Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for September 08 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX




  • 170636 09/29/08 16:33 Arshak Cables for hs2y+ to ADC module are changed from L21 cable with cable L13 .
  • Friday



  • 170622 09/25/08 15:20 saw Finished readout time tests
  • 170612 09/25/08 14:36 Bosted F1 TDCs for HMS
  • 170609 09/25/08 13:45 M Jones Test of readout time
  • 170607 09/25/08 13:44 M Jones Present cable map for F1 TDC
  • 170603 09/25/08 10:55 arshak HMS scintillator cables in F1 ROC14
  • 170602 09/25/08 10:54 arshak HMS scintillator cables in F1 ROC14
  • Wednesday

  • 170599 09/24/08 09:49 gaskell Moller target configuration for SANE
  • Tuesday



  • 170594 09/22/08 17:42 M Jones HMS scintillator cables IN F1 ROC14
  • 170592 09/22/08 17:06 Lassiter Dipole cold transition
  • 170591 09/22/08 10:54 Lassiter Cool downn of HMS magnets
  • Friday









  • 170560 09/15/08 19:17 M Jones Overnight cosmic
  • 170546 09/15/08 15:23 W. Luo Move BigCal 2 light boxes to the last positions
  • Thursday

  • 170541 09/11/08 17:30 M Jones Replaced HMS CAEN HV crate 3
  • 170540 09/11/08 15:52 saw F1TDC code update
  • Wednesday