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Log entry time 07:56:20 on April 15,2008

Entry number 153225

keyword=Shift summary

At begining of shift, noticed the target IOC had been frozen for 5 hours and nobody had noticed that the visual temperature reading above the manual heater switch had been varying all over the place. Rebotted target IOC. Luckily, heater had been at 150 W when IOC died, so no harm was done except temperature over the past five hours probably varied between 16 and 21 degrees.

00:30 MCC having problems with beam loss. Took beam to pulsed mode and were able to fix the problem by 01:00. They will try to slowly go from 60 to 80 muA.
However, by 3:30 am they had made no progress on this: we have been running
steadilly at 60 muA.

We had on e EB failure at beginning of run 69659

We had two ROC13 crashes (during runs 69661 and 63)

69655 720K ended to reboot IOC
69656 200K ended so MCC could tune beam
69657 2.5M 60 mu
69658 3.0M 60 muA
69659 EB1 failed at begin run
69660 3.0M 60 muA
69661 2.3M End on ROC13 crash
69662 3.0M 60 muA
69663 200K Endded on ROC 13 crash
69664 in progress

Full replays were done on 69658 and 60