Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name M Jones

Log entry time 20:45:36 on October 28, 2007

Entry number 143698

keyword=HMS scalers

THe HMS scalers have been in the datastream for a while. I updated
TEMPLATES/greport.template to make it fairly simple. I updated
PARAM/gscalers.param to have the daq07 calibration constants.
I modified REPLAY.PARM so that greport in uncommented so that we
can get a report with charge and other scaler info.

Also if you want to look at the HMS scalers for the S1 paddles:
on cdaql6 go to gep07/tcl

Right now it only work during the run. I have to check the
enable signal that I am sending upstairs. It doesn't seem
to have a signal now.