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User name Chiba

Log entry time 05:52:43 on September 28, 2009

Entry number 187442

This entry is a followup to: 187427


keyword=Now proton has two peak ( very strange )

Sorry for too many colors.
As doi pointed out, double protons?? in resent run.
I studied Run75827(Water,2uA),Run75770(Cr,8uA)(sorry for low statistic)

I made same cut and same analysys code(rev209). But two peak of proton
appeared in Run75827.

Black line = hwatnum1>0&&hwatnum2>0
hsxpfp<0.18+hsxfp*0.055/25&&hsxpfp>-0.12+hsxfp*0.055/25 &&
trkchi2/trkndf<3. ( FPCUT & clear tracking cut )
yealow = haernpe1+2+3<1

red = haernpe1+2+3<1 && hwatnpe1>10&&hwatnpe2>10 && 0.92<beta<0.98 (kaon)
green = haernpeX>1 && 0.9<beta<1.1 (pion)
blue = haernpe1+2+3<1 && 0.75 < beta <0,9 (proton)

(1,1)=>WCNPE1:beta (proton,kaon cluster can be seen) (1,2)=>beta
(2,1)=>WCNPE1 pi&k (2,2)=>WCNPE1 p&k

Desireble proton peak in Taniya box is ~30, Okayasu box is ~15.
So Run75815 and Run75770 are consistent.
In my eyes, Run75827`s second peak is twice desirable peak.

Double proton is coming?

Run75827 tanyaibox(high p side)

Run75815 taniyabox(high p side)

Run75770 taniyabox(high p side)

Run75827 okayasubox(low p side)

Run75815 okayasubox(low p side)

Run75770 okayasubox(low p side)