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User name jmammei

Log entry time 14:44:11 on March 15, 2007

Entry number 135307

This entry is a followup to: 135192

keyword=Beam: G0 Cavity monitors

In a previous log entry showing the "standard" set of cavity monitor plots, there seemed to be two distributions in the cavity 1 x and y plots vs. the BPM values.

When I plot the cavity and BPM signals vs imps, (Figures 1 and 3) it appears that for a certain imps period, ~90e3 to 98e3, the BPM signal is changing by more than the cavity monitor signal changes. It is more pronounced in the y signals.

In Figures 2 and 4 I show the cavity vs. BPM signal for the x and y values with and without cuts to cut out the period where the BPM seems to be responding differently than the cavity monitor. It seems that this really is the cause of the second distribution. I am not sure what this means as far as the cavity signal goes.

But this double distribution has occured in more runs than this one.

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Figure 1 - Cavity and BPM y signals vs. imps.

Figure 2 - Cavity vs BPM y signals with and without imps cuts.

Figure 3 - Cavity and BPM x signals vs. imps.

Figure 4 - Cavity vs BPM x signals with and without imps cuts