 10 mm # theta_x -10 10 mrad # theta_y -10 10 mrad # energy -10 10 MeV

Changed to:

#This is the cuts parameter input file #name min max unit #q_bcm1 20. 3000. nC #q_bcm2 20. 3000. nC #q_targ 20. 3000. nC #q_targ_fluc -5. 5. % #coil_halo3 0. 60. Hz/uA # norm_halo3 0. 2500. Hz/uA q_inj 20. 10000. nC q_inj_fluc -5. 5. % # q_A_halla_bcm 20. 3000. nC # h_energy 5. 100000 eV # x_targ -10 10 mm # y_targ -10 10 mm # theta_x -10 10 mrad # theta_y -10 10 mrad # energy -10 10 MeV

I will chnaged things back when Hall C is ready.