Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for November 08 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX








  • 172596 11/19/08 07:49 M Jones Analysis: Change to h_tof.f
  • Monday

  • 172595 11/17/08 15:55 Bosted Analysis: Changed engine.f
  • 172594 11/17/08 12:21 Bosted Analysis: New code for HMS scintillator calibration
  • Friday

  • 172593 11/14/08 15:02 vardan Analysis: changes in SEM code
  • Thursday







  • 172567 11/07/08 10:10 bhovik Analysis: BIGCAL NTUPLE Switch
  • 172566 11/07/08 10:06 bhovik Analysis: BIGCAL NTUPLE Switch
  • Thursday

  • 172565 11/06/08 17:02 vardan Analysis: HMS DC drift maps changed
  • 172564 11/06/08 16:41 M Jones Analysis: Fixed typo in g_clear_event
  • 172559 11/06/08 09:38 Bosted Analysis: Modified h_ntupe_keep.f to include helicte, remove S0
  • Wednesday

  • 172544 11/05/08 15:25 Bosted Analysis: Fixed bugs in h_trans_scin.f, put in better h_start_time
  • 172541 11/05/08 14:15 Bosted Analysis: Added writing of HMS ntuples to replay script
  • 172533 11/05/08 11:05 M Jones Analysis: Updated Analyzer CVS
  • 172526 11/05/08 09:51 vardan Analysis: new HMS DC drift maps
  • 172500 11/05/08 05:29 hyao Analysis: C target position
  • 172498 11/05/08 05:09 hyao Analysis: C target position
  • 172490 11/05/08 04:05 hyao Analysis: Carbon target position
  • 172487 11/05/08 03:27 hyao Analysis: (new result)target offset
  • 172483 11/05/08 02:48 hyao Analysis: target offset
  • 172481 11/05/08 01:58 bhovik Analysis: To monitor Slow raster
  • Tuesday

  • 172452 11/04/08 14:01 Bosted Analysis: Added slow raster raw ADCs to HMS ntuples
  • 172415 11/04/08 07:17 ccbutu Analysis: BigCal coverage with elastic events!
  • Monday

  • 172364 11/03/08 18:22 bhovik Analysis: cdaql3 NFS problems
  • 172330 11/03/08 15:07 bhovik Analysis: Trigger times
  • 172329 11/03/08 15:03 bhovik Analysis: SLOW RASTER
  • 172306 11/03/08 11:31 saw Analysis: ROC 12 analyzer error
  • 172269 11/03/08 06:03 Danagoulian Analysis: Ntuple files
  • Sunday

  • 172190 11/02/08 15:56 ccbutu Analysis: Free 44 GBytes of /net/cdaqfs/scratch Disk!
  • Saturday

  • 172024 11/01/08 10:00 horn Analysis: uncomment bigcal ntuple in REPLAY script
  • 172009 11/01/08 08:01 Nakamura Analysis: Reference graphs for Basic histograms HMS
  • 172000 11/01/08 06:51 ccbutu Analysis: Change to kinematic point #1, P_HMS=1.670, Theta_HMS=35.5 degrees, I_beam=1 microA!
  • 171983 11/01/08 03:40 Nakamura Analysis: charge_replay does not work