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User name smithg

Log entry time 12:05:33 on July 25, 2010

Entry number 195955


keyword=Target: scattering chamber vacuum

The plot shows how the vacuum has improved over the last 48 hours. We're now around 4x10^-6 Torr, which is certainly good enough for a cooldown. There is some weirdness that took place yesterday afternoon apparent in the plot. I don't know for certain what was going on that could have caused that, but it seems to have recovered and is plateauing in the low 6 range.

At one point late in the day yesterday we moved to the ruby viewer target to shoot it with the transits we have in place, and see if the crosshairs were in the right spot (they were). Also, Silviu did some tests (3-4 PM the 24th) with the horizontal motion holding torque, to see how that affects the temperature that the motor goes to in vacuum. I did a similar test on the horizontal motion brake Friday the 23rd at the end of the day, around 6:30 PM. Each of these tests raised the temperature where we measure it on the phytron (horizontal motion) motor shell, and the phytron brake, by up to about 15 degrees C, and this may have caused some outgassing. The temps recover over several hours.

Note that for the first time we are connected to the vacuum dump tank also. Both this dump tank and the scattering chamber proper have turbos on them, backed by the blower on the 2nd floor of the blue platform.