Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name kawama

Log entry time 21:51:04 on September 10, 2009

Entry number 184666

This entry is a followup to: 184609

keyword=Issues to be solved to see our Kaon

First of all, attached figures are some results from run75156 (Gr.HKS &
HES0 trigger, 5uA carbon).
This morning I attached a picture from same run, but that one include a
cut using AC npe.
These results are using no AC cut.

In order to see Kaon, we have to solve following issue;

1. Why no proton can be seen in the CP0 trigger?
When we use grouping trigger, proton can be seen, but the number is very low.
And that seems to be existing at higher momentum side.

2. TOF resolution is still not good.
Now TOF resolution is ~300ps. I should have much better resolution.

3. AC pion rejection efficiency is bad?
As far as looking at attached figure, AC pion veto efficiency looks not good.
What can we do?

If you have some idea, follow this entry.
We have to recheck trigger line carefully.

Figure 1

Figure 2