Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name Reinhold

Log entry time 19:13:24 on September 20, 2009

Entry number 186504

This entry is a followup to: 186495

keyword=Comparison of ROC data amount before and after changing sfihks window

The figures three events each for runs 75604 for before and 75605 for
after changing the sfihks 1877 window and max hits from 3000 and 16 to
1600 and 8, respectively.

sfihks is the second panel from the left.

The amount of data in that ROC is reduced.

Figure 1: run 75604 event 10000

Figure 2: run 75604 event 10010

Figure 3: run 75604 event 10020

Figure 4: run 75605 event 10000

Figure 5: run 75605 event 10010

Figure 6: run 75605 event 10020