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User name silviu

Log entry time 22:11:26 on July 09, 2010

Entry number 195458

keyword=Target: optics targets heating profile from 2 uA beam

A Fluent simulation of optics targets heating from 2 microA beam rastered at 4x4 mm^2 on all targets. The beam is assumed to hit the targets in the center of each target. The beam heating power is estimated to be 5.7 W. The foils and frame are assumed to be Al-7075 alloy. The top plate of the frame, which mates to the bottom of the Al target cell-block, is assumed kept at 300 K. This is a steady-state simulation, not transient. The maximum temperature difference seems to be less than 25 K until it reaches equilibrium. The closest Pt temperature sensor on the frame would measure a temperature difference of about 6 K, a quarter of the maximum, not a good indicator.

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Figure 1