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User name Dutta

Log entry time 08:16:32 on March 08, 2009

Entry number 178507

keyword=Owl Shift Summary

Started shift with run 72935 (bottom, target +70%) in progress. One additional run as taken at this setting (72936). Moved to Carbon with helium (run 72937) Moved to Empty target with helium (run 72938) Moved back to Carbon with helium, 3/4 trigger (run 72939) The cup was emptied by the end of this run. Next a Carbon only run (72940) was taken Target was annealed over the next hour (a controlled access was made to close the bypass valve. Note that the valve belt has been left disconencted). Began running with top target polarization -70%, runs 72941 and 72942 were taken at this setting. At end of shift 72942 was in progress.