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User name Zhihong Ye

Log entry time 15:45:17 on September 21, 2009

Entry number 186633


keyword=Coin Time after HKSFP WC,AC cut, HKS path length correction --- Cannot see RF structure

I do same cut on HKSFP,WC,AC, and do the path length correction, then I look at the coin time(etimetar-htimetar). There two puzzles:

1, Event I cut the AC from <20 to <0.5, The Delta_Bate still can see most of Pion. I saw Japanese group can use Aerogel NPE to cut Kaon, would you please show your Aerogel NPE distribution and the correlation with TOF?

2, I don't see the RF structure of coin time. I simply used the newest version analyzer to create coin.ntuple so if the code is right, this should be the real one. I hope someone who has seen the RF structure please show same plot.

PS: we need communication and to share the most development we have!!!

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

Figure 4

Figure 5