Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Breuer

Log entry time 20:16:47 on March 09, 2007

Entry number 134828

This entry is a followup to: 134747

keyword=Cerenkov SPE amplitudes 03/08/07 at 13:30 after beam came back

 The referenced log book entry indicates relatively stable 
Cerenkov gains since the last HV change: all values are still close
to 60 mV.
Yesterday, just after the beam came back after a lengthy no-beam
period (and nearly 12 hours before the data in the referenced 
entry) I measured the amplitudes and - strangly - obtained values
about 10% higher than at the previous adjustments (in mV, center of
SPE band):

tube -1 -2 -3 -4 o1 66 66 65 66 o3 68 64 66 65 o5 63 66 67 60 o7 66 66 65 62

o2 64 64 66 63 o4 62 64 65 65 o6 65 63 64 65 o8 65 63 65 63