Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for September 09 - Analysis

  • Main INDEX


  • 187743 09/30/09 12:14 yuan Analysis: How much Lambda correction shift in kinematics space with +20 MeV beam energy?
  • 187738 09/30/09 10:59 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Need more works on timing and path length
  • Tuesday

  • 187673 09/29/09 21:28 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Quick analysis of Coin time and PID with new trigger setting
  • Monday

  • 187491 09/28/09 12:43 Zhihong Ye Analysis: distributions of Hes0 and Hks0 look wired. Wrong Map or Hes making trigger most of time?
  • 187428 09/28/09 03:24 Gogami Analysis: Beta vs. NPE_WC
  • Sunday

  • 187368 09/27/09 16:01 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Would you please commit the new hhodo.param.75763 or newer parameters onto SVN?
  • Saturday

  • 187300 09/26/09 17:44 Nue Analysis: HKS-D 1120A run
  • Friday

  • 187206 09/25/09 22:17 Nue Analysis: HKS focal plane time can have many peaks
  • 187194 09/25/09 19:17 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Coin Time related with HKS FP multi-peaks Time for Pion and Proton
  • 187162 09/25/09 11:37 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Coin Time of Pion and Kaon using Cr52 1uA data, and HKS FP strange distribution
  • Thursday

  • 187107 09/24/09 21:32 yuan Analysis: Got HES EDC2 tracking work and comparision with EDC1
  • 187046 09/24/09 07:45 Zhihong Ye Analysis: We need better path lengh or optics to get HES target time and coincident time
  • 187032 09/24/09 05:49 Zhihong Ye Analysis: AC NPE further Cut -> Kaon Peak looks clear in Delta_Beta distribution, but not obvious in Coin_Time
  • Wednesday

  • 186893 09/23/09 07:13 Nue Analysis: Late entry: coincidence window study
  • Tuesday

  • 186782 09/22/09 13:43 Zhihong Ye Analysis: Pion & Proton Coin Time Study
  • 186743 09/22/09 07:31 Nue Analysis: WC 1/2 vs 2/2 (with figures)
  • 186742 09/22/09 07:31 Nue Analysis: WC 1/2 vs 2/2
  • 186738 09/22/09 06:43 Nue Analysis: TOF vs 1/beta
  • Monday

  • 186552 09/21/09 06:56 Nue Analysis: HKS trigger quality
  • Sunday

  • 186500 09/20/09 18:57 Zhihong Ye Analysis: RF Structure before and after correction
  • 186489 09/20/09 18:12 Zhihong Ye Analysis: I have replayed and created hks_ntuple for all Carbon data on ifarm hks work directory
  • 186472 09/20/09 16:17 Nue Analysis: Beam profile at fp for NO beam
  • Saturday

  • 186284 09/19/09 13:14 Nue Analysis: FFB was down from 10:55:53 during Run75552
  • Friday

  • 186092 09/18/09 18:29 Nue Analysis: Probably all peaks are pions
  • Thursday

  • 185787 09/17/09 11:10 Nue Analysis: From run75403, trigger is coin with HES
  • 185784 09/17/09 10:49 Nue Analysis: checkhks crashed on cdaql5
  • 185759 09/17/09 08:13 Nue Analysis: Group trigger + !AC(2/3) : background in HDC
  • 185756 09/17/09 07:50 Nue Analysis: Shift Takers, Please check histogram for every run
  • 185737 09/17/09 04:27 Nue Analysis: AC veto reduced slightly background
  • Wednesday

  • 185580 09/16/09 11:28 Nue Analysis: S/N before and after shield enhancement
  • Tuesday

  • 185474 09/15/09 12:25 Nue Analysis: Possible background source
  • 185441 09/15/09 04:48 Nue Analysis: Who is bad?
  • 185436 09/15/09 03:32 Nue Analysis: Background is highly suppressed by right KQ1 setting, remain BG has sharp correlation in x-x' fp
  • Monday

  • 185297 09/14/09 05:52 Nue Analysis: F1 1us delay in trigger made difference
  • Sunday

  • 185072 09/13/09 08:10 Nue Analysis: 1X pos - 1X neg study
  • 185047 09/13/09 05:22 Nue Analysis: check of F1 readout code
  • Saturday

  • 184980 09/12/09 08:48 Nue Analysis: Errata: Analysis: 1X6-2X8 study
  • 184975 09/12/09 07:51 Nue Analysis: 1X6-2X8 study
  • 184959 09/12/09 05:40 Danagoulian Analysis: Analyzer problem
  • 184950 09/12/09 04:04 Nue Analysis: cdaql5 frozen, rebooted by reset button
  • 184937 09/12/09 02:37 Nue Analysis: For root users, it is much faster to use directly C++ than to use root interpreter
  • 184936 09/12/09 02:29 Nue Analysis: I put wrong figure for Run75140 slice1
  • 184935 09/12/09 02:24 Nue Analysis: Correlation between 1Y5 and 1X
  • Friday



  • 184587 09/10/09 03:08 yez Analysis: Beta for run#75147
  • Wednesday

  • 184497 09/09/09 03:39 Nue Analysis: strange Aerogel Cerenkov timing
  • Tuesday

  • 184459 09/08/09 22:48 Gogami Analysis: [Hit pattern of HTOF1X & HTOF2X (#75089)]
  • Monday

  • 184228 09/07/09 05:42 Nue Analysis: rough T0 adjustment for HTF counters
  • Sunday

  • 183902 09/06/09 00:21 Nue Analysis: It is not the multiplicity of the hits per plane, stack depth of F1 TDC
  • Saturday

  • 183887 09/05/09 23:17 Reinhold Analysis: Multiplicity of HTF counters
  • 183820 09/05/09 18:33 Nue Analysis: I put the same figures for multiplicity for Neg. HTFs
  • 183819 09/05/09 18:28 Nue Analysis: Multiplicity of HTF counters
  • Friday

  • 183601 09/04/09 14:05 Nue Analysis: EPICS data are in rawdata
  • Thursday

  • 183108 09/03/09 04:39 yez Analysis: Data replay in ~/hks09/../paw/, >> 74658,74660,74661,74662,74663,74664
  • Wednesday

