Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name smithg

Log entry time 09:25:25 on April 15, 2008

Entry number 153232

This entry is a followup to: 153209

keyword=Target: reloaded beam current table, re-enabled beam current alarm

Ya, sometimes this table is not getting loaded. I am told that we are loading so much stuff now that sometimes a network hiccup occurs before it all gets loaded in, and then we get this problem with the empty table. It seems to be happening more and more.

The table can be found at group/poltar/ctarg/Screens/BDS_maxcurr.adl.The problem last night was that there was another medm running that was pointing to some tmp directory. I killed it, and now the remaining medm points to the right default directory.

The log entry 152235 contains a picture of the GUI as it should look.

After loading in these numbers, I re-enabled the alarm.