Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for December 07 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 148075 12/26/07 06:41 BCF
  • Sunday

  • 148074 12/23/07 11:52 hamlet Access in HMS hut to install temporary Bogdan's scintillators
  • Thursday

  • 148073 12/20/07 18:28 L.Pentchev more about raster effects
  • 148072 12/20/07 12:58 W. Luo Turn off BigCal and HMS HV
  • 148071 12/20/07 11:42 gaskell Target warmed up
  • 148070 12/20/07 10:04 hcf drift chamber gas on holiday safe mode
  • 148069 12/20/07 09:28 W. Luo Turn off HMS DC, FPP HV
  • 148068 12/20/07 09:24 gaskell Hall in Controlled Access
  • 148067 12/20/07 08:57 gaskell HMS magnet rasmped down and off
  • 148066 12/20/07 08:40 gaskell Target moved to EMPTY position
  • 148065 12/20/07 08:05 A. Marsh Owl shift summary
  • 148063 12/20/07 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 148062 12/20/07 07:45 ccbutu Target Status!
  • 148061 12/20/07 07:42 A. Marsh Run# 67771 FPP wire hit plots not good, ended and power cycled Rocs 13 and 14
  • 148056 12/20/07 07:13 A. Marsh Gas shed flow rates reading 0.526
  • 148055 12/20/07 06:56 A. Marsh BCM and BPM screen shots
  • 148052 12/20/07 05:58 A. Marsh Gas shed flow rates reading 0.532
  • 148051 12/20/07 05:35 A. Marsh Roc 14 crash during run 67768
  • 148048 12/20/07 05:25 ccbutu Target status!
  • 148045 12/20/07 04:12 A. Marsh Gas shed flow rates reading 0.537
  • 148042 12/20/07 03:08 A. Marsh just kidding, Hall A is doing more stuff with their target again, so we're back down to 40uA
  • 148041 12/20/07 02:41 A. Marsh Hall A finished with their work, beam current being ramped back up to 80-90uA, started new run
  • 148038 12/20/07 01:59 A. Marsh Gas shed flow rates reading 0.542
  • 148035 12/20/07 00:30 A. Marsh beam current lowered to 40uA while Hall A completes high current tests with their target
  • 148032 12/20/07 00:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Wednesday

  • 148031 12/19/07 23:58 YaLi Target: adjusted JT valve to bring the temperature back, screenshot
  • 148030 12/19/07 23:56 saw Swing Shift summary
  • 148029 12/19/07 23:38 saw DAQ flailing
  • 148020 12/19/07 20:15 YaLi Target: Screenshot after getting 80 uA
  • 148019 12/19/07 20:11 saw Beam current up to 80, may drop occaisionally
  • 148018 12/19/07 20:08 Solvignon BPM/BCM screens
  • 148015 12/19/07 19:39 saw HMS comm error over
  • 148012 12/19/07 19:15 saw HMS Dipole PS Communication error
  • 148011 12/19/07 18:58 saw Bigcal HV Trip
  • 148008 12/19/07 18:51 hcf gas system status (as of 16:00)
  • 148007 12/19/07 18:50 YaLi Target: target changed to LH2 20cm
  • 148004 12/19/07 18:27 YaLi Target: Lost communications. Target rebooted. Screenshot
  • 148001 12/19/07 18:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147996 12/19/07 16:24 saw Resume data taking on dummy target
  • 147994 12/19/07 15:59 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147993 12/19/07 15:43 brash Re-analysis of older run with new detector map
  • 147992 12/19/07 15:20 ccbutu Run Summary (the end)
  • 147990 12/19/07 14:49 Shabestari Target: moved target to 20cm Dummy
  • 147989 12/19/07 14:23 ccbutu Hall C switch rebooted!
  • 147988 12/19/07 14:01 brash Re-analysis of Straight-Through Data - Run 67387
  • 147987 12/19/07 14:00 ccbutu Hall C switch rebooted!
  • 147986 12/19/07 13:50 W. Luo problem with chamber A, power cycling vmefpp1,2 and hall C switch
  • 147982 12/19/07 11:51 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147981 12/19/07 11:27 puckett Tracks projected to the wires of the card in question with high stats and fine binning...
  • 147980 12/19/07 10:59 ccbutu Shift Summary
  • 147978 12/19/07 10:53 hcf drift gas flows
  • 147977 12/19/07 10:09 Shabestari Target: IOC reboot
  • 147975 12/19/07 09:31 ccbutu Shift Summary(so far)
  • 147973 12/19/07 09:24 Shabestari Targer screens
  • 147972 12/19/07 09:18 hcf helium flow is OK as long as it is not zero
  • 147971 12/19/07 09:13 Shabestari Target: Changed high temperature reader controller setting
  • 147970 12/19/07 08:46 Shabestari Target: IOC reboot
  • 147969 12/19/07 08:46 puckett and thanks to Howard, too...
  • 147967 12/19/07 08:28 ccbutu Target: Reboot the TArget IOC
  • 147966 12/19/07 08:13 puckett pidding seemingly works better with beam compensation OFF
  • 147965 12/19/07 08:07 A. Marsh Owl Shift Summary
  • 147964 12/19/07 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147963 12/19/07 07:54 puckett Target screens after IOC reboot
  • 147961 12/19/07 07:46 A. Marsh Gas shed flow still reading about 0.515
  • 147960 12/19/07 07:46 puckett Target temp. fluctuations
  • 147958 12/19/07 07:31 A. Marsh possible Helium bottle pressure/flow low
  • 147956 12/19/07 06:46 puckett HMS dipole problems occured at the end of run 67735. Most of data is still good...
  • 147955 12/19/07 06:21 A. Marsh Gas shed flow reading about 0.515
  • 147954 12/19/07 05:51 A. Marsh Dipole Power Supply and NMR Comm. Errors
  • 147952 12/19/07 05:15 puckett target screenshots, mid-shift
  • 147949 12/19/07 04:02 A. Marsh oops, gas shed reading .528, not 5.28
  • 147948 12/19/07 03:50 A. Marsh Gas shed flow reading about 5.28
  • 147946 12/19/07 03:05 puckett Drift chamber card problem resolved
  • 147945 12/19/07 02:52 puckett updated HDC zero times and driftmap
  • 147943 12/19/07 02:18 puckett updated hdeadwires.param
  • 147942 12/19/07 02:05 puckett more comparisons...
  • 147941 12/19/07 01:58 puckett HMS tracking efficiency comparison.
  • 147939 12/19/07 01:39 puckett target: transient alarm and brief temp. spike
  • 147938 12/19/07 01:33 puckett new map shifted wires in wrong direction, caused "blank" area
  • 147936 12/19/07 00:35 puckett let's verify and correct this at the next access
  • 147935 12/19/07 00:31 puckett Target: transient alarm caused by me
  • 147934 12/19/07 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Tuesday

  • 147933 12/18/07 23:54 ent swing shift summary
  • 147931 12/18/07 23:31 Solvignon HMS wire chamber missing channels
  • 147930 12/18/07 23:04 ent TS reboot - lost run 67727
  • 147928 12/18/07 22:16 Solvignon BPM/BCM screen
  • 147926 12/18/07 21:39 frw clarification
  • 147925 12/18/07 21:18 W. Luo Decreased HV for some noisy channels at the corner of BigCal
  • 147923 12/18/07 20:42 mack did the hms tracking efficiency improve after the software adjustment?
  • 147922 12/18/07 20:31 puckett But what is that white spot near the top left?
  • 147920 12/18/07 19:29 M.M HMS pattern
  • 147918 12/18/07 18:58 gaskell RUn plan for swing and owl
  • 147917 12/18/07 18:38 horn/gaskell Moller summary
  • 147915 12/18/07 18:33 frw HMS cabling map questionable
  • 147914 12/18/07 18:32 gaskell Moller backout
  • 147913 12/18/07 18:30 Shahinyan Target: Target move
  • 147912 12/18/07 18:22 M.M HMS 15deg pattern
  • 147911 12/18/07 18:20 horn/gaskell Moller tuned
  • 147900 12/18/07 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147899 12/18/07 16:01 X. Zheng day shift summary
  • 147896 12/18/07 15:44 saw De "CUE" DAQ computer
  • 147891 12/18/07 15:11 hcf explanation for 15-degree patern?
  • 147884 12/18/07 14:02 saw De "CUE" target computer
  • 147883 12/18/07 13:42 puckett has drift map/zero time been updated?
  • 147882 12/18/07 13:13 mack 16-wire feature
  • 147881 12/18/07 12:03 L.Pentchev 16 wire structure in hms DC
  • 147880 12/18/07 11:44 Perdrisat Triggers in kin. 7 so far
  • 147879 12/18/07 11:33 M.M FPP/HMS efficiency
  • 147878 12/18/07 11:20 L.Pentchev more about S0
  • 147877 12/18/07 10:29 X. Zheng CW beam for beam study
  • 147876 12/18/07 10:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147875 12/18/07 09:07 gilman target move to empty, status
  • 147874 12/18/07 08:42 X. Zheng pass change started
  • 147873 12/18/07 08:40 gaskell Hall A pass change at 08:30
  • 147871 12/18/07 08:20 hcf gas OK
  • 147868 12/18/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147867 12/18/07 07:59 A. Marsh Owl Shift Summary
  • 147866 12/18/07 07:59 A. Marsh Summary of runs for OWL shift
  • 147865 12/18/07 07:58 Cornejo, JC Target snapshot end of owl
  • 147864 12/18/07 07:51 A. Marsh Gas shed flow OFF, alcohol no longer bubbling, Howard coming to fix
  • 147862 12/18/07 07:19 A. Marsh Roc 14 crash, cycling power to Rocs 13 and 14
  • 147856 12/18/07 05:10 A. Marsh Network drop out again
  • 147854 12/18/07 04:05 A. Marsh Gas Shed flow rates reading 0.57, was at 0.58 2 hours ago
  • 147853 12/18/07 02:18 A. Marsh Disk space issue on Cdaql5 resolved
  • 147852 12/18/07 02:04 Cdaql5- replays complaining there is no disk space, can't run or view replays
  • 147851 12/18/07 00:54 Phil Carter another test (ignore)
  • 147850 12/18/07 00:34 Phil Carter test edit -- ignore this and the untitled entry below
  • 147849 12/18/07 00:28 Phil
  • 147848 12/18/07 00:18 Cornejo, JC Target snapshot
  • 147847 12/18/07 00:00 ent swing shift summary
  • Monday

  • 147846 12/17/07 23:59 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147843 12/17/07 23:22 X. Zheng run list for day shift (better format)
  • 147842 12/17/07 22:57 ent HMS dipole NMR comm error
  • 147840 12/17/07 22:53 Shabestari Closed JT Valve
  • 147838 12/17/07 22:48 Phil Carter bpm and bcm screens
  • 147833 12/17/07 21:40 ent BigCal HV #2005 trip
  • 147831 12/17/07 21:10 ent 90 muA
  • 147820 12/17/07 18:22 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147819 12/17/07 18:10 ent stable beam - 86 muA
  • 147816 12/17/07 17:55 gaskell Run plan for swing and owl shifts
  • 147811 12/17/07 16:35 ent run 67675 junk - no ROC14
  • 147808 12/17/07 16:03 X. Zheng day shift summary
  • 147807 12/17/07 16:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147806 12/17/07 15:53 gilman snapshot of target screen
  • 147805 12/17/07 15:43 X. Zheng these runs should be kinematics 7
  • 147803 12/17/07 15:39 X. Zheng BPM
  • 147800 12/17/07 15:26 X. Zheng BPM and BCM screen shot
  • 147796 12/17/07 14:42 M Jones S0 efficiency
  • 147795 12/17/07 14:18 gaskell Wien angle is now 6 degrees
  • 147794 12/17/07 14:17 gilman closed JT valve
  • 147792 12/17/07 14:00 puckett updated BigCal ADC thresholds using run 67671
  • 147791 12/17/07 13:40 L.Pentchev BigCal thrsholds set to 550mV/515mV for discrim. (0 and 1)/(2 and 3)
  • 147790 12/17/07 13:32 gaskell Wien angle still 86.04 for run 67671
  • 147787 12/17/07 13:08 L.Pentchev BigCal thrsholds set to 550mV/515mV for discrim. (0 and 1)/(2 and 3)
  • 147786 12/17/07 12:46 M Jones Flowmeter in the HMS hut
  • 147785 12/17/07 12:45 horn cdaql6 and DAQ up
  • 147784 12/17/07 12:43 M Jones S0 work
  • 147783 12/17/07 12:32 gilman target moved to LH2
  • 147782 12/17/07 12:31 horn harp scan results
  • 147781 12/17/07 12:22 W. Luo LED run failed, check BigCal with beam
  • 147780 12/17/07 12:22 gilman target moved, and moved back
  • 147779 12/17/07 12:14 hcf gas system re-work
  • 147770 12/17/07 11:52 gilman JT valve opened back up
  • 147766 12/17/07 11:49 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147765 12/17/07 11:47 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147764 12/17/07 11:46 W. Luo Load New HV for BigCal
  • 147762 12/17/07 11:36 gaskell Controlled access summary
  • 147759 12/17/07 11:31 X. Zheng Pulsed beam
  • 147756 12/17/07 11:15 puckett KINEMATICS.db updated for kin. 7
  • 147755 12/17/07 11:11 gilman target move to empty
  • 147752 12/17/07 11:04 gaskell HMS angle = 35.395 degrees
  • 147750 12/17/07 09:41 X. Zheng owl shift summary (late entry)
  • 147751 12/17/07 09:36 ent swing shift summary
  • 147749 12/17/07 09:34 X. Zheng test
  • 147748 12/17/07 09:27 gilman cryotarget controls back
  • 147747 12/17/07 08:35 ent lost shift summary
  • Sunday

  • 147746 12/16/07 23:39 Bosted Target screens
  • 147741 12/16/07 22:03 saw Logbook update
  • 147740 12/16/07 21:56 saw Logbook test
  • 147739 12/16/07 21:19 Shabestari BPM and BCM screens
  • 147733 12/16/07 18:57 gaskell Moller backout
  • 147732 12/16/07 18:53 gaskell post spot move Moller summary
  • 147731 12/16/07 18:43 Bosted Target: Target moved back to 20 cm LH2
  • 147730 12/16/07 18:42 bosted Target: Target moved to Empty
  • 147721 12/16/07 18:01 gaskell Run plan until Monday morning
  • 147719 12/16/07 17:43 gaskell leakage check
  • 147717 12/16/07 17:31 gaskell spot move
  • 147716 12/16/07 17:21 gaskell Pre-spot move Moller summary
  • 147702 12/16/07 16:01 bogdanw shift summary
  • 147701 12/16/07 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147700 12/16/07 15:51 mack any possibility of 4mm/2mm ratio plot?
  • 147699 12/16/07 15:40 Jonathan Mil Target IOC
  • 147695 12/16/07 15:07 bogdanw target T alarm - beam back
  • 147693 12/16/07 14:48 Jonathan Mil More Screenshots of Heater Power Drops
  • 147691 12/16/07 14:20 Jonathan Mil Heater Power
  • 147689 12/16/07 13:38 bogdanw run 67630
  • 147685 12/16/07 13:05 Jonathan Mil hcHe_Supply
  • 147683 12/16/07 13:03 L.Pentchev raster effects
  • 147676 12/16/07 10:38 bogdanw ROC13 warning
  • 147675 12/16/07 10:26 bogdanw BPM and BCM
  • 147672 12/16/07 09:55 gaskell More gas flow
  • 147671 12/16/07 09:40 bogdanw ROC power cycle
  • 147664 12/16/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147663 12/16/07 07:58 A. Marsh shift summary
  • 147661 12/16/07 07:49 O. Moreno Target: Target Snapshot
  • 147660 12/16/07 07:48 A. Marsh Roc 14 crash
  • 147659 12/16/07 07:33 A. Marsh FPP plots look unusual for run 67620, cycling power to Rocs 13 and 14
  • 147654 12/16/07 07:02 Cornejo, JC BPM BCM
  • 147649 12/16/07 04:50 O. Moreno Target: Target IOC Reboot
  • 147636 12/16/07 00:28 M.M FPP TDC problems update
  • 147635 12/16/07 00:28 M.M FPP TDC problems update
  • 147632 12/16/07 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147631 12/16/07 00:00 Shabestari Target screens
  • Saturday

  • 147630 12/15/07 23:57 ent swing shift summary
  • 147627 12/15/07 23:10 Shabestari Target: IOC reboot
  • 147624 12/15/07 22:46 ent run 67607 some FPP problems
  • 147618 12/15/07 21:13 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147615 12/15/07 20:56 wendy BPM and BCM screens
  • 147614 12/15/07 20:56 mack FR scan - maybe the windows get thick beyond 3mmx3mm or so
  • 147611 12/15/07 20:06 ent run 67602: FPP problem
  • 147604 12/15/07 18:10 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147596 12/15/07 16:23 gaskell Gas flow update
  • 147593 12/15/07 16:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147592 12/15/07 16:06 bogdanw shift summary
  • 147591 12/15/07 16:06 gaskell raster study - reformatting Bogdan's table
  • 147590 12/15/07 16:05 Bosted Target snapshots
  • 147589 12/15/07 15:55 bogdanw study of raster size effects
  • 147588 12/15/07 15:37 Bosted Target heater veruss raster
  • 147587 12/15/07 15:34 gaskell Raster change - here's why
  • 147582 12/15/07 14:43 Phil Carter new script to help fill in the runlist
  • 147581 12/15/07 14:35 Bosted Target: Target: opened JT valve: connected to increased raster size possibly
  • 147580 12/15/07 14:35 bogdanw pink GUI run 67593
  • 147575 12/15/07 14:02 M.M FPP: efficiency update
  • 147574 12/15/07 14:02 L.Pentchev elastic rates after the raster change
  • 147569 12/15/07 13:33 Bosted Target: Targer IOC reboot
  • 147564 12/15/07 12:27 L.Pentchev dead time measured with the generator
  • 147563 12/15/07 12:07 bogdanw BPM and BCM
  • 147558 12/15/07 10:49 Phil Carter Analysis: many analysis plots
  • 147553 12/15/07 09:11 Phil Carter Changed end of run sound yet again
  • 147552 12/15/07 09:04 Phil Carter Efficiency for last 19 hours
  • 147549 12/15/07 08:59 Phil Carter Nice correlation for run 67582
  • 147546 12/15/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147545 12/15/07 08:00 A. Marsh shift summary
  • 147544 12/15/07 07:43 Cornejo, JC HMS gas flow for OWL shift
  • 147543 12/15/07 07:30 A. Marsh Calorimeter plots look unusual for run 67580
  • 147540 12/15/07 07:05 O. Moreno Target: Target Snapshot
  • 147537 12/15/07 06:43 O. Moreno Target: Target IOC Reboot
  • 147534 12/15/07 06:09 Cornejo, JC BPM BCM snapshots
  • 147533 12/15/07 05:29 A. Marsh some FPP plots empty run 67577, power cycled to fix
  • 147525 12/15/07 03:38 A. Marsh Roc 14 crash again
  • 147521 12/15/07 02:51 A. Marsh some FPP plots in run 67572 looking iffy, cycling power to Roc 13 and 14
  • 147516 12/15/07 01:47 A. Marsh Roc 14 crash again
  • 147514 12/15/07 01:39 A. Marsh Roc 13 and 14 crashes
  • 147509 12/15/07 00:37 A. Marsh HV trip on FPP and HMS Drift Chamber 1
  • 147506 12/15/07 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Friday

  • 147505 12/14/07 23:58 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147504 12/14/07 23:58 ent shift summary
  • 147499 12/14/07 22:41 wendy BPM and BCM screens
  • 147498 12/14/07 22:25 saw Disk space for data
  • 147497 12/14/07 22:22 ent ER problems: /local full
  • 147486 12/14/07 21:01 Shabestari Target: IOC reboot
  • 147484 12/14/07 20:55 ent FPP, Target IOC reboots
  • 147483 12/14/07 20:52 wendy FPP issue
  • 147481 12/14/07 20:30 ent Run: 67557: computer/daq dead time
  • 147478 12/14/07 20:17 puckett changed golden run to 67556
  • 147477 12/14/07 20:03 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147476 12/14/07 20:00 puckett Put suppression flag for pulser events in the Analyzer
  • 147475 12/14/07 19:34 gaskell Run Plan for the weekend
  • 147472 12/14/07 19:11 puckett about running at 100 uA...
  • 147471 12/14/07 18:37 ent 100 muA o.k.
  • 147467 12/14/07 17:23 gaskell Current limit = 80 uA
  • 147466 12/14/07 17:17 M. Shabestar Target screens
  • 147465 12/14/07 17:14 puckett changed "left" and "right" parameters in hhodo.pos for S0, shifted beta peak halfway toward beta(p)
  • 147462 12/14/07 16:52 frw HMS gas flow
  • 147460 12/14/07 16:03 X. Zheng day shift summary
  • 147459 12/14/07 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147457 12/14/07 15:52 M.M FPP: TDC troubles summary
  • 147456 12/14/07 15:48 hcf target: opening JT to keep up with higher beam current
  • 147455 12/14/07 15:47 X. Zheng may have higher beam current now
  • 147454 12/14/07 15:43 danagoulian bpm bcm snapshot
  • 147452 12/14/07 15:24 brash Run summary for the past 24 hours or so
  • 147450 12/14/07 15:05 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147448 12/14/07 14:37 X. Zheng BCM and BPM screens
  • 147447 12/14/07 14:25 Danagoulian FPP noisy wire
  • 147446 12/14/07 14:13 Perdrisat missing FPP HV continued
  • 147445 12/14/07 14:07 Perdrisat remarks following absent FPP HV on owl shift
  • 147444 12/14/07 14:03 Danagoulian FPP Noisy wire
  • 147443 12/14/07 14:00 hcf target: open JT
  • 147440 12/14/07 13:44 puckett ran time-of-flight calibration on 67518 with 300K events. However...
  • 147438 12/14/07 12:59 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147432 12/14/07 11:29 gaskell More beam related work at 2pm
  • 147431 12/14/07 11:12 Fowler Dipole NMR
  • 147428 12/14/07 10:16 hcf target screens
  • 147427 12/14/07 09:57 horn ROC14 powercycled
  • 147425 12/14/07 09:50 puckett There is a pulser hooked feeding one channel of BigCal...
  • 147424 12/14/07 09:48 horn HMS dipole problems - resolved
  • 147422 12/14/07 09:34 gaskell/horn Moller backout
  • 147421 12/14/07 09:32 horn/gaskell Moller Summary
  • 147420 12/14/07 09:18 M Jones Made run 67530 the golden run
  • 147411 12/14/07 08:28 hcf target: reboot IOC
  • 147410 12/14/07 08:04 A. Marsh shift summary
  • 147409 12/14/07 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147408 12/14/07 07:37 A. Marsh HMS Dipole NMR and Power Supply trips
  • 147406 12/14/07 07:13 O. Moreno Target: Target Screenshot
  • 147405 12/14/07 06:50 Cornejo, JC BPM BCM screenshots
  • 147402 12/14/07 05:25 Cornejo, JC BigCal replay still looking strange
  • 147400 12/14/07 05:15 Cornejo, JC BigCal hit stats
  • 147393 12/14/07 02:35 O. Moreno Junk Runs
  • 147392 12/14/07 01:56 L.Pentchev dead time estimated with the generator
  • 147391 12/14/07 01:56 O. Moreno Target: Target IOC Reboot
  • 147388 12/14/07 01:39 M Jones Comparing 70uA to 10uA running
  • 147387 12/14/07 01:31 O. Moreno FPP HV tripped at approx. 23:40
  • 147386 12/14/07 01:30 L.Pentchev Re: NIM crate
  • 147384 12/14/07 01:12 O. Moreno ROC2 crash after CODA froze.
  • 147381 12/14/07 01:00 M Jones HMS ntuple seems fine to me. We have about 1.5 -2 times the elastic events now.
  • 147378 12/14/07 00:44 M JOnes Reprogramming roc2
  • 147377 12/14/07 00:16 puckett rates are OK, I will look into the ntuple filling if there is still a problem in the morning.
  • 147376 12/14/07 00:15 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147375 12/14/07 00:10 Cornejo, JC Reboot ROC14 ROC13
  • 147373 12/14/07 00:00 Jonathan Mil shift summary - now better looking
  • 147372 12/14/07 00:00 Jonathan Mil shift summary
  • Thursday

  • 147371 12/13/07 23:58 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147363 12/13/07 23:16 Jonathan Mil ROC 14
  • 147356 12/13/07 22:29 Perdrisat new rates
  • 147355 12/13/07 22:14 mack NIM crate
  • 147354 12/13/07 22:02 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147353 12/13/07 21:52 Shabestari Target: IOC reboot
  • 147352 12/13/07 21:51 mack FPP efficiency
  • 147349 12/13/07 21:38 L.Pentchev rates after trigger changes
  • 147347 12/13/07 21:18 Perdrisat trigger problems
  • 147346 12/13/07 21:17 puckett updated hms ADC thresholds
  • 147344 12/13/07 20:53 horn Test runs 67514-67516
  • 147343 12/13/07 20:51 gaskell Run plan for swing/owl
  • 147342 12/13/07 20:43 gaskell Junk runs
  • 147341 12/13/07 20:40 gaskell HMS has been rotated back
  • 147340 12/13/07 20:31 M jones Now HMS trigger is S1 only. C1 rate is zero, only expect rate in C2
  • 147339 12/13/07 20:29 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147338 12/13/07 20:29 L.Pentchev trigger changes
  • 147337 12/13/07 20:23 M Jones Change in the HMS trigger timing by about 10ns later before run 67499
  • 147336 12/13/07 20:23 Jonathan Mil bpm and bcm
  • 147330 12/13/07 19:46 M.M FPP efficiency
  • 147325 12/13/07 18:41 gaskell Controlled access
  • 147321 12/13/07 16:41 Shabestari Target is moved to 20cm LH2
  • 147320 12/13/07 16:40 gaskell Controlled access activities
  • 147319 12/13/07 16:37 gaskell Back from acclerator NL access
  • 147313 12/13/07 16:11 Perdrisat
  • 147312 12/13/07 16:04 puckett calculated new HMS driftmap
  • 147311 12/13/07 16:02 X. Zheng day shift summary
  • 147310 12/13/07 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147308 12/13/07 15:29 hcf GasMaster Gas Shed reading zero adjusted
  • 147307 12/13/07 15:15 puckett BigCal trigger threshold
  • 147306 12/13/07 14:53 horn test of end of run script
  • 147300 12/13/07 13:51 gaskell HMS roated to 30.65 degrees
  • 147299 12/13/07 13:49 hcf GasMaster false alarm
  • 147298 12/13/07 12:31 hcf target motion glitches
  • 147297 12/13/07 12:20 hcf target: moving to EMPTY for beam tests
  • 147296 12/13/07 12:19 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147295 12/13/07 11:29 hcf target: longer-term screen shot showing dropouts
  • 147293 12/13/07 11:26 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147292 12/13/07 11:23 Perdrisat Updated of trigger count
  • 147291 12/13/07 11:09 hcf target: heater dropouts??
  • 147289 12/13/07 10:37 X. Zheng DAQ reboot
  • 147288 12/13/07 10:31 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147286 12/13/07 09:47 gaskell Day shift - access around noon
  • 147284 12/13/07 08:55 gaskell FPP hot cards
  • 147281 12/13/07 08:17 hcf target screen
  • 147280 12/13/07 08:16 ejensen hclog
  • 147279 12/13/07 08:15 ejensen hclog
  • 147277 12/13/07 08:14 hcf target: ioc reboot
  • 147276 12/13/07 08:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147275 12/13/07 08:04 Cornejo, JC Flammable Gas alarm
  • 147273 12/13/07 07:13 O. Moreno Target: Target Screenshot
  • 147268 12/13/07 01:38 Cornejo, JC FPP hit rates ROC14 power cycled
  • 147265 12/13/07 00:29 O. Moreno Target: JT valve adjustment
  • 147264 12/13/07 00:21 O. Moreno Roc 14 power cycled
  • 147262 12/13/07 00:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147261 12/13/07 00:10 Danagoulian Shift summary
  • Wednesday

  • 147260 12/12/07 23:57 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147258 12/12/07 22:35 jmaxwell BPM, BCM Screenshots
  • 147257 12/12/07 22:15 Danagoulian Roc 14 power cycled
  • 147251 12/12/07 18:50 Shabestari Target screens
  • 147250 12/12/07 18:50 gaskell Plans for tonight and tomorrow
  • 147249 12/12/07 18:13 mack main independent variable is singles rate
  • 147248 12/12/07 18:05 frw FPP: efficiency
  • 147246 12/12/07 17:59 jmaxwell HV for FPP and Drift Chambers OFF
  • 147245 12/12/07 17:47 M.M FPP: efficiency
  • 147243 12/12/07 16:45 puckett S0x2 TDC signals were missing from runs 67424-67473
  • 147241 12/12/07 16:15 puckett S0x2 TDC hits are back starting with run 67474
  • 147240 12/12/07 16:03 gaskell vmec18 is dead!
  • 147239 12/12/07 16:02 saw Missing quad fields
  • 147238 12/12/07 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147237 12/12/07 15:59 gilman day shift summary
  • 147236 12/12/07 15:51 punjabi Q1, Q2, Q3 Fields are missing from start of the run
  • 147235 12/12/07 15:34 m commisso d missing TDC hits
  • 147234 12/12/07 15:33 saw Trigger supervisor scalers
  • 147233 12/12/07 15:30 puckett mystery solved: splitter outputs connected to scope!!!
  • 147231 12/12/07 15:14 puckett why no TDC hits in S0X2?
  • 147229 12/12/07 15:08 puckett you know it's warm outside when...
  • 147228 12/12/07 15:01 m commisso d Better BPM, BCM shots
  • 147227 12/12/07 14:49 M Jones Modified bigcal.tcl and minor problem with tsoutput scaler
  • 147226 12/12/07 14:23 m commisso d BPM, BCM shots
  • 147223 12/12/07 12:23 hcf target screens
  • 147222 12/12/07 11:47 hcf target IOC failure mode
  • 147221 12/12/07 11:41 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147215 12/12/07 11:01 gaskell/horn Moller backout
  • 147214 12/12/07 10:58 hcf target: moved to Loop-1 (20cm LH2)
  • 147213 12/12/07 10:56 horn/gaskell Moller summary - post spot move
  • 147206 12/12/07 10:18 gaskell Spot move in progress
  • 147205 12/12/07 10:03 Perdrisat Updated trigger journal for kinematics 6
  • 147204 12/12/07 09:43 horn/gaskell Moller summary - pre-spot move
  • 147198 12/12/07 09:08 puckett JT valve and heater power
  • 147191 12/12/07 08:35 hcf target moved twice
  • 147190 12/12/07 08:27 horn/gaskell Moller setup
  • 147188 12/12/07 08:13 hcf target: moving to EMPTY for Moller
  • 147187 12/12/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147186 12/12/07 07:58 A. Marsh Shift Summary
  • 147185 12/12/07 07:47 O. Moreno Target: Target IOC Reboot
  • 147184 12/12/07 07:45 A. Marsh target back up, new run started at 70uA
  • 147182 12/12/07 07:32 A. Marsh Run 67446 ended early due to target problems
  • 147181 12/12/07 07:05 O. Moreno Target: Target Snapshot
  • 147180 12/12/07 07:01 O. Moreno Target: Target Temperature Problem
  • 147179 12/12/07 06:59 Cornejo, JC BPM and BCM screenshots
  • 147175 12/12/07 03:23 A. Marsh Roc 2 stopped responding, reset coda
  • 147173 12/12/07 03:15 O. Moreno Target: Target IOC Reboot
  • 147171 12/12/07 02:51 shift crew coffee out
  • 147169 12/12/07 01:15 A. Marsh Roc 13 and 14 errors
  • 147165 12/12/07 00:31 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Tuesday

  • 147164 12/11/07 23:59 saw Swing shift summary
  • 147162 12/11/07 23:47 m commisso d Target: end of shift screen shot
  • 147161 12/11/07 23:34 jmaxwell BPM, BCM Screenshots
  • 147160 12/11/07 22:46 saw Low current runs
  • 147159 12/11/07 22:45 saw Trigger supervisor internal scalers now read
  • 147155 12/11/07 22:14 W. Luo The BigCal cluster properties changed after changes in the trigger
  • 147154 12/11/07 21:39 W. Luo HMS coincidence time changed, KINEMATICS.db was updated
  • 147153 12/11/07 21:24 m commisso d Target: HPH alarm
  • 147152 12/11/07 21:16 saw Run 67431 crashed. ROC13 and ROC14 errors
  • 147149 12/11/07 20:47 M Jones Reversed some change to HMS trigger
  • 147148 12/11/07 20:45 m commisso d Target: hcMaxBcmCurrentAlarm during controlled access
  • 147147 12/11/07 20:21 M.M FPP: efficiency for kin4, 5 and 6
  • 147146 12/11/07 20:06 puckett Analysis: added "pel_bthe" to gep ntuple
  • 147145 12/11/07 20:02 M Jones Comparing elastic rates with S1 HV raised by 50V
  • 147144 12/11/07 19:56 W. Luo Restored S1x S1y HV as before
  • 147142 12/11/07 19:41 W. Luo Increased 50V for S1x S1y after run: 67428
  • 147140 12/11/07 19:26 saw No HV change run 67427
  • 147137 12/11/07 19:08 puckett Put beam energy measurement result in KINEMATICS.db
  • 147136 12/11/07 18:24 horn Beam energy measurement result
  • 147134 12/11/07 18:18 puckett HMS fid. tracking efficiency 91.6% @ 80 uA after work during access
  • 147133 12/11/07 17:42 puckett BigCal calibration constants from run 67412
  • 147132 12/11/07 17:31 saw Energy measurement in progress
  • 147131 12/11/07 17:07 horn/saw runstart angle picture - works now
  • 147130 12/11/07 16:54 gaskell Run plan for swing/owl shifts
  • 147129 12/11/07 16:49 m commisso d Target: opened JT slightly
  • 147128 12/11/07 16:47 frw ROC14 locked up, power cycled vmefpp2
  • 147126 12/11/07 16:44 frw FPP: problem with chamber A, power cycling vmefpp1 and hall C switch
  • 147125 12/11/07 16:39 L.Pentchev changes in the trigger
  • 147124 12/11/07 16:35 frw developments on HMS chamber gas
  • 147122 12/11/07 16:23 m commisso d Target: start of shift
  • 147121 12/11/07 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147120 12/11/07 15:58 hamlet December 11 Day Shift Summary
  • 147119 12/11/07 15:49 hcf GasMaster low alarm
  • 147118 12/11/07 15:39 hamlet Ask Controlled Access to Change Trigger in HMS
  • 147116 12/11/07 15:11 Perdrisat Statistics and other numbers for kinematics 6
  • 147114 12/11/07 14:26 hamlet Run number problem fixed
  • 147113 12/11/07 13:55 hamlet Run number problem for 67418 and 67419
  • 147110 12/11/07 13:10 mack peaks
  • 147108 12/11/07 12:02 puckett changed golden run to 67412
  • 147107 12/11/07 11:55 hcf target screens
  • 147106 12/11/07 11:45 puckett BigCal cluster energy distribution with and without a good HMS track
  • 147104 12/11/07 11:37 horn/gaskell Moller done
  • 147103 12/11/07 11:35 horn/gaskell Moller summary
  • 147102 12/11/07 11:27 hcf target: moved to loop 1 (20cm LH2)
  • 147101 12/11/07 11:22 horn/gaskell Moller tuned
  • 147099 12/11/07 11:04 frw restoring communications with vmefpp1mon and vmefpp2mon
  • 147091 12/11/07 10:10 gaskell Removed 1 ns delay from Moller Left lead-glass
  • 147089 12/11/07 09:25 hcf target: RED alarm (glitch) on fan frequency
  • 147088 12/11/07 09:16 gaskell/horn moller setup
  • 147087 12/11/07 09:13 hcf target: moved to EMPTY for Moller
  • 147086 12/11/07 09:09 W. Luo Load HV for BigCal after production run 67403 ended
  • 147084 12/11/07 08:08 pking December 11 owl shift summary
  • 147081 12/11/07 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147080 12/11/07 07:29 Cornejo, JC Gas shed key #29 missing
  • 147079 12/11/07 07:26 Cornejo, JC checklist snapshots
  • 147077 12/11/07 06:38 O. Moreno Target: Target Snapshot
  • 147075 12/11/07 05:48 pking Troubles with ROC13 in runs 67396-67398; "fixed" for 67399
  • 147069 12/11/07 04:07 pking Out of the hall; ROC13 and ROC14 were rebooted
  • 147068 12/11/07 03:51 pking Omar is going in with the ARM
  • 147067 12/11/07 03:45 pking Run 67394 ended with CODA lockup; unable to reach ROC13; request access.
  • 147066 12/11/07 03:11 pking Changed end of run sound again
  • 147065 12/11/07 02:44 Cornejo, JC Goldenrun changed to 67391
  • 147062 12/11/07 01:33 Cornejo, JC HDC12 Wiremap
  • 147059 12/11/07 00:04 horn Swing shift summary
  • 147058 12/11/07 00:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Monday

  • 147057 12/10/07 23:49 m commisso d Target: end of shift screenshot
  • 147056 12/10/07 23:43 mcd Target: more JT valve adjustments
  • 147055 12/10/07 23:35 horn Bigcal HV communication problem - run 67389 likely junk
  • 147052 12/10/07 23:16 mcd Target: more JT valve adjustments
  • 147051 12/10/07 23:15 jmaxwell BPM, BCM Screenshots
  • 147050 12/10/07 23:13 brash Straight-Through Analysis
  • 147049 12/10/07 22:51 m commisso d Target: Loop 1 temp spike, fan tripped off
  • 147048 12/10/07 22:50 horn ps2=99999 during run 67387
  • 147047 12/10/07 22:48 horn Beam back at 70uA
  • 147045 12/10/07 22:14 M.M FPP/ HMS gas flows
  • 147044 12/10/07 22:01 brash Asymmetry plots for run 67316
  • 147043 12/10/07 21:41 horn Controlled Access to put CH2 analyzers in
  • 147042 12/10/07 20:53 puckett HMS tracking efficiency "w/ DC cuts" is 92.2 %
  • 147041 12/10/07 20:45 horn FPP straight through run is 67387
  • 147040 12/10/07 20:40 m commisso d Target: moved to 20cm Loop 1 AND major raster alarm - correct limits?
  • 147038 12/10/07 20:35 horn Beam tuning is done - getting ready for straight through runs
  • 147037 12/10/07 19:50 puckett added "group=gep" to test blocks defined in main.test
  • 147036 12/10/07 18:27 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 147035 12/10/07 17:53 gaskell Run plan for swing and owl shifts
  • 147034 12/10/07 17:50 Perdrisat evetns 1 versus 6
  • 147033 12/10/07 16:06 m commisso d Beam Tune
  • 147032 12/10/07 16:05 m commisso d Target: start of shift screen shot
  • 147030 12/10/07 15:36 M.M FPP/ HMS gas flows PRECISIONS
  • 147029 12/10/07 14:40 puckett trig. rate comparison, before and after this morning's changes
  • 147028 12/10/07 14:37 M.M FPP / HMS: Adjustment of the gas levels
  • 147027 12/10/07 14:36 M.M FPP: The CH2 doors are NOW open!!!
  • 147026 12/10/07 13:41 hcf target: moved to 'empty'
  • 147024 12/10/07 13:25 puckett Increased BigCal gate width increased signal size (expectedly)
  • 147023 12/10/07 13:18 hcf target: IOC reboot
  • 147021 12/10/07 12:59 puckett Do prescales need to be changed?
  • 147020 12/10/07 12:57 frullani BPM & BCM snapshots
  • 147018 12/10/07 12:45 puckett BigCal pedestals shifted after trigger/gate changes. Updated ADC thresholds
  • 147017 12/10/07 12:41 puckett still far more type 1 than type 6 events after trigger changes
  • 147016 12/10/07 12:29 hcf target: yellow heater low-power alarm (briefly)
  • 147013 12/10/07 11:42 frullani efficinecy parameter hfid
  • 147011 12/10/07 11:27 frullani HMS Scintillator Pedestal
  • 147010 12/10/07 11:23 hcf target: screen snapshots
  • 147008 12/10/07 11:08 hcf target: moved to 20cm LH2
  • 147007 12/10/07 11:01 horn Moller backout - postponed due to Q2 problems
  • 147006 12/10/07 10:52 M Jones Changes to trigger
  • 147003 12/10/07 10:41 horn changed end of run sound again
  • 146999 12/10/07 10:28 brash FPP driftmap update
  • 146998 12/10/07 09:43 L.Pentchev 50% ABU for 50% beam current
  • 146997 12/10/07 09:34 horn/gaskell Moller setup
  • 146996 12/10/07 09:30 gaskell Moller Q2 trip
  • 146995 12/10/07 09:16 gaskell Plans for day/swing shift
  • 146994 12/10/07 09:07 hcf target: moved to EMPTY
  • 146990 12/10/07 08:04 pking December 10 owl shift summary
  • 146989 12/10/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146988 12/10/07 07:57 Shift Crew Changed the end of run sound
  • 146986 12/10/07 07:29 O. Moreno LHe levels of HMS Q3 are low
  • 146984 12/10/07 06:57 O. Moreno Switched Ethane Bottle
  • 146982 12/10/07 06:52 O. Moreno BCM and BPM snapshots
  • 146979 12/10/07 05:37 pking The keyword "buf" has been in the run start screen erroneously for a while... updated default comment .
  • 146971 12/10/07 02:43 O. Moreno Spike in BigCal plots in runs 67356 and 67357; rebooted ROC11
  • 146970 12/10/07 02:36 pking Spike in BigCal plots in runs 67356 and 67357; rebooted ROC11
  • 146965 12/10/07 01:27 O. Moreno increased background events, again?
  • 146964 12/10/07 01:15 frw increased background events, again?
  • 146962 12/10/07 01:02 O. Moreno Discrepancy in HMS histrogram
  • 146961 12/10/07 00:57 frw increased background
  • 146959 12/10/07 00:42 puckett BigCal HV trip recovery instructions posted to wiki
  • 146958 12/10/07 00:28 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshot
  • 146956 12/10/07 00:13 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146955 12/10/07 00:03 Huber Swing shift summary
  • Sunday

  • 146954 12/09/07 23:59 jmaxwell Target: End of Shift Snapshot
  • 146953 12/09/07 23:58 frullani FPP time of first hit
  • 146952 12/09/07 23:56 puckett verified that correct BigCal HV settings were restored...
  • 146950 12/09/07 23:49 puckett updated HMS ADC thresholds
  • 146949 12/09/07 23:46 Huber "Total 2 events in TDC slot 2" errors
  • 146947 12/09/07 23:21 puckett restored BigCal HV after trip
  • 146943 12/09/07 22:08 Huber FPP TDC errors - Run 67345
  • 146940 12/09/07 21:32 jmaxwell Target: Move to 20 cm LH2
  • 146939 12/09/07 21:32 puckett online analysis adjustments...
  • 146937 12/09/07 19:47 frullani BPM &BCM snapshots
  • 146934 12/09/07 18:58 jmaxwell Target: Moved to 20 cm Al Dummy, and Raster Mask Alarm
  • 146933 12/09/07 18:55 Huber 4cm target rates
  • 146932 12/09/07 18:55 L.Pentchev plans for the swing and night shifts
  • 146930 12/09/07 18:19 jmaxwell Target: Moved to 4cm LH2
  • 146928 12/09/07 18:13 frullani BigCal trigger ADC
  • 146927 12/09/07 18:13 Huber 10uA test run - 67339
  • 146923 12/09/07 17:34 frullani BigCal trigger ADC
  • 146922 12/09/07 17:18 frullani Trigger ADC BigCal
  • 146921 12/09/07 17:13 Huber Run 67335 is actually PS2=1
  • 146917 12/09/07 16:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146916 12/09/07 16:10 bogdanw shift summary
  • 146915 12/09/07 16:03 M.M GOLDEN RUN #67333
  • 146914 12/09/07 15:58 Danagoulian Target: End day shift snapshot
  • 146913 12/09/07 15:57 M Jones Elastic with single trigger
  • 146907 12/09/07 14:21 O. Moreno BPM and BCM snapshots
  • 146905 12/09/07 14:04 Perdrisat delta versus theta
  • 146904 12/09/07 13:56 Perdrisat fraction of hms elastics
  • 146903 12/09/07 13:38 bogdanw hot range of BigCal
  • 146901 12/09/07 12:49 brash S0 second paddle
  • 146900 12/09/07 12:16 bogdanw Missing detector !!
  • 146899 12/09/07 11:41 W. Luo Energy resolution for run:67324
  • 146898 12/09/07 10:52 W. Luo Load new HV after run: 67326
  • 146897 12/09/07 10:50 bogdanw beam tune
  • 146896 12/09/07 10:23 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146895 12/09/07 10:22 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146894 12/09/07 10:20 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146893 12/09/07 10:19 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146892 12/09/07 10:17 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146891 12/09/07 10:15 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146890 12/09/07 10:14 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146888 12/09/07 10:13 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146887 12/09/07 10:01 Danagoulian Target He flow
  • 146886 12/09/07 09:59 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146885 12/09/07 09:58 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146884 12/09/07 09:55 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146883 12/09/07 09:55 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146882 12/09/07 09:54 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146881 12/09/07 09:52 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146880 12/09/07 09:50 O. Moreno HV snapshot
  • 146879 12/09/07 09:49 O. Moreno HV snapshots
  • 146878 12/09/07 09:46 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146877 12/09/07 09:45 W. Luo Problems with BigCal. Change HV map back
  • 146876 12/09/07 09:42 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146875 12/09/07 09:38 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146874 12/09/07 09:34 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146872 12/09/07 09:34 bogdanw BPM and BCM
  • 146871 12/09/07 09:30 O. Moreno Plots of kinematic 6 run 67324
  • 146870 12/09/07 09:19 O. Moreno Discrepancies with run 67324
  • 146869 12/09/07 09:17 O. Moreno Discrepancies with run 67324
  • 146868 12/09/07 08:45 W. Luo Decrease HV for (56,29) after loading new HV
  • 146867 12/09/07 08:23 W. Luo Bigcal scaler after loading new HV.
  • 146866 12/09/07 08:19 W. Luo Load new HV before run 67324
  • 146864 12/09/07 08:14 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146863 12/09/07 08:12 pking December 9 owl shift report.
  • 146862 12/09/07 08:09 Danagoulian Target: Target snapshot
  • 146861 12/09/07 07:57 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshots
  • 146860 12/09/07 07:53 pking Recieved HMS Dipole power supply Comm. Error Again
  • 146858 12/09/07 06:22 frullani HMS drift chambers trip
  • 146857 12/09/07 06:18 pking HMS DC HV trip at end of 67321
  • 146851 12/09/07 05:14 pking Followup on HMS dipole power supply communication error
  • 146849 12/09/07 04:40 pking HMS Dipole Power supply communication error
  • 146848 12/09/07 04:23 pking Run:37317: ROC2 has "not all modules converted" errors; run ends.
  • 146845 12/09/07 03:38 sfrullani BPM & BCM snapshots
  • 146844 12/09/07 03:12 L.Pentchev We agreed on 35-40uA for the owl, day shift should try 80uA
  • 146843 12/09/07 03:03 L.Pentchev BigCal status
  • 146841 12/09/07 02:57 M.M FPP: Everything is fine so far...
  • 146840 12/09/07 02:28 pking Begin run screen picture of HMS angle does not match reality
  • 146839 12/09/07 02:27 W. Luo Lower the HV for (56,29)
  • 146837 12/09/07 02:14 Cornejo, JC Target info
  • 146836 12/09/07 02:01 Cornejo, JC Target: Target moved to 20 cm H2 (L1)
  • 146834 12/09/07 01:49 pking Positions okay; ready to move target.
  • 146833 12/09/07 01:44 pking Remember to say we're looking at the raw BPM positions
  • 146832 12/09/07 01:35 pking Beam in hall; steering request.
  • 146831 12/09/07 01:29 pking Beam status.
  • 146830 12/09/07 01:09 Cornejo, JC Target: Target Snapshots
  • 146829 12/09/07 00:22 pking The word from Lubomir
  • 146828 12/09/07 00:13 pking Check-in with MCC
  • 146827 12/09/07 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Saturday

  • 146826 12/08/07 23:57 Danagoulian Target: End shift snapshot
  • 146825 12/08/07 22:47 Huber Our instructions re. beam tuning
  • 146824 12/08/07 22:03 Huber Still tuning beam
  • 146823 12/08/07 21:42 Huber HMS Dipole Power supply communication error
  • 146822 12/08/07 21:10 Huber Beam size
  • 146821 12/08/07 20:23 Danagoulian Target: Beam is in its way
  • 146820 12/08/07 19:37 Danagoulian Target
  • 146819 12/08/07 19:24 Danagoulian Target
  • 146818 12/08/07 18:51 Danagoulian Target
  • 146817 12/08/07 17:59 Danagoulian Target glitch
  • 146816 12/08/07 17:16 W. Luo Updated KINEMATICS.db for kinematics 6
  • 146815 12/08/07 16:58 L.Pentchev BigCal thresholds set to 375/350 mV
  • 146814 12/08/07 16:45 W. Luo (42,18-22) HV cable problems
  • 146813 12/08/07 16:18 M.M FPP: ROC13 back to 5100 ppc
  • 146812 12/08/07 16:09 mack HMS angle change
  • 146811 12/08/07 16:09 Danagoulian Target: Empty Target
  • 146808 12/08/07 15:57 L.Pentchev status
  • 146806 12/08/07 15:50 O. Moreno December 08 day shift summary
  • 146804 12/08/07 15:21 O. Moreno Target: Target Snapshot
  • 146803 12/08/07 15:18 frw TEMPORARILY switched ROC13 back to 6100 ppc
  • 146802 12/08/07 15:12 frw HMS rotation switched back to local mode
  • 146800 12/08/07 15:06 W. Luo LED run result after BigCal moving to kinematics 6
  • 146799 12/08/07 14:51 Perdrisat Total number of triggers of kin 5
  • 146798 12/08/07 14:46 M Jones Change HMS single timing
  • 146794 12/08/07 14:14 frw rotating HMS to 30.985
  • 146793 12/08/07 14:01 frw HMS door needed resetting again
  • 146788 12/08/07 11:39 L.Pentchev HallC is in controlled access, High Radiation Area watcher required
  • 146786 12/08/07 08:59 brash Analysis update
  • 146785 12/08/07 07:20 pking The shift leader is leaving the building
  • 146784 12/08/07 07:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146783 12/08/07 07:07 pking December 08 owl shift summary (early due to energy change)
  • 146782 12/08/07 07:00 Cornejo, JC power supply communication error
  • 146781 12/08/07 06:10 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshots (after move to empty and park)
  • 146780 12/08/07 06:07 Cornejo, JC Target parked
  • 146779 12/08/07 06:04 Cornejo, JC Target moved to empty
  • 146778 12/08/07 05:55 sfrullani HMD drift ch. trip
  • 146777 12/08/07 05:32 pking The energy change has begun!
  • 146774 12/08/07 04:08 pking Beam current has been drifting down; Hall A current scans
  • 146773 12/08/07 04:00 sfrullani BPM &BCM
  • 146769 12/08/07 01:43 pking Attention: the coffee supply is dangerously low.
  • 146768 12/08/07 01:36 pking End run 67296 for beam cleanup
  • 146766 12/08/07 00:27 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshots
  • 146764 12/08/07 00:13 Huber Swing shift summary
  • 146763 12/08/07 00:09 LouisB Summary of replays on line
  • 146762 12/08/07 00:04 LouisB Replays of 50k events
  • 146761 12/08/07 00:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Friday

  • 146760 12/07/07 23:41 Danagoulian Target: End_of_shift snapshot
  • 146759 12/07/07 23:33 Danagoulian BPM/BCM
  • 146755 12/07/07 21:24 Huber Reboot ROC11, Power cycle ROC13
  • 146752 12/07/07 21:03 Huber End run 67289 early
  • 146751 12/07/07 21:00 LouisB Few anaomaly in histo run 67289
  • 146748 12/07/07 19:30 L.Pentchev plans for the night and tomorrow's move
  • 146747 12/07/07 19:24 puckett My shell scripting sucks...
  • 146746 12/07/07 19:13 puckett ROOT gui works in cdaq account on kirby now
  • 146744 12/07/07 18:43 LouisB Replays
  • 146743 12/07/07 18:23 puckett changed gold run to 67271
  • 146741 12/07/07 17:39 puckett Analyzer Updates
  • 146739 12/07/07 17:19 W. Luo One BigCal channel missing
  • 146738 12/07/07 16:59 Danagoulian Target: Start of the shift snapshot
  • 146736 12/07/07 16:40 LouisB Analysis: 2 histograms don't fit with golden values
  • 146734 12/07/07 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146733 12/07/07 15:58 gaskell Day shift summary
  • 146732 12/07/07 15:46 gaskell BPM/BCM
  • 146730 12/07/07 15:15 O. Moreno Target: Target Snapshot
  • 146729 12/07/07 14:52 gaskell Runs 67278-67280 are junk
  • 146724 12/07/07 14:26 W. Luo Change BigCal threshold back
  • 146723 12/07/07 14:23 gaskell ended run 67276 early - losing good events
  • 146720 12/07/07 14:02 gaskell beam is back
  • 146719 12/07/07 13:23 W. Luo Increased BigCal Threshold by 10mv while waiting beam
  • 146718 12/07/07 12:57 W. Luo The elastic rate increased after increasing threshold for BigCal
  • 146717 12/07/07 12:42 gaskell Hall dropped to power permit
  • 146716 12/07/07 12:21 W. Luo Change BigCal Threshold before starting run 67275.
  • 146714 12/07/07 12:04 gaskell Run 67274 is HMS singles run
  • 146712 12/07/07 11:54 hcf Responding to GasMaster alarms
  • 146709 12/07/07 10:51 L.Pentchev elastic percentage estimated from BigCal only
  • 146706 12/07/07 10:02 Perdrisat Updated trigger count
  • 146703 12/07/07 08:52 gaskell Roc13/14 "disconnected: - end run
  • 146702 12/07/07 08:34 gaskell beam back at 8:25
  • 146700 12/07/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146699 12/07/07 07:59 pking December 7 owl shift summary
  • 146698 12/07/07 07:35 Phil Carter bpm and bcm screenshots
  • 146695 12/07/07 06:17 Cornejo, JC Target temperature
  • 146694 12/07/07 06:15 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshot
  • 146691 12/07/07 04:52 Phil Carter spike in bigcal hit stats 2
  • 146686 12/07/07 03:14 pking Erros in run 67259
  • 146684 12/07/07 02:31 Phil Carter modified bigcal.tcl
  • 146682 12/07/07 02:00 pking Error: Roc14 Not all runs converted
  • 146679 12/07/07 01:00 pking Clarification: FPP chambers had a problem in run 67253; powercycled ROC13/14 before 67254.
  • 146677 12/07/07 00:28 Phil Carter new golden run is 67254
  • 146676 12/07/07 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 146675 12/06/07 23:59 sfrullani FPP chambers
  • 146673 12/06/07 23:52 Huber Swing shift summary
  • 146670 12/06/07 22:37 W. Luo Energy resoltion after loading new HV
  • 146669 12/06/07 22:25 Huber Very smooth beam
  • 146667 12/06/07 21:59 W. Luo Error message while doing full replay
  • 146665 12/06/07 21:13 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146663 12/06/07 20:39 W. Luo Run:67248 with new BigCal threshold
  • 146662 12/06/07 20:38 Frullani WC efficiencies for 67247
  • 146661 12/06/07 20:34 W. Luo Increase threshold for BigCal
  • 146659 12/06/07 20:21 W. Luo The dead time after load new HV
  • 146658 12/06/07 20:16 W. Luo Load New HV for BigCal before run:67247
  • 146656 12/06/07 20:00 W. Luo Bigcal hctsv12:2005 tripped while loading new HV
  • 146655 12/06/07 19:53 W. Luo Bigcal hctsv12:2006 tripped while loading new HV
  • 146653 12/06/07 18:59 frw FPP: time window adjusted (2)
  • 146652 12/06/07 18:39 frw FPP: time window adjusted
  • 146649 12/06/07 17:59 sfrullani run 67242
  • 146647 12/06/07 17:10 sfrullani run 67241
  • 146645 12/06/07 16:52 sfrullani run 67240
  • 146644 12/06/07 16:25 sfrullani run 67239
  • 146642 12/06/07 15:59 Bosted Target screen snapshots
  • 146641 12/06/07 15:55 Higinbotham Day Shift Summary
  • 146640 12/06/07 15:51 Bosted Target IOC reboot
  • 146638 12/06/07 15:30 doug UPS Battery
  • 146637 12/06/07 15:21 LouisB Replays cont'd-2
  • 146636 12/06/07 15:04 LouisB Replays cont'd-1
  • 146634 12/06/07 14:49 Bosted Target IOC lost network
  • 146631 12/06/07 13:51 W. Luo Change BigCal Threshold back
  • 146630 12/06/07 13:07 W. Luo Run 67235 With higher BigCal threshold
  • 146628 12/06/07 13:04 horn cdaql3 rebooted - data disks are now available
  • 146627 12/06/07 13:04 LouisB Replays
  • 146626 12/06/07 12:54 Higinbotham FPP HV & ROCs Reset
  • 146621 12/06/07 11:41 brash Analysis Update
  • 146619 12/06/07 10:17 Perdrisat Kinemstics 5 sofar
  • 146618 12/06/07 10:04 L.Pentchev energy change and BigCal move on Sat.
  • 146615 12/06/07 09:20 saw Data disks on cdaql3
  • 146614 12/06/07 08:51 L.Pentchev status and plans
  • 146613 12/06/07 08:48 LouisB Analysis: On line replays
  • 146611 12/06/07 08:04 pking December 6 owl shift summary
  • 146610 12/06/07 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146609 12/06/07 07:54 Cornejo, JC Target summary (mostly harmless)
  • 146608 12/06/07 07:45 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshots
  • 146606 12/06/07 07:41 Cornejo, JC Target IOC reboot
  • 146604 12/06/07 06:41 pking Followup on VESDA alert for GEP shield hut; reset by direction of D. Kausch
  • 146602 12/06/07 06:24 pking Action, Alert, Fire alarm
  • 146600 12/06/07 05:48 pking Errors persisting from Roc14
  • 146599 12/06/07 05:32 pking Error in Roc14
  • 146595 12/06/07 04:04 Cornejo, JC Target: Target snapshot
  • 146593 12/06/07 03:23 pking HMS drift chamber HV tripped at end of run 67217
  • 146590 12/06/07 02:59 O. Moreno Reset of hctsv12:2002
  • 146589 12/06/07 02:45 pking Beam is available now.
  • 146587 12/06/07 00:26 pking Beam tuning status
  • 146586 12/06/07 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Wednesday

  • 146585 12/05/07 23:29 LouisB Target snapshots
  • 146584 12/05/07 23:15 LouisB Target: Transient alarms
  • 146583 12/05/07 21:32 Huber Still no beam
  • 146582 12/05/07 19:49 LouisB LH2 20cm target
  • 146581 12/05/07 19:30 horn/gaskell Moller done
  • 146580 12/05/07 19:29 gaskell/horn Moller summary
  • 146575 12/05/07 19:02 frw HMS hstart troubles
  • 146573 12/05/07 18:57 M.M FPP: When is a power-cycling necessary?
  • 146570 12/05/07 18:49 L.Pentchev RCS and Prot. ADC gates terminated in the counting room
  • 146559 12/05/07 17:48 W. Luo (42,22) HV increaced by 50v
  • 146558 12/05/07 17:32 mack rms width versus time might be interesting
  • 146557 12/05/07 16:46 W. Luo The raw data directory is not available on cdaql3
  • 146556 12/05/07 16:29 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146555 12/05/07 16:29 smithg temp blip
  • 146554 12/05/07 16:03 LouisB Target snapshots
  • 146553 12/05/07 15:40 ccbutu Shift Summary
  • 146552 12/05/07 15:40 gaskell Moller update
  • 146551 12/05/07 14:31 horn/gaskell Moller setup
  • 146549 12/05/07 13:12 frw FPP: F1 split trigger windows for ROC14 -- NOT!
  • 146548 12/05/07 13:03 frw FPP: replaced ROC13 with 5100 PPC
  • 146546 12/05/07 12:29 L.Pentchev BigCal radiation damage
  • 146543 12/05/07 11:41 Higinbotham Network Probelm
  • 146542 12/05/07 11:39 W. Luo The online replay for last run before controlled access
  • 146539 12/05/07 11:01 M.M FPP: TDC slot 12 on ROC 14 has been changed
  • 146538 12/05/07 10:57 mack check for cold solder joints on FPP Vthreshold distribution?
  • 146537 12/05/07 10:34 L.Pentchev special requirements to enter hall during the controlled access
  • 146534 12/05/07 10:04 M.M FPP: THRESHOLD OF CHAMB C AT -3V
  • 146533 12/05/07 08:52 L.Pentchev status and plans for today
  • 146532 12/05/07 08:24 pking Better version of December 5 owl shift summary
  • 146531 12/05/07 08:23 pking December 5 owl shift summary
  • 146530 12/05/07 08:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146529 12/05/07 08:05 pking MCC is starting the pass change now.
  • 146527 12/05/07 07:57 pking ROC13 crash message (if this is at all useful)
  • 146526 12/05/07 07:56 pking ROC13 Crashed Again
  • 146525 12/05/07 07:50 pking ROC13 crash at end of 67183 and troubles until run 67186.
  • 146524 12/05/07 07:36 frullani FPP chambers
  • 146523 12/05/07 07:28 pking Had trouble in ROC13 at start of last run(671865
  • 146520 12/05/07 07:12 pking CPU deadtime in run 67184 doubled
  • 146518 12/05/07 07:08 frullani FPP Drift chambers problem
  • 146517 12/05/07 06:44 Phil Carter rebooted IOC
  • 146515 12/05/07 06:38 pking Stopped run 67182 to reboot the target IOC
  • 146514 12/05/07 06:22 pking ROC13 crashed
  • 146511 12/05/07 05:49 Phil Carter target alarm again
  • 146510 12/05/07 05:36 pking ROC13 crashed, ending run 67179.
  • 146508 12/05/07 05:34 frullani FPP hot wires
  • 146506 12/05/07 05:06 pking Terminal server hctsv1 is unreachable.
  • 146505 12/05/07 05:03 pking Error in log entry title: the errors were at the end of run 67175.
  • 146504 12/05/07 04:49 Phil Carter target alarm: erroneous reading
  • 146503 12/05/07 04:41 frullani FPP hot wires
  • 146502 12/05/07 04:36 pking ROC13 crashed in run 67177
  • 146500 12/05/07 04:25 pking Errors at end of run 67164; lost connection to hctsv1 also.
  • 146497 12/05/07 03:54 frullani BPM & BCM snapshots
  • 146494 12/05/07 02:39 Phil Carter target screenshot
  • 146493 12/05/07 02:30 Phil Carter more about the transient errors
  • 146492 12/05/07 02:28 pking EB1 crashed at end of 67172
  • 146490 12/05/07 02:07 Phil Carter target transient alarm
  • 146489 12/05/07 02:03 frullani hot wires FPP planes
  • 146485 12/05/07 00:31 frullani fpp replay 67169
  • 146484 12/05/07 00:17 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146483 12/05/07 00:16 pking Run 67168---ROC13 crash
  • Tuesday

  • 146481 12/04/07 23:57 LouisB Run 67168 replay 50000events
  • 146480 12/04/07 23:56 L.Pentchev plan for the owl shift
  • 146479 12/04/07 23:49 ccbutu Traget Status at the end of Swing Shift!
  • 146478 12/04/07 23:47 Huber Swing shift summary - deadtime issues
  • 146476 12/04/07 23:41 LouisB Replays
  • 146475 12/04/07 23:17 Huber The rate on the BigCal has doubled
  • 146473 12/04/07 23:01 LouisB Run 67166 some histos
  • 146472 12/04/07 22:46 LouisB Bad FPP histograms for run 67164
  • 146471 12/04/07 22:44 LouisB Bad FPP histograms for run 67164
  • 146466 12/04/07 21:12 LouisB Replays -- some deadtimes
  • 146465 12/04/07 21:06 Huber 70uA on target
  • 146464 12/04/07 20:51 Huber BigCal rates - run 67162
  • 146462 12/04/07 19:35 Perdrisat FPP efficiency after window splitting
  • 146461 12/04/07 19:23 M.M FPP: Card swapping : C layer 2 pos#6 and layer 1 pos#4
  • 146459 12/04/07 18:04 mack maybe 85% FPP tracking efficiency isn't so bad
  • 146457 12/04/07 17:49 frw FPP: F1 split trigger windows (ROC13 + ROC14)
  • 146456 12/04/07 17:34 Huber Beam quality
  • 146449 12/04/07 16:39 Huber 10uA bigcal rates - run 67152
  • 146447 12/04/07 16:29 Huber 20uA bigcal rates
  • 146445 12/04/07 16:21 ccbutu Begining of Swing Shift
  • 146444 12/04/07 16:13 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146443 12/04/07 16:04 Higinbotham Day Shift Summary
  • 146441 12/04/07 15:51 Higinbotham High Deadtime
  • 146437 12/04/07 15:21 smithg Target: control GUI changes
  • 146435 12/04/07 15:03 I. Albayrak BCM and BPM screenshots
  • 146433 12/04/07 14:49 M Jones Change in computer deadtime
  • 146432 12/04/07 14:38 gilman MCC cycling magnets
  • 146430 12/04/07 14:05 saw Too man hits in TDCs - Not very often
  • 146429 12/04/07 14:02 gilman stepped open loop 1 jt valve
  • 146427 12/04/07 13:57 horn Running paw as cdaq on cdaql1, 2, 3, 5, 7 - works now
  • 146426 12/04/07 13:53 frw FPP: cooling modified
  • 146425 12/04/07 13:32 frw be sure to set address switches when replacing modules
  • 146423 12/04/07 13:16 gilman target pages
  • 146422 12/04/07 13:11 Higinbotham Back to Beam Permit
  • 146421 12/04/07 13:10 L.Pentchev one BigCal HV channel OFF
  • 146420 12/04/07 13:06 W. Luo BigCal work during controlled access
  • 146413 12/04/07 12:00 saw Too many hits in TDCs
  • 146412 12/04/07 11:23 mack plateaued, but lossy
  • 146411 12/04/07 11:08 frw FPP: LV monitor cable disconnected
  • 146410 12/04/07 10:40 smithg Target: raised heater crowbar voltage
  • 146408 12/04/07 10:10 M Jones If HMS hut door won't open.
  • 146407 12/04/07 10:04 saw Replaced F1TDC in ROC14
  • 146406 12/04/07 08:35 L.Pentchev status and plans for today
  • 146405 12/04/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146404 12/04/07 08:00 pking December 4 owl shift summary
  • 146403 12/04/07 07:18 pking Update on the separator fix
  • 146402 12/04/07 05:47 pking Estimate of separator fix
  • 146401 12/04/07 05:18 pking No beam for a while; RF seperator problem
  • 146400 12/04/07 04:57 pking Run 67131 is no good.
  • 146399 12/04/07 04:52 pking Power cycled ROC13 and ROC14 between run 67129 and 67132
  • 146396 12/04/07 04:11 YaLi Target: Target reboot
  • 146394 12/04/07 03:59 pking Beam had been taken to work on hall B orbit; target IOC reboot.
  • 146393 12/04/07 03:33 pking High voltage channel L5.6 in hctsv12:2006 is disabled
  • 146391 12/04/07 03:22 pking High voltage trip at the end of 67127
  • 146390 12/04/07 03:11 YaLi Target: screenshot
  • 146387 12/04/07 02:10 pking Note: Run Start entries from 67120 and 67121 have wrong target in comment
  • 146386 12/04/07 02:02 pking Run 67123 & 67124: More trouble with ROC13; powercycled both ROC13 and ROC14
  • 146384 12/04/07 01:44 pking Lots of error messages from ROC13, slot 9
  • 146379 12/04/07 00:24 pking ROC13 crash in run 67119
  • 146378 12/04/07 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Monday

  • 146377 12/03/07 23:59 Huber ROC13 crash - Run 67118
  • 146375 12/03/07 23:52 Huber Swing shift report
  • 146374 12/03/07 23:52 LouisB On-Line replay cont'd
  • 146373 12/03/07 23:52 ccbutu Target status!
  • 146372 12/03/07 23:39 Huber Another try at medm
  • 146370 12/03/07 23:32 L.Pentchev plan for the night: production runs only
  • 146369 12/03/07 23:20 L.Pentchev S0 has 100% efficiency
  • 146367 12/03/07 23:04 M.M FPP plateau curves and efficiency
  • 146366 12/03/07 22:53 L.Pentchev HMS triggers delayed by 16ns at TS inputs at 16:30
  • 146365 12/03/07 22:46 Huber medm pictures
  • 146364 12/03/07 22:39 Huber ROC13 crash ends of run 67115
  • 146362 12/03/07 22:23 ccbutu Target movement & 80 microA
  • 146358 12/03/07 21:51 M.M Access: Both analysers in and S0 trigger back to the original configuration
  • 146357 12/03/07 21:51 LouisB On-line replay
  • 146356 12/03/07 21:50 Perdrisat S0
  • 146344 12/03/07 19:51 ccbutu Target Status
  • 146340 12/03/07 17:50 L.Pentchev increased S0 HV by 50V
  • 146337 12/03/07 16:47 ccbutu target monitoring histos
  • 146336 12/03/07 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146335 12/03/07 15:59 Higinbotham Shift Summary
  • 146334 12/03/07 15:48 Bosted Screen snapshots
  • 146333 12/03/07 15:44 Bosted Target: Target moved to 4 cm LH2
  • 146332 12/03/07 15:42 Bosted Target: Target changed to Thin Carbon
  • 146331 12/03/07 14:59 frullani BPM and BCM
  • 146329 12/03/07 14:44 frullani gas mixture alcohol temperature
  • 146327 12/03/07 14:18 Bosted Target: Target moved to 4 cm Dummy
  • 146324 12/03/07 13:03 L.pentchev plans for today (Monday 12/03)
  • 146323 12/03/07 12:47 horn/saw cdaql4 hard drive and name change
  • 146321 12/03/07 12:32 Bosted Target: Target moved to 4 cm LH2 (loop 1)
  • 146320 12/03/07 11:37 W. Luo Change (56,29) HV
  • 146317 12/03/07 11:27 Bosted Target: Target moved to 20 cm Dummy
  • 146313 12/03/07 10:15 Bosted Target: Target moved to 20 cm LH2 Loop 1
  • 146312 12/03/07 10:01 horn/gaskell Moller summary
  • 146311 12/03/07 09:58 gaskell Moller target out
  • 146310 12/03/07 09:53 gaskell/horn Moller backout
  • 146305 12/03/07 08:49 horn/gaskell Moller setup
  • 146304 12/03/07 08:40 Bosted Target: Target moved to Empty
  • 146302 12/03/07 08:08 pking December 3 owl shift summary
  • 146301 12/03/07 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146300 12/03/07 08:00 YaLi Target: owl shift summary
  • 146298 12/03/07 07:43 pking More information about "FPP hit outside accepted time window" messages
  • 146297 12/03/07 07:14 pking Ended run 67079 early to reboot ROC13 and ROC14.
  • 146294 12/03/07 06:49 pking Analysis: Run 67077 and 67078 analyses have multiple "FPP hit outside accepted time window" messages
  • 146292 12/03/07 06:11 YaLi Target: L1 Power, hcL1_hp_power_R alarm
  • 146290 12/03/07 05:10 pking ROC13 crashed, ending run 67075
  • 146284 12/03/07 02:41 pking Trouble with ROC14 in runs 67069 and 67070
  • 146281 12/03/07 02:25 pking Ended run 67068 early due to ROC14 errors
  • 146279 12/03/07 02:11 ROC13 crashed at the end of 67067
  • 146277 12/03/07 02:05 YaLi Target: Target screenshot
  • 146276 12/03/07 01:39 pking Ended 67065 due to 100% deadtime; error starting 67066.
  • 146274 12/03/07 01:10 pking Late entry: Errors starting runs 67062 and 67063
  • 146271 12/03/07 00:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 146270 12/02/07 23:52 Huber Swing Shift Log
  • 146269 12/02/07 23:45 abdellah Target - Swing shift
  • 146267 12/02/07 23:10 Huber End of run 67059
  • 146266 12/02/07 23:07 Huber End of run 67058
  • 146263 12/02/07 22:20 Huber Too many return value 5632 errors
  • 146262 12/02/07 22:16 Huber 2 extra events errors
  • 146259 12/02/07 21:34 Huber End of runs 67054,5
  • 146256 12/02/07 20:29 mack roc 13/14 reboots
  • 146253 12/02/07 19:35 Huber Quad Hall Probe readings
  • 146252 12/02/07 19:28 Huber Log of ROC13/14 problems
  • 146250 12/02/07 19:23 mack the golden tune
  • 146249 12/02/07 19:10 Moffit Runpan for Sunday Swing, Monday Owl-Day
  • 146247 12/02/07 18:38 Perdrisat quad settings
  • 146246 12/02/07 18:27 puckett see lassiter's entry from yesterday...
  • 146243 12/02/07 17:20 Huber HMS quad NMR values
  • 146240 12/02/07 16:03 bogdanw shift summary
  • 146239 12/02/07 16:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146238 12/02/07 15:44 gaskell Gas Master alarm
  • 146237 12/02/07 15:32 LouisB Target: Day shift Target summary
  • 146236 12/02/07 15:31 Moffit Beeping from Detector Gas Leak Detector Monitor - Shed
  • 146231 12/02/07 13:58 bogdanw BCM and BPM
  • 146230 12/02/07 13:54 mack try 2.35 V threshold?
  • 146228 12/02/07 13:47 M.M Screenshots of VME 1 and VME 2
  • 146222 12/02/07 11:29 LouisB Target: Frozen target IOC needed reboot
  • 146220 12/02/07 10:49 Perdrisa Run trigger statistics
  • 146212 12/02/07 08:37 bogdanw beam beam ever
  • 146211 12/02/07 08:23 bogdanw scalers and ROCs
  • 146210 12/02/07 08:22 LouisB Target: Frozen target IOC needed reboot
  • 146209 12/02/07 08:21 bogdanw BPM and BCM
  • 146207 12/02/07 08:09 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146206 12/02/07 08:06 A. Marsh Shift Summary
  • 146203 12/02/07 07:13 X. Zhang Target: end of the owl shift
  • 146198 12/02/07 05:57 A. Marsh Correction to previous log about Big Cal HV trip
  • 146196 12/02/07 05:55 A. Marsh Trip on Big Cal HV
  • 146191 12/02/07 04:24 frullani BPM /BCM snapshots
  • 146189 12/02/07 04:22 A. Marsh HMS Q3 He level a little low
  • 146187 12/02/07 03:56 A. Marsh Roc 13 stopped responding, had to reset and power cycle
  • 146175 12/02/07 00:52 Phil Carter you're welcome
  • 146174 12/02/07 00:43 A. Marsh thanks!
  • 146171 12/02/07 00:17 M.M Plateau curve
  • 146170 12/02/07 00:11 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146169 12/02/07 00:10 Ramesh Shift Summary
  • Saturday

  • 146167 12/01/07 23:56 Ramesh BPM/BCM snap shot
  • 146165 12/01/07 23:20 abdellah Target - swing shift
  • 146163 12/01/07 23:17 Phil Carter Alcohol temperature too low
  • 146159 12/01/07 22:31 Ramesh HMS magnet screen shot
  • 146154 12/01/07 21:16 M.M end of plateau studies since RUN 66985!!!!!
  • 146153 12/01/07 21:07 puckett HMS efficiency, cont.
  • 146151 12/01/07 20:54 frw HMS tracking efficiency
  • 146150 12/01/07 20:53 Moffit Continue with the runplan. Production running.
  • 146146 12/01/07 20:34 puckett also, HMS tracking efficiency is POOR!
  • 146141 12/01/07 20:17 puckett RCS deficit disappears when nclust == 1
  • 146140 12/01/07 20:17 mack plateauing once with protons is enough
  • 146138 12/01/07 19:55 puckett More on "ephi" deficiency
  • 146135 12/01/07 19:31 Lassiter HMS PSU Communication errors
  • 146132 12/01/07 19:24 puckett why weird "ephi" distribution?
  • 146129 12/01/07 19:07 Ramesh HMS Q2 now fine
  • 146128 12/01/07 19:06 Ramesh Steve Lassiter working remotely to remove Q2 comm.error
  • 146126 12/01/07 18:59 Ramesh HMS Q2 still comm.error
  • 146125 12/01/07 18:52 puckett paged Mike Fowler for help on HMS Q2 PSU comm. error.
  • 146124 12/01/07 18:19 Ramesh HMS Q2 power supply comm.error
  • 146121 12/01/07 17:41 puckett dE/dx kin5 vs. kin4
  • 146119 12/01/07 17:22 puckett FPP Plateau
  • 146116 12/01/07 17:01 mack check dE/dx
  • 146115 12/01/07 16:52 puckett Groups 35B and 5C probably need recalibration
  • 146112 12/01/07 16:16 puckett FPP events with fewer hits in the chambers, DAQ-related?
  • 146111 12/01/07 16:15 bogdanw shift summary
  • 146110 12/01/07 16:14 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146107 12/01/07 15:29 bogdanw BCM and BPM
  • 146104 12/01/07 14:33 LouisB Target HPH Voltage and overshooy
  • 146101 12/01/07 14:02 LouisB Target: White Alarm
  • 146100 12/01/07 13:59 puckett HMS calorimeter missing channels...
  • 146095 12/01/07 13:03 LouisB Target: HPHeater comments from GREG
  • 146094 12/01/07 12:56 LouisB Target: HPHeater back to life -cont'd
  • 146093 12/01/07 12:43 LouisB Target: HPHeater back to life
  • 146092 12/01/07 12:38 bogdanw HMS calorimeter missing channel
  • 146090 12/01/07 11:47 LouisB Target: HPH problem is back
  • 146086 12/01/07 11:04 Perdrisat Statistics of current data point (kin5)
  • 146085 12/01/07 10:56 mack late entry: 5 TLD's removed from Hall yesterday
  • 146082 12/01/07 10:24 LouisB Beam Delivery Structure
  • 146079 12/01/07 09:51 bogdanw FPP hit distribution
  • 146076 12/01/07 09:22 LouisB Target JTValve
  • 146075 12/01/07 09:19 LouisB Target Alarm
  • 146074 12/01/07 09:14 Moffit Runplan for the Weekend (Dec 1st-2nd, Owl Dec 3rd)
  • 146071 12/01/07 08:45 bogdanw ROC13 power cycle
  • 146067 12/01/07 08:10 LouisB Target transient Alarm
  • 146066 12/01/07 08:03 A. Marsh Shift Summary
  • 146065 12/01/07 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146064 12/01/07 07:50 A. Marsh going back to beam permit, HMS Dipole fixed
  • 146063 12/01/07 07:48 X, Zhang Target: End of the owl shift
  • 146062 12/01/07 07:38 Moffit Restarted HMS HV gui.. turned off first channel in Shower B
  • 146061 12/01/07 06:45 A. Marsh Request for Controlled Access to manually turn off/on HMS dipole
  • 146060 12/01/07 05:54 A. Marsh Continued HMS Dipole problems
  • 146059 12/01/07 05:05 A. Marsh HMS Dipole problems
  • 146053 12/01/07 02:50 A. Marsh Roc 13 crashes
  • 146047 12/01/07 01:26 A. Marsh Roc 14 problems
  • 146046 12/01/07 01:25 M Jones Modified ENGINE: g_decode_fb_detector.f
  • 146045 12/01/07 01:19 M Jones Having hit in all 28 pmt is due to change in pedestal
  • 146039 12/01/07 00:26 L.Pentchev comparing runs before and after today's activities
  • 146038 12/01/07 00:23 X. Zhang Target: Begin the owl shift
  • 146036 12/01/07 00:10 J Mulholland Questionable Histogram
  • 146035 12/01/07 00:08 X. Zhang Target
  • 146034 12/01/07 00:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 146033 12/01/07 00:01 Ramesh Shift Summary