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User name hamlet

Log entry time 08:01:07 on June 17,2007

Entry number 139675

keyword=Owl Shift summary, 17 June 2007

Owl Shift Summary, 17 June 2007.

SL: Hamlet Mkrtchyan;
TO: James Johnson;
WK: Ibrahim Albayrak.

00:00 Begin shift with data taking. Current run is 64014 on Fe target. Beam E = 3.27 GeV, I = 40 uA; thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.623 GeV/c.

01:00 Change target to Carbon. At the end of run 64014 found Dipole NMR communication error.

01:00 Did power OFF/ON for NMR. Need wait about 5 min, before start next run.

01:10 Start run 64015 on Carbon.

01:35 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to Dummy.

01:40 Start run 64016 on Dummy.

02:10 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to LD2.

02:15 Start run 64017 on LD2.

02:30 Change HMS momentum to Phms=1.363 GeV/c, keep thHMS=43.0 deg.

02:40 Start run 64018 on LD2 target, Phms=1.363 GeV/c, thHMS=43.0 deg.

02:50 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to Dummy.

03:00 Start run 64019 on Dummy. Phms=1.363 GeV/c, thHMS=43.0 deg.

03:20 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to Carbon. Change raster size from 3.0 x 3.0 back to 2.0 x 2.0. Found that there was no need to change raster size (see hclog entry 13607). Plots in hclog entry 13607 show small raster patern due to
wrong kinematic file. Started from run 64020 we changed raster back to nominal size 2.0 x 2.0.

03:21 Start run 63020 on Carbon, Phms=1.363 GeV/c, thHMS=43.0 deg.

03:40 Change target to Fe. Start run 64021.

04:30 Change HMS momentum to Phms=1.145 GeV/c, keep thHMS=43.0 deg.

04:35 Start run 64022 on Fe. Phms=1.145 GeV/c, thHMS=43.0 deg.

04:55 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to Carbon.

05:00 Start run 64023 on Carbon. Phms=1.145 GeV/c, thHMS=43.0 deg.

05:11 Change target to Dummy, Start run 64024, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, thHMS=43.0

05:20 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to LD2.

05:30 Start run 64025 on LD2, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c.

05:40 Change HMS angle to thHMS=58.0 deg, keep Phms=1.145 GeV/c.

05:45 Start run 64026 on LD2 target, thHMS=58.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c.

06:00 Beam OFF. Ended run 64026 with N_eclean=44k. Waiting for beam.

06:12 Beam back. Start run 64027 on LD2.

06:50 Ask MCC for beam OFF. Change target to Dummy.

07:00 Start run 64028 on Dummy. Phms=1.145 GeV/c, thHMS=58.0 deg.

List of Runs:

64014: Fe target, thHMS=43.0; Phms=1.623 GeV/c; N_eclean =107K.

64015: Carbon target, thHMS=43.0; Phms=1.623 GeV/c; N_eclean=160k.

64016: Dummy target, thHMS=43.0; Phms=1.623 GeV/c; N_eclean=120k.

64017: LD2 target, thHMS=43.0, Phms=1.623 GeV/c, N_eclean=215k.

64018: LD2 target, thHMS=43.0; Phms=1.363 GeV/c; N_eclean=490k.

64019: Dummy target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.363 GeV/c, N_eclean=218k.

64020: Carbon target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.363 GeV/c, N_eclean=290k.

64021: Fe target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.363 GeV/c, N_eclean=110k.

64022: Fe target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, N_eclean=108k.

64023: Carbon target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, N_eclean=310k.

64024: Dummy target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, N_eclean=225k.

64025: LD2 target, thHMS=43.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, N_eclean=560k.

64026: LD2 target, thHMS=58.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, N_eclean=44k

64027: LD2 target, thHMS=58.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, N_eclean=116k.

64028: Dummy target, thHMS=58.0 deg, Phms=1.145 GeV/c, continuing.