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User name nara

Log entry time 16:04:28 on September 19, 2009

Entry number 186315

keyword=Shift Summary Day shift

75544: good, Day Shift starts 75545: Gas Sensor had a 'Low PSI' ALARM. This run was abruptly ended. The High Voltages were turned off. Ethane and Argon cylinders checked and found reasonable pressures. We decided to just 'RESET' the alarm after which it behaved well.

75546: JUNK. The HV was still ramping up, when this run was started. 75547: JUNK. CODA Message Logger showed ROC error. all individual units of CODAMASTER were restarted after which the ROC's were all fine. 75548-51 : good 75552: for the last 1 min, the Fast FB went into standby. MCC had to reset their DAQ. 75553: good 75554: JUNK, the CODA Message Logger was showing WARNing for TDC, that was fixed. 75555: JUNK, Gas Sensor's 'Low PSI' alarm went ON again. HV of HES and Drift Chambers turned Off. Gas pressures checked, and 'RESET' pressed for ~2 min, when the flow in Channel 1 & 2 stablized.

75556-61: good 75562-64: midway through RUN#75562, the DISK space got full, showing error in the connection of the ET. not realizing the Disk space problem, we restarted CODA for next 2 runs, making them empty JUNK runs.

75565: okay, after 14 million events, it showed ROC11 error. had to stop the run after this. 75566-67: JUNK, had to reboot ROC's due to repeated communications error. 75568: okay; showing few repeated ERROR in ROC7 with the message: "EXTRA EVENT!!! Event type: 4; Datascan 500:" based on its short replay, it was still declared to be okay.

hodoscope checked for some loose cables and the above error recovered now.

75569: good, last run in the Day shift