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User name cdaq

Log entry time 07:53:24 on October 28, 2007

Entry number 143609

keyword=Run 65866: GEp with beam (15uA), LH2 target, pion collimator. Raster on. PHMS=2.3617GeV. Elastic with protons in HMS.

Experiment gep07

Run #65866 (coin) - /home/cdaq/gep07/data/gep07_65866.log

Beam Energy (MeV) 2714.962717.27
HMS Momentum (GeV/c) 2.361702.36170
Q1 Set Current 307.63307.63
Q2 Set Current 244.55244.55
Q3 Set Current 119.12119.12
Q1 B Field (G) -4070.1000-4070.1000
Q2 B Field (G) 4983.50004983.5000
Q3 B Field (G) -2881.4000-2881.4000
D Current Readback 24128.024128.0
B_true 0.649130.64913
Q1 Polarity 0.00.0
Q2 Polarity 1.01.0
Q3 Polarity 0.00.0
Dipole Polarity 1.01.0
HMS Angle 23.9223.91
SOS Angle 147.00147.0
Beam Current (uA) -0.23-0.23
Target Encoder 1245710412457104
Target Encoder 1245710412457104
Fast Raster size (mmxmm) 2x22x2

GEp with beam (15uA), LH2 target, pion collimator. Raster on. PHMS=2.3617GeV. Elastic with protons in HMS.
BigCal thresh=650mV