Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Beise

Log entry time 10:11:31 on March 22, 2007

Entry number 135867

keyword=Beam: Mott pol'n completed around 9:30 AM

This is just copied directly from Joe's ELOG entry -- note the logging clock looks like it's off by an hour, the manual entries look OK.

08:20 - Setting up Hall C beam to Mott polartimeter.

08:35 - Adjusting HV, see fig. 1 before; see fig. 2 after.

08:40 - Mott measurements begin: IHWP=OUT (out run), Mott Data Taken: 22Mar07 07:37:09, Polarization: 81.85 +/-0.89stat +/- 0.98sys) %

IHWP=IN (short run til FSD), Mott Data Taken: 22Mar07 07:47:49, Polarization: (80.52 +/- 1.87stat +/- 0.96sys) %

IHWP=IN (large shift in P???), Mott Data Taken: 22Mar07 07:52:26, Polarization: (84.67 +/- 0.89stat +/- 1.01sys) %

IHWP=IN (another IN run), Mott Data Taken: 22Mar07 08:06:34, Polarization: (80.63 +/- 1.32stat +/- 0.97sys) %

IHWP=IN (yet another run), Mott Data Taken: 22Mar07 08:13:01, Polarization: (85.22 +/- 1.30stat +/- 1.02sys) %

IHWP=OUT (2nd out run), Mott Data Taken: 22Mar07 08:18:25, Polarization: (81.00 +/- 1.32stat +/- 0.97sys) %

09:30 - Mott backout done, reloaded POF's from before measurement