Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for January 07 - Beam

  • Main INDEX


  • 132243 01/31/07 10:19 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 33722
  • 132242 01/31/07 10:17 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 33722 - OUT
  • 132241 01/31/07 10:03 jschaub Beam: Had MCC Change the Beam Position
  • 132238 01/31/07 09:45 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 33720
  • 132236 01/31/07 09:19 Williamson Beam: Charge Asymmetry Width Larger than Usual
  • Tuesday

  • 132187 01/30/07 18:54 Williamson Beam: Mott Polarization Measurement (earlier today)
  • Monday

  • 132141 01/29/07 20:18 pate Beam: no good beam for some time now...
  • 132113 01/29/07 11:40 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 33689
  • 132112 01/29/07 11:38 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 33689 - OUT
  • 132096 01/29/07 06:25 Alex Beam: the beam current just increased back to 35uA
  • Sunday

  • 132065 01/28/07 19:09 pate Beam: beam is back; still at 30 uA
  • 132060 01/28/07 18:01 pate Beam: software problem at MCC
  • 132052 01/28/07 16:16 jmammei Beam: G0 Cavity signals from Run 33662
  • 132047 01/28/07 15:37 jmammei Beam: MCC sending ~10 uA
  • 132045 01/28/07 13:50 jmammei Beam: MCC sending low I beam
  • 132044 01/28/07 12:46 jmammei Beam: MCC update
  • Saturday

  • 132035 01/27/07 23:40 pate Beam: there's been no beam since about 19:15
  • 131994 01/27/07 15:43 jmammei Beam: had low currents for several minutes
  • 131983 01/27/07 14:45 jmammei Beam: current increased to 35 uA
  • 131968 01/27/07 11:36 jmammei Beam: IHWP and charge asymmetry
  • 131964 01/27/07 11:14 jmammei Beam: changed IHWP to OUT
  • Friday

  • 131895 01/26/07 18:29 Williamson Beam: Today's Mott Measurement
  • 131894 01/26/07 18:29 Williamson Beam: Today's Mott Measurement
  • 131893 01/26/07 18:29 Williamson Beam: Today's Mott Measurement
  • 131883 01/26/07 16:13 jschaub Beam: Target Computer Restart
  • Thursday

  • 131771 01/25/07 16:03 suleiman Beam: Position Feedback using the helicity magnets in the Injector
  • Wednesday

  • 131660 01/24/07 15:32 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 33548
  • 131659 01/24/07 15:29 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 33548 - IN
  • 131658 01/24/07 15:25 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 33528
  • 131655 01/24/07 14:51 suleiman Beam: Helicity Magnets Slopes in the Injector
  • 131647 01/24/07 13:02 suleiman Beam: Helicity Magnets Calibration in the Injector
  • Tuesday

  • 131574 01/23/07 21:28 jschaub Beam: Changing XStage
  • 131564 01/23/07 19:46 voutier Beam: Beam energy
  • 131559 01/23/07 18:27 Williamson Beam: Channel Access Now Granted for Pockel's Cell X Position (when changing IHWP)
  • 131533 01/23/07 13:24 jmammei Beam: Mott measurement results
  • 131498 01/23/07 04:59 Alex Beam: Shift Checklist Screen Snapshots
  • Monday

  • 131487 01/22/07 23:55 voutier Beam: Beam energy
  • 131485 01/22/07 23:51 voutier Beam: Beam energy
  • 131451 01/22/07 14:56 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from Run 33490 - OUT
  • 131450 01/22/07 14:52 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from Run 33490
  • 131448 01/22/07 14:49 jschaub Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from Run 33486
  • 131444 01/22/07 14:23 jschaub/sule Beam: Parity Quality Plots for the Various Backward-Angle Running Periods
  • 131433 01/22/07 12:22 jschaub Beam: Beam Trip ghtot Alarm
  • 131403 01/22/07 05:10 Alex/Anna Beam: shift checklist
  • Sunday





  • 131237 01/19/07 17:13 jroche Beam: feedback screen for HWP OUT
  • 131233 01/19/07 16:18 jschaub Beam: Another Beam Trip Transient ghtot Alarm
  • 131220 01/19/07 13:09 jschaub Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from run 33419 - IN
  • 131219 01/19/07 13:08 jschaub Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from run 33419
  • Thursday

  • 131159 01/18/07 22:46 jroche Beam: noisy charge asymmerty: realtime analysis snapshot
  • 131153 01/18/07 21:48 jroche Beam: noisy charge asymmetry width?
  • Wednesday



  • 130920 01/16/07 13:57 suleiman Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from run 33333 - still bad.
  • 130919 01/16/07 13:56 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmtery and Position Differences from run 33333 - OUT -
  • 130915 01/16/07 13:27 suleiman Beam: coil Modulation Cycle from run 33327
  • 130904 01/16/07 10:15 Armstrong Beam: Helicity-correlated beam properties
  • Monday

  • 130853 01/15/07 14:09 pate Beam: G0bpm.adl display went white --- reboot of vmec15 needed to get it started again
  • Sunday

  • 130789 01/14/07 15:52 pate Beam: IHWP now OUT
  • Saturday





  • 130564 01/11/07 18:07 Franklin Beam: Restart Beam Feedback
  • 130560 01/11/07 17:01 suleiman Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from run 33214 - Still bad
  • 130559 01/11/07 16:58 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and Position Differences from run 33214 - OUT - Looks good
  • 130557 01/11/07 16:50 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from run 33213 - The dispersion in Hall C line has been fixed
  • 130556 01/11/07 16:49 Franklin Beam: IOC rebooted
  • 130543 01/11/07 15:10 jschaub Beam: Screen Captures
  • 130541 01/11/07 14:39 suleiman Beam: After huge effort by Pete Francis (Thanks) - IPM0L03XM is now fixed
  • 130539 01/11/07 14:19 horn Beam: feedback display updated
  • 130535 01/11/07 14:13 horn Beam: halo and beam positions after tuning
  • 130527 01/11/07 12:41 jmammei Beam: injector calibrations added to DB for last calibration
  • 130520 01/11/07 11:41 suleiman Beam: The XM wire of the 0L03 BPM is bad
  • 130519 01/11/07 11:40 suleiman Beam: Mike Spata was informed of the big dispersion in our line and he is going to fix it now.
  • 130515 01/11/07 11:09 jmammei Beam: BPM calibrations for run 33190
  • 130514 01/11/07 10:58 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and Position Differences from run 33207 - OUT
  • 130510 01/11/07 10:28 Lung/Suleima Beam: The Parity-Quality Screens from the RealTime Display
  • 130509 01/11/07 10:17 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from run 33207
  • Wednesday

  • 130474 01/10/07 23:54 Franklin Beam: Parity QUality
  • 130473 01/10/07 23:32 Franklin Beam: Halos erratic
  • 130466 01/10/07 22:13 Franklin Beam: Halo problem
  • 130461 01/10/07 20:58 Franklin Beam: Beam off for awhile
  • 130453 01/10/07 17:51 suleiman Beam: Increase the limits (factor 2) on the first coil (y)
  • 130452 01/10/07 17:47 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from run 33189 - will lower the limits on Coil 6 (y)
  • 130451 01/10/07 17:36 suleiman Beam: The IOCs are in Gain OFF
  • 130450 01/10/07 17:33 suleiman/Fra Beam: Start BCM/BPM Calibration run 33190
  • 130446 01/10/07 16:49 suleiman Beam: G0 Cavity Siganls from run 33185 - The signals are saturated since we are running at 35 uA now
  • 130439 01/10/07 16:04 suleiman Beam: Charge Asymmetry and Position Differences from run 33185 - OUT - Looks good.
  • 130438 01/10/07 15:36 suleiman Beam: How to change the Insertable Half-wave Plate (IHWP)
  • Tuesday

  • 130342 01/09/07 22:38 suleiman Beam: The position diffeences for IN and OUT
  • 130327 01/09/07 20:03 suleiman Beam: The Beam positions on target and on the pivot are good now
  • 130317 01/09/07 16:54 suleiman Beam: The BCM1 and BCM2 Gains were lowered from 4 to 3 - The epics gains should be adjusted to matc hthe new Gain settings
  • 130313 01/09/07 14:23 suleiman Beam: Coil Modulation Cycle from run 33153 - Change the modulation amplitude
  • 130311 01/09/07 11:57 suleiman Beam: G0 Cavity Signals from run 33153
  • 130310 01/09/07 11:44 suleiman Beam: Parity Quality from run 33153 - Not that big improvement and still showing the same behavior in Hall C line - Chao is working on it now
  • 130308 01/09/07 10:34 suleiman Beam: The Parity Quality of G0 beam has improved overnight
  • Monday

  • 130267 01/08/07 23:16 Franklin Beam: LUMI HVs turned on.
  • 130256 01/08/07 21:27 suleiman Beam: Parity Quality for IN - run 33136
  • 130255 01/08/07 21:21 suleiman Beam: Hall C BPMs Widths during run 33136
  • 130252 01/08/07 20:58 suleiman Beam: The RealTime plots showing parity-quality from run 33136
  • 130251 01/08/07 20:54 suleiman Beam: Parity Quality for OUT - run 33135
  • 130250 01/08/07 20:50 suleiman Beam: Hall C BPMs Widths during run 33135
  • 130247 01/08/07 20:39 suleiman Beam: Parity Controls Screen - during run 33136
  • 130244 01/08/07 20:18 suleiman Beam: The RealTime plots showing parity-qulaity from run 33135
  • 130243 01/08/07 20:10 suleiman Beam: Charge Feedback is ON
  • 130242 01/08/07 20:01 suleiman Beam: IA Scan. New Slope and the Charge Feedback is ON. New Slope = -1225 ppm/DAC V.
  • 130230 01/08/07 18:05 Franklin Beam: First Beam
  • Saturday







  • 130148 01/03/07 21:16 suleiman Beam: The Injector beam studies are over for now - On sunday swing we will check the parity Quality in Hall C
  • 130147 01/03/07 21:10 suleiman Beam: G0 Injector Beam Studies
  • 130145 01/03/07 20:32 suleiman Beam: The status of the laser table at the end of beam studies
  • 130134 01/03/07 18:29 suleiman Beam: PC Stages for OUT
  • 130127 01/03/07 17:17 suleiman Beam: Injector BPMs Pedestals from run 33103 (monitor_calibration_id=18)
  • 130123 01/03/07 16:46 suleiman Beam: Laser setup at start of beam studies
  • 130122 01/03/07 16:35 suleiman Beam: iocse11 is in Gains off
  • 130115 01/03/07 16:24 suleiman Beam: Pc Status at the start of beam test (and iocse11)
  • Tuesday

  • 130111 01/02/07 16:42 Bailey & Sul Beam: G0 PC Installation Summary
  • Monday