Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for July 10 - Beam

  • Main INDEX


  • 196471 07/31/10 20:13 benesch Beam: 3H07 harp traces
  • Friday

  • 196350 07/30/10 14:26 benesch Beam: hall C optics measurement results
  • Thursday





  • 196139 07/27/10 18:30 Kargiantoula Beam: RHWP scan results for 1i04
  • 196138 07/27/10 18:28 Kargiantoula Beam: RHWP scan results for 1i02
  • 196130 07/27/10 16:42 Kargiantoula Beam: Injector pedestals
  • Monday





















  • 195762 07/16/10 11:54 benesch Beam: if beam trips are useful for pedestals
  • Thursday









  • 195660 07/11/10 05:59 spayde Beam: Increased Beam Current
  • Saturday

  • 195566 07/10/10 17:28 rob Beam: main detector trigger OR rates
  • 195523 07/10/10 13:19 spage Beam: Accounting for Beam Use
  • 195519 07/10/10 12:41 Pitt Beam: Halo Monitor Status
  • 195512 07/10/10 11:31 benesch Beam: URLs of my elog entries
  • 195495 07/10/10 07:37 W. Deconinck Beam: Jay will try a 3H07 harp scan
  • 195488 07/10/10 06:46 spayde Beam: Continuing Troubles Viewing Beam on Dump Viewer
  • 195486 07/10/10 06:24 Spayde Beam: MCC Having Trouble Imaging Beam on Dump Viewer
  • 195485 07/10/10 05:46 spayde Beam: Going to Tune Mode
  • 195484 07/10/10 05:33 spayde Beam: Verifying Raster
  • 195473 07/10/10 02:56 spayde Beam: MCC Has Tuned Up Our Beam
  • 195470 07/10/10 02:00 spayde Beam: MCC Sending Tune Beam
  • 195469 07/10/10 01:41 spayde/mack Beam: Moller Quad Situation Resolved
  • 195468 07/10/10 01:22 W. Deconinck Beam: Dave Gaskell assisting in restart of power supply by phone
  • 195466 07/10/10 00:54 W. Deconinck Beam: Escorted access for Mack and Spayde to reset out 1st Moller quad power supply
  • Friday

  • 195454 07/09/10 21:19 Pitt Beam: Halo monitor configuration
  • 195451 07/09/10 19:48 W. Deconinck Beam: Hall C in beam permit
  • 195450 07/09/10 18:36 W. Deconinck Beam: Link to Jay's plans for tonight
  • 195449 07/09/10 18:33 W. Deconinck Beam: Accelerator RF separator issue, repair estimated 8pm
  • 195441 07/09/10 16:32 smithg Beam: exit window chiller broken
  • 195440 07/09/10 15:59 smithg Beam: exit window chiller broken
  • Thursday

  • 195408 07/08/10 18:22 Kargiantoula Beam: PITA scans from July 7
  • 195393 07/08/10 11:32 Armstrong Beam: Hall C Songsheets
  • Wednesday

  • 195386 07/07/10 17:53 paschke Beam: Source RHWP mover appears broken
  • Tuesday

  • 195365 07/06/10 08:14 dalton Beam: Starting injector DAQ
  • Monday

  • 195289 07/05/10 01:00 Darko Beam: Beam on
  • 195286 07/05/10 00:12 spayde/pitt Beam: LUMI Rate Study
  • Sunday

  • 195277 07/04/10 21:18 spayde Beam: MCC Tuning Up 250 pA
  • 195276 07/04/10 21:05 spayde Beam: Evidence of Beam in Hall
  • 195265 07/04/10 14:17 page Beam: CHL trip - no beam - what to do next.
  • 195256 07/04/10 11:37 Pitt Beam: Turn on selected halo and lumi monitors
  • Saturday



  • 195196 07/02/10 16:32 Shelley Page Beam: Hall C status update
  • Thursday