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User name cdaq

Log entry time 11:59:32 on October 18, 2007

Entry number 143005

keyword=Run 62907: GEp DAQ test (coin mode), BigCal Trigger test, 7CD all trig. discr. set to -80

Experiment gep07

Run #62907 (coin) - /home/cdaq/gep07/data/gep07_62907.log

Beam Energy (MeV) 2708.371.443
HMS Momentum (GeV/c) 1.800001.80000
Q1 Set Current 234.44234.44
Q2 Set Current 186.32186.32
Q3 Set Current 90.8990.89
Q1 B Field (G) 0.60000.6000
Q2 B Field (G) 10.200010.2000
Q3 B Field (G) -542.9000-542.9000
D Current Readback 11.011.0
B_true 0.505510.50551
Q1 Polarity 0.00.0
Q2 Polarity 1.01.0
Q3 Polarity 0.00.0
Dipole Polarity 1.01.0
HMS Angle 23.8713.00
SOS Angle 147.00147
Beam Current (uA) 0.00.0
Target Encoder 1245710412457104
Target Encoder 1245710412457104
Fast Raster size (mmxmm) 2x22x2

GEp DAQ test (coin mode), BigCal Trigger test, 7CD all trig. discr. set to -80