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User name Reinhold

Log entry time 18:21:29 on September 04, 2009

Entry number 183641

keyword=Swing shift run plan: AC and WC threshold scan

Leave trigger at COIN= CP0 & HES0, Ibeam = 3 uA

Take runs with varying discriminator thresholds:

1) Measure all thresholds as is and record in HCLOG 2) Set ACth = -15 mV; WCth = -30 mV 3) Then take the following scan, 1M events each (~30 min)

AC WC -15 -30 -25 -60 -35 -90 -45 -120 -65 -150 -75 -180 -95 -210 -105 -240

Record each threshold change in a separate HCLOG as well as on the first line of the run comment.

4) Restore ACthr and WCthr to as found values.

Expert analysis task for this is to plot ADC spectra with software gate on corresponding TDC.