Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name P Carter

Log entry time 00:02:54 on March 13, 2009

Entry number 178811

keyword=swing shift summary

Got beam at 5:50. Ran at 70 nA until 6:20, and then switched to 120 nA.

Took runs with carbon and helium until the helium boiled off.

At 7:15 we started carbon runs with no helium.

At 8:00 we started preparing for Moeller runs, and took Moeller runs
until 10:00.

At 10:00, we asked MCC to move the beam so we could center the hole
target, but it took them a while to get a good beam position because
they're moving both beam positions with a single magnet. We got a
satisfactory beam position around 11:00.

At 11:15 we began polarizing the target. At midnight we lost polarization.