Jefferson Lab Hall C Logbook for August 10 - runstarts omitted

  • Main INDEX


  • 198531 08/31/10 19:16 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation Magnet Connection Test Summary
  • 198530 08/31/10 19:12 brads Gas shed Argon was empty -- OK now
  • 198529 08/31/10 18:43 dalton Compton: Compton slow controls ADC calibrations
  • 198528 08/31/10 16:46 mack doghouse shielding done
  • 198527 08/31/10 13:13 Nuruzzaman Hardware connection test for beam modulation
  • Monday

  • 198526 08/30/10 22:34 mack doghouse shielding progress
  • 198525 08/30/10 17:48 smithg Target: warmup tidbits
  • 198524 08/30/10 15:42 jhoskins Estimated shift in BPM due to DC offset during modulation
  • 198523 08/30/10 15:12 Pitt Late, late, late, entry: Setpoints for BCM calibration run 5213 at high gain
  • 198522 08/30/10 14:39 W. Deconinck Compton: Late entry (Friday eve): ROC1/2 fan unit broken?
  • 198521 08/30/10 12:08 mack suggested changes to doghouse shielding
  • 198520 08/30/10 11:51 Buddhini Changed faked helicity back to 1Hz
  • 198519 08/30/10 11:50 Buddhini Done with bpms tests.
  • 198517 08/30/10 09:41 Buddhini Changed faked helicity to 50Hz
  • 198516 08/30/10 09:22 Buddhini cdaql6 in use for bpm tests
  • Friday

  • 198515 08/27/10 16:07 jhlee Lan configuration at the doghouse (v1.4)
  • 198514 08/27/10 15:24 jhlee hctsv7 is a replacement of hctsv11
  • 198513 08/27/10 15:03 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation:Magnet Connection Test
  • 198512 08/27/10 14:15 jhlee hctsv11 will not response
  • 198511 08/27/10 13:25 jhlee hctsv11 will not response
  • Thursday

  • 198510 08/26/10 19:09 donjones Compton: 86% coupling without isolator
  • 198509 08/26/10 15:19 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation:Magnet Connection Test
  • 198508 08/26/10 14:31 mack test plugging of collimator 3 hole
  • 198507 08/26/10 12:37 mack QTOR footprint rad surveyed
  • 198506 08/26/10 10:59 Rakitha Turned Faked helicity back to 1Hz rate
  • 198505 08/26/10 10:52 Armstrong Region 3 trip light: all is OK
  • 198504 08/26/10 10:51 Rakitha devel Analyzer is setup to handle fake helicity mode
  • 198501 08/26/10 10:33 Nuruzzaman Going to check magnet connections for Hall-C Modulation
  • 198499 08/26/10 10:22 saw medmmonticello obsolete
  • 198495 08/26/10 09:54 Rakitha Turned Faked helicity ON with 1KHz rate
  • 198493 08/26/10 09:43 buddhini Unable to bring up Monticello on cdaq machines
  • 198492 08/26/10 09:37 Rakitha DAQ: ROC1, ROC2 and Trigger Supervisor Rebooted
  • 198491 08/26/10 09:27 Rakitha Turned Faked helicity OFF
  • 198490 08/26/10 09:16 Rakitha R3 Chambers OFF light is blinking in the counting house
  • 198489 08/26/10 08:34 gaskell Compton: Photon detector un-installed
  • Wednesday

  • 198488 08/25/10 16:53 smithg Target: table heater
  • 198487 08/25/10 13:51 kenyon Restart vacuum pumps
  • 198485 08/25/10 10:34 smithg Target: 15K vacuum leak
  • 198484 08/25/10 09:45 jhoskins Modulation Connections Test
  • 198483 08/25/10 08:34 smithg Target: UPS test- mislabelled outlet
  • Tuesday

  • 198482 08/24/10 19:07 mack misc halo 3/4 comments
  • 198481 08/24/10 18:12 leacock halo 3 and 4 characterization
  • 198480 08/24/10 18:03 leacock halos 3 and 4 repositioned and shielded
  • 198479 08/24/10 15:28 smithg Target: Symptoms of a frozen/freezing heat exchanger
  • 198472 08/24/10 10:30 Rakitha Run start/end script issues
  • 198471 08/24/10 10:27 Rakitha ROC1 restarted
  • 198467 08/24/10 09:58 donjones Compton: 2nd isolator installed
  • 198463 08/24/10 08:07 rob caen HV crate strangeness; "hv enable" toggled off on currently unused crates
  • Monday

  • 198452 08/23/10 13:52 beaufait QTOR magnet water flow trip
  • 198442 08/23/10 12:16 jhoskins Modulation test
  • 198441 08/23/10 12:03 beaufait QTOR magnet water flow trip
  • 198440 08/23/10 12:00 beaufait Compton water leak fixed
  • 198439 08/23/10 11:43 mack As found octant-by-octant inspection of downstream region viewed from GEM enclosure
  • 198434 08/23/10 10:18 pking Cleaning up files in the cdaq home directory
  • Sunday



  • 198431 08/21/10 23:57 pking cdaql6 was rebooted around 11:30
  • 198430 08/21/10 17:34 donjones Compton: thermal lensing studies
  • 198429 08/21/10 13:02 mack Hall C Saturday puttering
  • Friday

  • 198428 08/20/10 23:58 smithg Target: lessons for next time
  • 198427 08/20/10 23:41 smithg Target: stopped fan/lh2 pump
  • 198426 08/20/10 23:27 smithg Target: loop thermometers leaving the VP curve
  • 198425 08/20/10 23:12 smithg Target: warmup pics
  • 198424 08/20/10 22:33 smithg Target: archiver plot of the 15K leak to the vacuum space
  • 198423 08/20/10 22:05 smithg Target: started warmup
  • 198422 08/20/10 21:34 smithg Target: I think we filled. Then we froze.
  • 198421 08/20/10 21:04 mack switched to isolated feedthrus on BCM signals
  • 198420 08/20/10 20:05 smithg Target: may be working at 33 Hz
  • 198419 08/20/10 18:02 pking We will reboot cdaql6 during the day tomorrow
  • 198418 08/20/10 14:16 brads Gas shed Argon bottle empty; swapped out empty bottle and restarted system
  • 198417 08/20/10 13:35 dalton Compton: laser position response to slow PZT motion
  • 198416 08/20/10 13:23 smithg Target: Looks like 15K may be leaking into the vacuum space
  • 198415 08/20/10 12:33 smithg Target: Put 15K on cold return
  • 198414 08/20/10 11:37 smithg Target: cooldown proceeding well at this point
  • 198413 08/20/10 10:24 dalton Compton: Laser position and power overnight
  • 198412 08/20/10 07:45 smithg Target: started 15K cooldown procedure
  • 198411 08/20/10 07:43 smithg Target: cooldown status
  • Thursday

  • 198410 08/19/10 19:09 rob Target: changed hydrogen source from exhaust line to fill line
  • 198409 08/19/10 17:55 Simon GEM radiation measurements
  • 198408 08/19/10 17:24 smithg Target: cooldown stalled
  • 198407 08/19/10 17:15 rob cdaql6: nfs problem ?
  • 198406 08/19/10 17:10 smacewan MD EM HV off (and rates observed)
  • 198405 08/19/10 16:59 rob cdaql6 display borked (still)
  • 198404 08/19/10 16:48 smacewan MD Event Mode HV on
  • 198403 08/19/10 16:44 smacewan MD switched to Event Mode
  • 198400 08/19/10 14:57 saw Restarted X windows on cdaql6
  • 198399 08/19/10 14:39 smithg Target: JT remote control still fubar
  • 198398 08/19/10 14:32 smithg Target: relaxed the brakes a little
  • 198397 08/19/10 13:58 smithg Target: CLosed 4K JT to 20% to slow it down a little
  • 198396 08/19/10 13:40 smithg Target: Tested main heater control
  • 198395 08/19/10 13:25 smithg Target: Condensing hydrogen now
  • 198394 08/19/10 13:22 rakitha cdaql6 is not responding
  • 198393 08/19/10 12:44 smithg Target: vacuum went bad, then recovered
  • 198392 08/19/10 12:14 smithg Target: screenshots of tgt beginning to cool down
  • 198391 08/19/10 11:39 smithg Target: showtime
  • 198390 08/19/10 09:58 mack hung an LED flashlight on the beamline downstream of W plug
  • 198389 08/19/10 09:35 smithg Target: Cooldown test plan
  • 198388 08/19/10 09:31 pking Analysis: Updated analyser ("devel") on cdaq machines
  • 198387 08/19/10 09:31 smithg Target: cooldown preps
  • 198386 08/19/10 08:21 smithg Target: Started 4K cooldown
  • Wednesday

  • 198385 08/18/10 18:19 mack Rad badges ready for survey and removal from Hall
  • 198384 08/18/10 17:09 smithg Target: JT problems resolved
  • 198383 08/18/10 16:39 smithg loop pressure
  • 198382 08/18/10 16:02 correctly formatted
  • 198381 08/18/10 15:53 smithg Target: Cooldown aborted. One JT problem fixed. Two more now.
  • 198380 08/18/10 15:25 Arshak Region-1 and GEM.
  • 198379 08/18/10 14:21 leacock run sheets for commissioning period
  • 198378 08/18/10 13:24 Pitt Temperature behavior of tungsten plug at highest power deposits in this run
  • 198377 08/18/10 12:50 Pitt Analysis: Analysis of "shoot straigh-through" run 5349
  • 198376 08/18/10 11:41 smithg Target: charging ballast tanks: we get ~ 5 psi/bottle
  • 198375 08/18/10 11:24 smithg Target: JT work continues
  • 198374 08/18/10 11:04 Pitt Useful ELOG entry to explain conditions during Run 5354
  • 198373 08/18/10 11:01 Pitt Analysis: Analysis of run 5354: "dump beam in plug" run
  • 198372 08/18/10 10:04 M Jones Fast Raster on
  • 198371 08/18/10 09:51 smithg Target: Can't start cooldown- 4K JT controller is broken
  • Tuesday

  • 198370 08/17/10 14:39 beaufait QTOR water flow
  • 198369 08/17/10 12:53 rob Target: silenced target alarm in counting house
  • 198368 08/17/10 09:45 donjones Compton: caput.exe error
  • Monday

  • 198367 08/16/10 18:05 brads R2 & R3 gas mix from Hall C gas shed --> Argon ONLY
  • 198366 08/16/10 16:31 Arshak Region-1 and GEM detector.
  • 198365 08/16/10 15:20 Leckey AC out in Counting House
  • 198364 08/16/10 13:42 donjones Compton: turned laser off
  • 198363 08/16/10 13:34 smacewan Green Monster setpoints for run 5354
  • 198362 08/16/10 13:31 smacewan target temperature alarms
  • 198361 08/16/10 12:41 smithg Target: no obstructions in solid tgt area
  • 198360 08/16/10 11:47 mack two neutral beams enter the detector hut
  • 198359 08/16/10 11:14 gaskell Lintels pulled out 2 cm before this run
  • 198358 08/16/10 11:11 gaskell Moller quads off
  • Sunday

  • 198357 08/15/10 14:08 mack late followup - scope pictures to accompany hclog 198204 part II
  • 198356 08/15/10 13:43 mack late followup - scope pictures to accompany hclog 198204 part I
  • 198355 08/15/10 13:02 Pitt One major difference between August 2 and August 11-12 data
  • 198354 08/15/10 01:51 mack straight shot from W plug to MD at 90% CL - simulations needed to finalize lintel position
  • Saturday

  • 198353 08/14/10 02:18 mack do we have a straight shot from the beam plug to the MD's?
  • Friday

  • 198352 08/13/10 19:29 mack inspection of the hall re FR and shielding/bkg
  • 198351 08/13/10 13:16 smacewan Charge Asymmetries from Owl Shift + MD Correlation Plot
  • 198350 08/13/10 12:47 smacewan Legend for figure 2 of log: 198349
  • 198349 08/13/10 12:44 smacewan MD Noise Study for Aug12-13 - FR and Current scan Plots
  • 198348 08/13/10 11:42 mack leaving the counting house
  • 198347 08/13/10 08:40 rob gone to restricted access
  • 198346 08/13/10 08:38 rob owl shift summary
  • 198345 08/13/10 08:34 birchall Correlations
  • 198344 08/13/10 08:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 198343 08/13/10 08:03 rob qtor ramp down and off; all HV off
  • 198341 08/13/10 07:38 covrig Target: QWT_solidB is flaky
  • 198334 08/13/10 06:52 kamyers preliminary correlation plots and widths for runs
  • 198333 08/13/10 06:43 smacewan target GUI snapshot
  • 198331 08/13/10 06:42 smacewan strange target temperature behavior
  • 198330 08/13/10 06:32 smacewan Target out of beam
  • 198324 08/13/10 06:09 jonesrt target position snapshot
  • 198323 08/13/10 06:04 smacewan 4% US Al target in.
  • 198320 08/13/10 05:58 jonesrt beam position snapshot
  • 198317 08/13/10 05:49 kamyers raster y vs x plots for "beam finding"
  • 198315 08/13/10 05:38 rob Beam: found the center of the plug, trying to measure exit window background.
  • 198308 08/13/10 05:20 jonesrt snapshot of scalers
  • 198307 08/13/10 05:19 jonesrt snapshot of Qtor screen
  • 198305 08/13/10 05:14 kamyers adjusted raster gain from 0.06->0.04 for 12 x 12 raster
  • 198303 08/13/10 05:11 rob Beam: changed raster software maximum; looking for tungsten plug hole
  • 198300 08/13/10 04:52 kamyers MD detector widths
  • 198299 08/13/10 04:46 rob halo 6 and 8 rates ~2 kHz and ~5 kHz
  • 198298 08/13/10 04:24 kamyers MD detector correlations - run 5342
  • 198297 08/13/10 04:22 rob beam modulation is clean
  • 198296 08/13/10 04:21 smacewan Moved target to 4% US Al and then out
  • 198295 08/13/10 04:19 rob mack is upstairs checking that beam modulation has shut off
  • 198290 08/13/10 03:52 rob qtor current readback 9008 A
  • 198288 08/13/10 03:51 rob Target: starting W plug program: putting in 4% Al target, requested beam
  • 198286 08/13/10 03:43 leacock 3.5uA harp scans
  • 198285 08/13/10 03:27 kamyers turned off halo monitors
  • 198284 08/13/10 03:24 mack late entry - restored scanner signals about 10pm Thurs
  • 198283 08/13/10 03:12 rob Beam: raster size reduced from 8x8 to 4x4 for sending tune beam
  • 198282 08/13/10 03:12 rob Beam: raster size reduced for sending tune beam
  • 198280 08/13/10 02:53 rob injector run 1415 started
  • 198279 08/13/10 02:52 mack looked at BCM1 output cable chain. add isolated pp's to our to-do list
  • 198278 08/13/10 02:50 smithg Target: plot of position scans
  • 198277 08/13/10 02:28 jhoskins Fast Modulation
  • 198276 08/13/10 02:23 rob Beam: beam delivery to begin "soon"
  • 198275 08/13/10 02:00 pking Adjusted the FR amplifier gain and offset for an 8x8 raster
  • 198271 08/13/10 01:41 leacock halo 5 is reading udervoltage
  • 198264 08/13/10 00:53 jmammei regression against both sets of LUMIs
  • 198261 08/13/10 00:41 rob started qtor ramp to 9008 A
  • 198260 08/13/10 00:36 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 198257 08/13/10 00:07 jmammei No beam for 1 more hour
  • Thursday

  • 198254 08/12/10 23:20 leacock VF scaler screen grab, beam off
  • 198253 08/12/10 23:19 leacock VF lumi scaler drifts
  • 198249 08/12/10 23:04 smithg Target: Moved tgt to OUT position
  • 198247 08/12/10 22:28 mack Hall C bcm gain from #2 to #5 for tonite's program at .leq. 5 microA(?)
  • 198246 08/12/10 22:22 kamyers edited startup.bcmcal and reboot vmec15 for bcm gain change -> 5
  • 198245 08/12/10 22:04 Nuruzzaman Correction: Beam Modulation Map @ Q-weak Cage
  • 198240 08/12/10 21:25 leacock v to f lumi epics scalers
  • 198239 08/12/10 19:39 jhlee Alarm on QWT_solidA
  • 198238 08/12/10 18:40 jhlee screenshots for target gui.
  • 198237 08/12/10 18:38 jhlee Target alarm with horizontal motion table
  • 198236 08/12/10 18:38 leacock radcon survey of hall c 4pm today
  • 198235 08/12/10 18:08 pking Rootfiles for QwPass1_52* have been moved to teh work disk
  • 198234 08/12/10 16:50 brads CGIExport.cgi is pegging a CPU on cdaql6, not l4, sorry
  • 198233 08/12/10 16:49 brads CGIExport.cgi is pegging a CPU on cdaql4, normal?
  • 198232 08/12/10 16:44 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and Stripchart screenshot.
  • 198231 08/12/10 16:23 benesch Beam: beam positions during run 1023, August 2 0358 - 0418, and run 5241
  • 198230 08/12/10 16:15 kamyers radiation group in for follow up survey of hall
  • 198229 08/12/10 16:05 leacock preliminary spectrum analyzer analysis
  • 198228 08/12/10 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 198227 08/12/10 15:59 kamyers Day Shift Summary
  • 198226 08/12/10 15:34 Nuruzzaman Target: 15K Cryo return is getting warm.
  • 198225 08/12/10 15:21 rob lead preradiator installed on octant seven
  • 198224 08/12/10 14:36 kamyers Shift check list screen shots
  • 198223 08/12/10 14:17 pking Run 5326 had many missed events at the end of the run
  • 198220 08/12/10 14:11 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and stripchart screenshot.
  • 198219 08/12/10 14:11 pking VQWK delay setting for runs overnight was zero instead of 20
  • 198218 08/12/10 14:00 pking Late entry: injector DAQ run 1414 was taken last night
  • 198217 08/12/10 13:46 kamyers John and Rob into hall to install preradiator tiles
  • 198216 08/12/10 13:40 pking Analysis: Beginning to move root files for runs 5200-5299 to the work disk.
  • 198215 08/12/10 13:37 covrig Target: warming up on the 15 K
  • 198214 08/12/10 12:58 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation Connections Fixed
  • 198213 08/12/10 12:20 Nuruzzaman IOCHCNMR rebooted
  • 198212 08/12/10 11:56 Nuruzzaman Beam Modulation TRIM rack Turned ON and Wrong Connections Fixed
  • 198211 08/12/10 11:52 kamyers bcm1 has bad contacts?
  • 198210 08/12/10 11:25 Nuruzzaman Beam ModulationTRIM rack Turned OFF
  • 198209 08/12/10 11:24 covrig Target: Trying to go to cold return on 15K
  • 198208 08/12/10 10:44 leacock radcon survey of hall c 8am today
  • 198207 08/12/10 09:45 mack late entry - removal of FR synch signal
  • 198206 08/12/10 09:44 Pitt Lumis during August 2 Run 1023
  • 198205 08/12/10 09:44 Nuruzzaman Target: Vacuum pressure spiked due to cryo temperature change
  • 198204 08/12/10 08:59 mack parasitically looking at signals on the scope during "noise scan"
  • 198203 08/12/10 08:54 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and Stripchart Screenshot
  • 198202 08/12/10 08:47 Nuruzzaman Target vacuum presure spiked.
  • 198201 08/12/10 08:45 kamyers QTOR ramped down
  • 198200 08/12/10 08:16 kamyers Hall to controlled access
  • 198199 08/12/10 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 198197 08/12/10 08:01 smacewan Owl Shift Summary
  • 198196 08/12/10 07:41 smacewan Late Entry - cdaql4 X server crash
  • 198195 08/12/10 07:36 donjones Target: target temperature over owl shift
  • 198194 08/12/10 07:34 igor.sendero QTor log
  • 198193 08/12/10 07:32 igor.sendero general tools screen shot
  • 198192 08/12/10 07:31 smacewan Raster size scan against the target operational restrictions?
  • 198191 08/12/10 07:27 smacewan Fast Raster + Current Scan - Main Detector Asymmetry Widths
  • 198185 08/12/10 07:04 donjones remove raster sync
  • 198174 08/12/10 06:08 smacewan FR to 2x2, current to 10 uA
  • 198170 08/12/10 05:47 donjones screenshots of ion chambers and halo monitors
  • 198168 08/12/10 05:41 smacewan 10 uA to hall
  • 198165 08/12/10 05:30 smacewan FR to 3x3, current to 15 uA
  • 198163 08/12/10 05:19 smacewan DAQ rates fall "randomly"
  • 198156 08/12/10 05:01 smacewan 15uA and now 10 uA beam
  • 198153 08/12/10 04:51 donjones target temp
  • 198150 08/12/10 04:19 smacewan Beam to 20 uA
  • 198149 08/12/10 04:18 Run 5309 actually part of Current and FR scan
  • 198146 08/12/10 04:00 smacewan Owl shift run plan - redux, with proper formatting
  • 198145 08/12/10 03:59 smacewan Owl Shift Run Plan 02:30+
  • 198142 08/12/10 03:48 donjones target temperature ~324K
  • 198128 08/12/10 03:14 smacewan Reboot ROCs
  • 198117 08/12/10 02:35 donjones Target: target temperature
  • 198116 08/12/10 02:26 smithg Target: tgt temp & rate pics for 25 uA on the 4% US Al tgt
  • 198114 08/12/10 02:18 donjones screenshot halo rates
  • 198113 08/12/10 02:15 donjones Run 5296 split between 20 uA and 25 uA
  • 198111 08/12/10 02:10 smacewan beam current up to 25 uA
  • 198109 08/12/10 02:02 pking Analysis: Moved a bunch of root files to the qweak work disk
  • 198108 08/12/10 01:56 smacewan 20 uA beam
  • 198105 08/12/10 01:49 smithg Target: Rate & temp pics for 15 uA on 4% US Al
  • 198104 08/12/10 01:43 smithg Target: Centering scan results: Tgt was off horizontally.
  • 198103 08/12/10 01:30 mack hall c bcm gain setting was and is #2 which is fine for the 15 microA we're "currently" running
  • 198102 08/12/10 01:29 pking Picture of the 2x2 holey target made by scanner+raster
  • 198100 08/12/10 01:22 smacewan target changes & 15 uA beam
  • 198095 08/12/10 00:59 W. Deconinck Analysis: Strange ~1Hz variations on 3h09aX
  • 198094 08/12/10 00:32 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 198093 08/12/10 00:28 jhlee Run 5070 a performance test of a BCM calibration
  • 198092 08/12/10 00:23 W. Deconinck Analysis: Same thing for upstream lumis (run 5283)
  • 198091 08/12/10 00:19 smithg Target: moved to 6x6 for centering scan.
  • 198090 08/12/10 00:18 jhlee a performance test of a BCM calibration
  • Wednesday

  • 198089 08/11/10 23:58 W. Deconinck Analysis: First look at run 5283: downstream lumi response
  • 198088 08/11/10 23:56 jmammei halo rates on raster change
  • 198087 08/11/10 23:54 rob Beam: correlation between detector widths and raster
  • 198086 08/11/10 23:47 AK Opper Shift summary
  • 198085 08/11/10 23:45 AK Opper finding the center of the target
  • 198083 08/11/10 23:39 jmammei starting target position scan
  • 198081 08/11/10 21:35 birchall 4% Al target back in beam
  • 198080 08/11/10 21:23 birchall Back to 4 x 4 raster
  • 198079 08/11/10 21:17 birchall Raster to 6 x 6 for noise tests
  • 198078 08/11/10 21:01 birchall Target out for noise test
  • 198077 08/11/10 20:59 W. Deconinck Beam off to move target out
  • 198075 08/11/10 20:25 smithg Target: Put in 4% US Al dummy
  • 198074 08/11/10 20:01 AK Opper follow up
  • 198073 08/11/10 19:33 AK Opper status
  • 198072 08/11/10 19:32 rob killed Compton HV control again
  • 198069 08/11/10 19:06 rob tungsten plug: small but dramatic-looking regular temperature oscillations
  • 198065 08/11/10 18:59 kamyers MD5 width versus halo rate with 1% US dummy
  • 198057 08/11/10 18:25 W. Deconinck Compton: Compton studies: summary
  • 198055 08/11/10 18:08 jhoskins Follow up
  • 198053 08/11/10 18:03 Pitt Copper braid location?
  • 198052 08/11/10 18:02 covrig Target: 4% US_Al suggested beam limit
  • 198049 08/11/10 17:58 Nuruzzaman Analysis: Beam Modulation Analysis of Run # 5233
  • 198037 08/11/10 17:23 AK Opper injector transmission
  • 198035 08/11/10 16:36 AK Opper status
  • 198033 08/11/10 16:11 birchall Target screenshots at beginning of swing shift
  • 198032 08/11/10 16:05 kamyers Day Shift Summary
  • 198031 08/11/10 16:05 rob controlled access to unlock qtor
  • 198030 08/11/10 16:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 198029 08/11/10 16:00 kamyers request escorted access for Joe
  • 198028 08/11/10 15:55 W. Deconinck Compton studies: raw notes (continued)
  • 198027 08/11/10 15:49 W. Deconinck Compton tests: raw notes
  • 198026 08/11/10 15:49 rob Analysis: /local filled up
  • 198025 08/11/10 15:47 brads updated hclogscript
  • 198021 08/11/10 15:17 leacock uslumi asym widths 50uA, 1% Al
  • 198020 08/11/10 15:00 beaufait Qtor overcurent and power factor
  • 198019 08/11/10 14:59 leacock run 5267
  • 198018 08/11/10 14:54 rob Compton: disabled compton HV gui
  • 198017 08/11/10 14:52 brads re: host key changed for cdaql1 recently?
  • 198016 08/11/10 14:44 W. Deconinck Tune beam through compton chicane
  • 198015 08/11/10 14:29 rob Analysis: host key changed for cdaql1 recently?
  • 198014 08/11/10 13:58 rob Analysis: differences between runs 1023 and 5241
  • 198011 08/11/10 13:19 mack BMod figure
  • 198010 08/11/10 13:00 jhoskins Beam Modulation Plots -- Single Coil modulation VS BPM position
  • 198009 08/11/10 12:56 Carlini Analysis: Possible Souce of the Detector Noise
  • 198008 08/11/10 12:55 jmammei beam quality issues
  • 198007 08/11/10 12:49 kamyers going to 10uA to check beam charge asymmetries while Jay gets ready for Compton tuning
  • 198005 08/11/10 12:45 kamyers set points for no target beam steering study
  • 198004 08/11/10 12:39 rob Target: late entry: target is out of beam
  • 198003 08/11/10 12:34 leacock Shift checklist general tools screen grab
  • 198002 08/11/10 12:32 leacock Shift checklist HV screen grab
  • 198001 08/11/10 11:57 Pitt Beam: Comparison of recent production runs to Monday August 2
  • 197999 08/11/10 11:53 leacock 3H06V = -2046 G-cm
  • 197998 08/11/10 11:53 leacock 3H06V = -2046 G-cm
  • 197997 08/11/10 11:52 brads cdaql1 console working (I hope)
  • 197996 08/11/10 11:50 leacock 3H06V = -796 G-cm
  • 197995 08/11/10 11:49 rob Target: target and tungsten plug temperatures during beam steering test
  • 197994 08/11/10 11:48 leacock 3H06V = -796 G-cm
  • 197993 08/11/10 11:47 leacock 3H06V = -546 G-cm
  • 197992 08/11/10 11:46 leacock 3H06V = -546 G-cm
  • 197991 08/11/10 11:42 leacock 3H06V = -1046 G-cm
  • 197990 08/11/10 11:39 leacock 3H06V = -1046 G-cm
  • 197989 08/11/10 11:39 Kaisen Noise difference for BCM5/6
  • 197988 08/11/10 11:37 leacock 3H06V = -3046 G-cm
  • 197987 08/11/10 11:34 leacock 3H06V = -3046 G-cm
  • 197986 08/11/10 11:31 leacock 3H06V = -1546 G-cm
  • 197985 08/11/10 11:26 leacock 3H06V now -2546
  • 197984 08/11/10 11:25 leacock beam steering
  • 197983 08/11/10 11:21 leacock beam steering nominal
  • 197982 08/11/10 11:20 mack need a power factor correction?
  • 197979 08/11/10 10:57 kamyers BPM and halo rates for (X,Y) = (0,0) position
  • 197978 08/11/10 10:47 kamyers BPM and Halo rates: +0.5 mm in X
  • 197977 08/11/10 10:35 beaufait qtor status
  • 197976 08/11/10 10:34 kamyers BPM and Halo rates: -0.5 mm in X
  • 197975 08/11/10 10:27 kamyers BPM and Halo rates: -0.5 mm in Y
  • 197974 08/11/10 10:21 kamyers halo rates: +0.5 mm in Y
  • 197973 08/11/10 10:19 kamyers BPM positions: +0.5 mm in Y
  • 197972 08/11/10 10:04 kamyers BPM Screen: nominal position
  • 197970 08/11/10 09:55 leacock rebooted roc1, roc2, ts0
  • 197967 08/11/10 09:51 covrig Target: note on the US 1% Al target acceptance
  • 197962 08/11/10 09:38 rob Target: done moving
  • 197961 08/11/10 09:34 kamyers Back to beam permit in preparation for beam steering study
  • 197960 08/11/10 09:34 rob Target: target moving out of the beam
  • 197959 08/11/10 09:21 kamyers Joe in for 2nd escorted access
  • 197958 08/11/10 08:57 mack late entry - touched BMod cabling in BSY service building
  • 197957 08/11/10 08:56 paschke IHWP flip procedure
  • 197956 08/11/10 08:49 kamyers escorted access
  • 197955 08/11/10 08:32 rob qtor ramp down; qtor work to begin
  • 197953 08/11/10 08:14 donjones target computer clock off by 6 minutes
  • 197952 08/11/10 08:03 smacewan Owl Shift Summary
  • 197951 08/11/10 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197948 08/11/10 07:38 donjones Target: target temperature and beam status over owl
  • 197947 08/11/10 07:14 jonesrt general tools snapshot
  • 197946 08/11/10 07:12 jonesrt snapshot of halo scalars
  • 197945 08/11/10 06:45 smacewan Runs 5268-5276 not really production
  • 197944 08/11/10 06:43 smacewan zombie process caused EB issues
  • 197943 08/11/10 06:42 smacewan IA scan results - minimizing charge asymmetry
  • 197939 08/11/10 06:05 smacewan event builder crashes
  • 197932 08/11/10 05:34 donjones Beam: change hall c HWP IA setting
  • 197930 08/11/10 05:29 smacewan Run number for IHWP out charge asymmetry plots
  • 197929 08/11/10 05:22 smacewan BCM1&2 Asymmetries after IHWP change
  • 197928 08/11/10 05:04 donjones Target: beam use and target temperature
  • 197927 08/11/10 04:31 smacewan IHWP taken out
  • 197924 08/11/10 04:19 smacewan Better formatted log on Actual currents for earlier runs
  • 197923 08/11/10 04:07 smacewan Actual Currents for Runs 5266-5269
  • 197920 08/11/10 03:14 jonesrt beam current stability at 50uA
  • 197917 08/11/10 02:46 donjones Target: 1.5 hour target temperature at 50 uA
  • 197916 08/11/10 02:22 smacewan bcm1, bcm2 asymmetries
  • 197913 08/11/10 01:48 donjones Target: target temperature at 50 uA
  • 197912 08/11/10 01:38 smacewan Beam current ramp rate raised from 1 to 3 uA/s
  • 197911 08/11/10 01:09 jonesrt halo at 50 uA
  • 197910 08/11/10 01:05 donjones Beam: screenshot of ion chambers and halo monitors at 35 uA
  • 197909 08/11/10 01:03 donjones target temperature 35uA
  • 197907 08/11/10 01:01 smacewan 50 uA Beam to Hall
  • 197905 08/11/10 00:42 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197904 08/11/10 00:33 jonesrt halo rates at 35 microamps
  • 197902 08/11/10 00:26 smacewan Beam current to 20 uA, 35 uA
  • 197900 08/11/10 00:16 jhoskins Shift Summary
  • 197899 08/11/10 00:10 paschke still significant noise in detectors, run 5263
  • Tuesday

  • 197898 08/10/10 23:35 paschke halo detector analysis a bit goofy
  • 197897 08/10/10 23:21 jhoskins Watch the Halo rates.
  • 197896 08/10/10 22:59 jhoskins Beam Modulation Plots VS X & Y BMP
  • 197895 08/10/10 22:54 brads re: changed ethane gas bottle
  • 197894 08/10/10 22:41 leacock changed ethane gas bottle
  • 197893 08/10/10 22:27 jhoskins Leaking hose caused RF cavity problem
  • 197892 08/10/10 22:26 W. Deconinck Compton: Fixed formatting on earlier Compton entry
  • 197891 08/10/10 21:59 jhoskins RF cavity issue no beam
  • 197890 08/10/10 21:53 leacock halo 6 and 8 HV lowered
  • 197889 08/10/10 21:29 smithg Target: 20 uA pics. Tgt temps look ok.
  • 197888 08/10/10 21:29 allena Shift checklist HV gui screenshot
  • 197885 08/10/10 21:13 W. Deconinck Please do not run CPU/memory intensive jobs on the cdaq machines!
  • 197884 08/10/10 21:05 jhoskins Beam trips on ion chamber in GEM enclosure
  • 197883 08/10/10 21:01 smithg Target: Asked for faster ramp rate
  • 197880 08/10/10 20:44 paschke pedestals for bcm gain = 2
  • 197879 08/10/10 20:21 smithg Target: Moved in 1% target. Asked for 20 uA to start with.
  • 197875 08/10/10 20:01 jhoskins BCM calibration test
  • 197873 08/10/10 19:54 W. Deconinck Summary of Compton tests
  • 197865 08/10/10 19:40 jhoskins bcm1 fluctuating
  • 197863 08/10/10 19:32 paschke BCM gains -> 2
  • 197862 08/10/10 19:28 jhoskins VMEC15
  • 197860 08/10/10 19:18 jhoskins Compton Tests are done
  • 197859 08/10/10 19:14 donjones Compton: backing out of compton chicane
  • 197846 08/10/10 18:56 donjones Compton: ramping current through Compton
  • 197842 08/10/10 18:42 donjones Compton: increase beam to 5 microamps through compton chicane
  • 197841 08/10/10 18:32 covrig Target: 1% US-Al suggested max beam current
  • 197840 08/10/10 18:24 jmammei status
  • 197839 08/10/10 18:14 jhoskins Tuned beam coming
  • 197838 08/10/10 17:41 jhoskins Energy Modulation fixed -- I think
  • 197835 08/10/10 16:12 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197834 08/10/10 15:58 beaufait QTOR NIGHT RUN ONLY!!
  • 197833 08/10/10 15:56 sxyang Shift summary
  • 197832 08/10/10 15:49 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and Stripchart Screenshot
  • 197831 08/10/10 15:39 sxyang QTOR update
  • 197830 08/10/10 15:16 leacock QTor status
  • 197829 08/10/10 14:18 leacock QTor ramped up to 9062 for diagnostic tests
  • 197828 08/10/10 14:15 leacock AC compressor circuit breaker restored
  • 197826 08/10/10 13:51 sxyang controlled access
  • 197825 08/10/10 13:50 W. Deconinck CHC AC not functioning
  • 197824 08/10/10 13:40 leacock ion chamber doses
  • 197823 08/10/10 13:36 leacock halo rates, 2.5uA, no target, no raster
  • 197822 08/10/10 13:20 paschke/mamm notes on MD asymmetry from Al production (run 5241)
  • 197821 08/10/10 12:56 leacock General Tools screen grab
  • 197818 08/10/10 12:38 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and Stripchart Screenshot
  • 197817 08/10/10 12:30 leacock MD 9+/- should NOT be on
  • 197816 08/10/10 12:25 leacock HV GUI screen grab. Should MD 9 be on?
  • 197815 08/10/10 12:04 leacock turned MD6- CM HV back on
  • 197814 08/10/10 11:52 leacock MD 6- CM HV off
  • 197810 08/10/10 11:14 W. Deconinck Compton: Rewiring of Moller ADC gate
  • 197808 08/10/10 10:51 beaufait qtor trip
  • 197806 08/10/10 10:34 leacock rebootpanel and resetting ioc did not work
  • 197805 08/10/10 10:24 W. Deconinck Compton: Moller mods for Compton readout
  • 197804 08/10/10 10:15 sxyang QTOR tripped off
  • 197803 08/10/10 10:13 leacock QTOR computer crash
  • 197802 08/10/10 10:10 Kaisen Noise difference in volts over event numbers
  • 197801 08/10/10 10:04 mack reminder about Hall C polarization status
  • 197798 08/10/10 09:04 sxyang target out
  • 197796 08/10/10 08:45 sxyang unraster beam
  • 197792 08/10/10 08:22 Nuruzzaman Target GUI and stripchart screenshot
  • 197791 08/10/10 08:05 smacewan Owl Shift Summary
  • 197790 08/10/10 08:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197789 08/10/10 08:01 donjones Target: Target temperatures steady through owl
  • 197784 08/10/10 06:18 mack BMod plots follow-up with Josh
  • 197781 08/10/10 05:51 smacewan HV GUI snapshot
  • 197780 08/10/10 05:50 jonesrt general tools snapshot
  • 197779 08/10/10 05:15 donjones target temperature
  • 197778 08/10/10 05:13 smacewan US-LUMI 5+ 7- turned on
  • 197777 08/10/10 04:59 smacewan Reset qwioc4 to retain EPICS scalers - Run 5246 ended
  • 197775 08/10/10 04:39 smacewan EPICS Scaler GUI Not Functioning
  • 197774 08/10/10 04:33 mack BCM1/2 noise levels at 5 microA look encouraging provided scaling to 150 microA works
  • 197771 08/10/10 03:11 smacewan Run 5244 - End of Run full of trips
  • 197767 08/10/10 01:58 smacewan 5uA Beam Back
  • 197766 08/10/10 01:54 smacewan MCC ready to give beam back, FSD trips
  • 197763 08/10/10 01:16 smacewan Beam off for Hall B Debugging
  • 197762 08/10/10 01:16 donjones BTA software crashed
  • 197760 08/10/10 00:38 jhoskins Beam Modulation Plots
  • 197759 08/10/10 00:22 jhoskins Swing Summary
  • 197758 08/10/10 00:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197757 08/10/10 00:01 pking Analysis: Script for "quick analysis" of an ongoing run
  • Monday

  • 197755 08/09/10 23:41 Kaisen Noise in BCMs with attachments this time (attempt 2)
  • 197754 08/09/10 23:31 Kaisen Noise in BCMs with attachments this time
  • 197752 08/09/10 23:17 kaisen Noise levels in the BCM
  • 197751 08/09/10 23:17 kaisen Noise levels in the BCM
  • 197748 08/09/10 22:07 kamyers halo target scan rate comparison: QTOR off/on [cleaned up]
  • 197747 08/09/10 21:45 birchall Run number for entry 197744 was 5218
  • 197746 08/09/10 21:40 jmammei halo rate comparison
  • 197745 08/09/10 21:23 jhoskins Halo rate comparison
  • 197744 08/09/10 21:13 oppe, bircha Halo 3, 5, 8 for MD 1 - 8 in run 2518 with QTOR ON
  • 197741 08/09/10 20:46 W. Deconinck Beam: Compton rates during laser phase scan
  • 197740 08/09/10 20:32 birchall Halo vs MD with QTOR off
  • 197738 08/09/10 20:21 smithg Target: Put in 1% Al US dummy. 5 uA.
  • 197737 08/09/10 20:16 kamyers QTOR on halo rates, runs 5236 5237 and 5238
  • 197736 08/09/10 20:09 kamyers very low halo rates with no target
  • 197734 08/09/10 20:07 opper, birch Run 5219 halo vs MD
  • 197733 08/09/10 20:05 jhoskins Halo test without halo target
  • 197730 08/09/10 19:48 benesch Beam: Compton dipole is definitely off
  • 197725 08/09/10 19:25 jhoskins Halo Target tests
  • 197719 08/09/10 18:52 W. Deconinck First Compton photon spectrum of beam background
  • 197710 08/09/10 18:16 kamyers BCM gain back to setting 5
  • 197707 08/09/10 18:14 kamyers Run 5227 current steps
  • 197704 08/09/10 18:12 jmammei run plan for swing and owl
  • 197702 08/09/10 17:45 kamyers "qtor off" run 5128
  • 197701 08/09/10 17:22 kamyers run 5226 just pedestal
  • 197698 08/09/10 17:18 jhoskins Hall B off
  • 197696 08/09/10 17:15 jhoskins BCM calibration
  • 197694 08/09/10 17:09 leacock all lumi HV on
  • 197693 08/09/10 17:05 paschke "optimal" source configuration may not be constant
  • 197692 08/09/10 17:01 jhoskins Beam dump measurement
  • 197691 08/09/10 17:00 leacock all lumis in current mode
  • 197687 08/09/10 16:30 kamyers not sure about PC voltage settings
  • 197686 08/09/10 16:22 kamyers ramped QTOR to zero
  • 197685 08/09/10 16:10 sxyang Shift summary
  • 197684 08/09/10 16:08 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197683 08/09/10 16:00 jmammei shift checklist screen
  • 197681 08/09/10 15:56 kamyers runs 5220, 5221, 5222: Halo target scan (kind of late entry)
  • 197680 08/09/10 15:55 jmammei verified helicity settings - IHWP IN
  • 197679 08/09/10 15:53 sxyang escort access
  • 197678 08/09/10 15:52 kamyers turned on MD background detectors
  • 197676 08/09/10 15:44 sxyang QTOR update
  • 197671 08/09/10 15:17 kamyers halo rates stripchart during halo target scan
  • 197667 08/09/10 15:07 smithg 8 mm square halo tgt rates
  • 197665 08/09/10 15:02 smithg Halo rates at 1 uA and 13 mm diameter hole.
  • 197657 08/09/10 14:20 smithg Target: Put tgt out
  • 197655 08/09/10 14:17 Pitt Luminosity monitor configuration changes - 12:00 - 13:00
  • 197654 08/09/10 14:11 saw QTOR Control GUI upgrade
  • 197653 08/09/10 14:05 sxyang QTOR update
  • 197652 08/09/10 13:42 sxyang escort access
  • 197651 08/09/10 13:38 kamyers QTOR off halo scan - without and with target, runs 5128 5129
  • 197649 08/09/10 13:28 kamyers halo rates during scan with 1% US Al
  • 197648 08/09/10 13:21 pking Added QTOR EPICS variables to the dictionary used for the EPICS events
  • 197647 08/09/10 13:00 kamyers halo rates with 1% US Al, "nominal" halo
  • 197645 08/09/10 12:54 smithg Target: Put in 1% Al US dummy. 5 uA.
  • 197643 08/09/10 12:40 sxyang QTOR update
  • 197642 08/09/10 12:34 smithg moved to ruby viewer
  • 197640 08/09/10 12:25 sxyang QTOR information
  • 197637 08/09/10 11:51 Jie Pan scanner parked at (0, -334 cm), HV off
  • 197636 08/09/10 11:36 sxyang raster size test
  • 197635 08/09/10 11:34 Jie Pan scanner HV on
  • 197634 08/09/10 11:15 Carlini Analysis: Hole Target mystery
  • 197633 08/09/10 11:12 kamyers QTOR tripped off
  • 197632 08/09/10 11:09 sxyang QTOR tripped off
  • 197630 08/09/10 10:52 kamyers halo and bpm screens at bad halo medium setting
  • 197629 08/09/10 10:38 mack late entry - no hole in FR X vs Y distribution was found when triggered by GWU scintillator
  • 197628 08/09/10 10:24 sxyang turn on main detectors
  • 197627 08/09/10 10:20 pking Halo and position screens after steering correction
  • 197624 08/09/10 10:12 sxyang halo on and md off
  • 197623 08/09/10 10:02 kamyers halo rates with bpm, 09X -0.1, 09Y -0.03, 09BX -0.8, 09BY -0.04
  • 197620 08/09/10 09:49 sxyang beam status
  • 197618 08/09/10 09:32 sxyang beam update
  • 197617 08/09/10 09:04 kamyers X raster mangetic off again
  • 197616 08/09/10 08:58 sxyang beam update
  • 197615 08/09/10 08:52 Armstrong Bubblers OK
  • 197614 08/09/10 08:05 sxyang beam status
  • 197613 08/09/10 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197612 08/09/10 08:02 silwal owl shift summary
  • 197611 08/09/10 07:55 jmammei bubblers not bubbling?
  • 197610 08/09/10 07:49 jmammei missing gas shed key
  • 197609 08/09/10 06:51 silwal tune beam tripping compton/target ion chambers
  • 197608 08/09/10 06:31 silwal tune beam tripping compton ion chambers
  • 197607 08/09/10 06:11 silwal tune beam in the hall now
  • 197606 08/09/10 06:10 silwal no beam yet
  • 197605 08/09/10 05:07 silwal still no beam in the hall
  • 197604 08/09/10 04:02 mack late entry - scope traces from "beamline exit window bkg" measurement
  • 197603 08/09/10 03:23 covrig Target: vertical lifter controller power-cycled
  • 197602 08/09/10 03:11 mack open letter to shift leaders for rest of run
  • 197601 08/09/10 03:11 silwal back to beam permit
  • 197600 08/09/10 02:49 silwal controlled acess taken to reset the target vertical motion controller
  • 197599 08/09/10 02:48 silwal beam update
  • 197598 08/09/10 01:15 silwal controlled access to reset target vertical motion controller taken. back to beam permit
  • 197597 08/09/10 01:04 mack access to reset vertical motion controller in progress
  • 197596 08/09/10 00:03 AK Opper Swing Shift summary
  • 197595 08/09/10 00:02 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 197594 08/08/10 23:45 mack/Wang entry to reset QTOR power supply, followed by inspection of the hall
  • 197593 08/08/10 23:45 donjones Compton: Blue screen of death
  • 197592 08/08/10 23:17 Jie Pan QTOR current back, 9061 A (DCCT)
  • 197591 08/08/10 23:06 Jie Pan Request controlled access from MCC for QTOR current reset in the hall
  • 197590 08/08/10 22:56 covrig Target: new xpot vs xpos and xpos vs xpot fits
  • 197589 08/08/10 22:41 Jie Pan QTOR current setting problem
  • 197588 08/08/10 22:20 AK Opper Status
  • 197587 08/08/10 21:35 Jie Pan The rate distribution seen by scanner in Event Mode
  • 197586 08/08/10 20:47 pqwang shift worker checklist
  • 197585 08/08/10 18:44 Pitt Access work on region 2, luminosity monitors
  • 197584 08/08/10 17:49 kamyers 1% US dummy rates from archive
  • 197583 08/08/10 17:40 AK Opper Status
  • 197582 08/08/10 16:47 W. Deconinck Compton: Photon detector HV now on ch 6 instead of ch 9...
  • 197577 08/08/10 16:10 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197576 08/08/10 15:54 covrig Target: Solid targets cooling update
  • 197575 08/08/10 15:53 saw Qtor back on
  • 197574 08/08/10 15:53 AK Opper "Shift Checklist"
  • 197573 08/08/10 15:13 donjones Compton: Realignment and lock
  • 197572 08/08/10 14:52 jhoskins R3 chambers
  • 197571 08/08/10 13:58 smacewan Deviation in MD currents from previous measurements
  • 197570 08/08/10 13:48 smacewan Main Detectors Current Mode Status Confirmed - Ready for Beam (HV off again)
  • 197569 08/08/10 13:39 covrig Target: xpot vs xpos and xpos vs xpot
  • 197568 08/08/10 13:34 smacewan QTOR Power Supply Fronty Panel Display is OFF
  • 197567 08/08/10 13:08 smacewan All MD octants switched to Current Mode and HV on. LEDs to follow
  • 197566 08/08/10 13:06 Pitt QTOR trip
  • 197565 08/08/10 12:42 Pitt Controlled accesss - hall available
  • 197564 08/08/10 12:18 Pitt Halo high voltages off
  • 197563 08/08/10 12:06 covrig Target: horizontal motion table
  • 197562 08/08/10 12:05 Pitt BCM calibration done; called for controlled access
  • 197560 08/08/10 11:04 make late entry - firmly seated the ribbon cable at output of NIM-ECL converter for MD signals
  • 197558 08/08/10 10:36 Pitt Region 3 VDCs HV off - really
  • 197557 08/08/10 10:18 Armstrong stale data?
  • 197556 08/08/10 09:53 Pitt Halo voltages restored to nominal values
  • 197555 08/08/10 09:48 Pitt Halo HV scan
  • 197553 08/08/10 09:17 mack MD1 rate during upstream halo calibration
  • 197552 08/08/10 08:59 jmammei Owl Shift Summary
  • 197551 08/08/10 08:54 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197550 08/08/10 08:52 Armstrong VDCs still on
  • 197549 08/08/10 08:50 jmammei halo rates during position scan
  • 197547 08/08/10 08:42 jmammei halo target position scan
  • 197545 08/08/10 07:38 jmammei HALO target position
  • 197539 08/08/10 07:20 benesch Target: two points determine a line
  • 197534 08/08/10 06:01 jmammei HALO HV set to 1700
  • 197533 08/08/10 06:01 mack RC update - plans for Sunday
  • 197532 08/08/10 05:53 jmammei beginning HALO monitor test
  • 197531 08/08/10 05:51 silwal target to empty
  • 197528 08/08/10 05:43 jmammei some sort of excursion
  • 197527 08/08/10 05:42 silwal target alarm on QWT_phytronB
  • 197526 08/08/10 05:40 kamyers strip charts from 2nd half of 4% US scan
  • 197525 08/08/10 05:40 jhlee Single Event Upsets on some F1TDCs at ROC 9
  • 197524 08/08/10 05:37 jmammei BFIL scan run list
  • 197512 08/08/10 05:10 kamyers strip charts from first half of bfil scan on 4% US
  • 197496 08/08/10 04:30 silwal target 4% Al
  • 197495 08/08/10 04:27 jmammei scanner rates for QTOR scan
  • 197494 08/08/10 04:25 kamyers Dummy target rate scan run summary
  • 197493 08/08/10 04:24 kamyers TS and MD rates for 8% DS BFIL scan
  • 197477 08/08/10 04:00 kamyers run 5181 dcct actual readback
  • 197461 08/08/10 03:26 jmammei halo rates with beam position
  • 197460 08/08/10 03:25 smithg Target: Moved to 8% DS dummy. Setup x-values for this column for rest of night.
  • 197459 08/08/10 03:09 smithg Target: Moved to ruby to check hor pos. See pic.
  • 197456 08/08/10 02:48 smithg Target: Moved to US 2% Al=tgt15
  • 197453 08/08/10 02:36 smithg Target: Moved to US 4% C = tgt 9.
  • 197448 08/08/10 02:16 smithg Target: Massive headaches on horizontal motion. Am now at DS 4% Al dummy- set by resistive pot.
  • 197445 08/08/10 01:46 jmammei target horizontal motion
  • 197444 08/08/10 01:32 kamyers stripcharts of halo rates and TS/MD rates
  • 197443 08/08/10 01:23 donjones Compton: Regained reflection dip from cavity.
  • 197441 08/08/10 01:08 jmammei halo rates
  • 197439 08/08/10 00:58 smithg Target: Moving to the DS 2% Al dummy
  • 197437 08/08/10 00:55 jmammei chchange QTOR/MD rate changes
  • 197434 08/08/10 00:47 smithg Target: Target Centering Scan results
  • 197430 08/08/10 00:41 smithg Target: Moving to the US Pure AL tgt #10
  • 197429 08/08/10 00:40 mack recent beam issues caused by loss of witness beam?
  • 197427 08/08/10 00:27 kamyers halo rates jumping around a bit
  • 197425 08/08/10 00:19 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197423 08/08/10 00:08 Armstrong VDC: tweak voltage; currents
  • Saturday

  • 197420 08/07/10 23:59 kamyers ROC9 powerstrip rebooted
  • 197419 08/07/10 23:51 cdaq End of Run :
  • 197418 08/07/10 23:50 Armstrong Adjust VDC thresholds again
  • 197417 08/07/10 23:45 mack update
  • 197416 08/07/10 23:06 mack beam tune seems nice - turning connected halos back on
  • 197415 08/07/10 22:59 smithg Target: Moving to the US 4% AL dummy
  • 197414 08/07/10 22:59 Pitt Run plan for lumi discriminator scan - not
  • 197412 08/07/10 22:54 Pitt Run plan for halo target calibration
  • 197410 08/07/10 22:51 Armstrong VDCs on, at reduced voltage
  • 197408 08/07/10 22:45 pqwang MD and TS rates with 8% Al target, 100 nA current, QTOR 8937 A
  • 197407 08/07/10 22:42 smithg Target: Shifted all target positions 2.5 mm to beam right
  • 197405 08/07/10 22:21 rob Beam: main detector QDC spectra from rotator scan
  • 197404 08/07/10 22:21 smithg Target: Put in 8% DS Al dummy
  • 197403 08/07/10 22:16 Armstrong HDCs and VDCs in same events
  • 197402 08/07/10 22:14 Armstrong HDCs and VDCs in same events
  • 197401 08/07/10 22:03 smithg Target: moving back to 6x6
  • 197400 08/07/10 21:54 kamyers trying to find the beam/target positions
  • 197399 08/07/10 21:54 smithg Target: Moving to MT tgt
  • 197398 08/07/10 21:27 Pitt 100 nA harp scans on log scales to look for halos
  • 197397 08/07/10 20:51 Pitt Late entry - beam steering scan for lumi, scandata values for run 5154
  • 197394 08/07/10 20:38 smithg Target: put in 6x6 centering square
  • 197393 08/07/10 20:37 Pitt Late entry - beam steering scan for lumi, scandata values for run 5154
  • 197392 08/07/10 20:33 donjones Compton: GUI improvement
  • 197389 08/07/10 20:13 kamyers killed CGIExport.cgi on cvxwrks@cdaql6
  • 197385 08/07/10 20:04 donjones Compton EPICS
  • 197381 08/07/10 19:46 smithg Target: put in US 2x2 centering square tgt
  • 197376 08/07/10 19:22 Armstrong VDCs: Mollers are not elastic electrons, and sundry observations
  • 197375 08/07/10 19:18 kamyers harp scan at 100 nA
  • 197374 08/07/10 19:04 pqwang MD waveform (wrong file). Picture attached this time
  • 197373 08/07/10 18:57 pqwang MD waveform with 100 nA beam
  • 197372 08/07/10 18:52 pqwang timing for the scanner and bottom main bar
  • 197371 08/07/10 18:40 smithg raster gui while ramping up from earlier problem
  • 197370 08/07/10 18:26 smithg beam is returning
  • 197369 08/07/10 18:13 smithg beam not about to return
  • 197368 08/07/10 18:12 donjones Compton: Changes to GUI
  • 197367 08/07/10 17:43 smithg beam about to return
  • 197366 08/07/10 17:03 smithg down for awhile
  • 197365 08/07/10 16:48 kamyers raster magnetic current figure
  • 197364 08/07/10 16:46 Pitt Day shift summary
  • 197363 08/07/10 16:45 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197362 08/07/10 16:41 SMITHG X raster has been off!
  • 197361 08/07/10 16:40 Pitt MCC calls - blown fuse in power supply
  • 197360 08/07/10 16:31 Pitt RF Zone goes down
  • 197359 08/07/10 16:20 Armstrong (late entry) VDC leakage currents
  • 197358 08/07/10 16:15 Pitt Notes for superhap scan
  • 197357 08/07/10 16:13 Pitt Fast raster status
  • 197356 08/07/10 16:06 kamyers halo rates from harp scan
  • 197355 08/07/10 16:02 kamyers BPM after restoring to 100 nA
  • 197354 08/07/10 15:48 Pitt Move to Katherine's program
  • 197353 08/07/10 15:48 smithg Target: Moved to out of beam position. Horizontal position is weird.
  • 197352 08/07/10 15:43 smithg Target: braid in front of "lh2"?
  • 197351 08/07/10 15:35 Leckey Scanner Horizontal Motion Cord Reattached
  • 197350 08/07/10 15:18 leacock reset roc9
  • 197349 08/07/10 15:09 Armstrong Summary of Tracking Rotation runs
  • 197346 08/07/10 14:43 Pitt Region 2 leakage currents during run 5153
  • 197344 08/07/10 14:34 benesch Beam: halo
  • 197343 08/07/10 14:25 Pitt Radiation levels in region 1 hut
  • 197342 08/07/10 14:22 Pitt Return from controlled access
  • 197341 08/07/10 14:17 rob start qtor ramp to 8937 A
  • 197340 08/07/10 13:51 Armstrong recent ROC 9 issue
  • 197339 08/07/10 13:37 Pitt Call for controlled access
  • 197338 08/07/10 13:36 rob Analysis: roc9 data returned in run 5152
  • 197336 08/07/10 13:17 rob Analysis: data missing from roc 9
  • 197334 08/07/10 13:09 Pitt Controlling the beam current - late entry
  • 197332 08/07/10 12:49 Pitt Region 2 leakage currents and FastOR rates during run 5151
  • 197330 08/07/10 12:24 Pitt Controlled Access complete
  • 197329 08/07/10 12:21 josh hoskins Scanner linear position potentiometer (horizontal direction) removed by region 3
  • 197328 08/07/10 12:15 rob begin qtor ramp to 8937 A
  • 197327 08/07/10 11:43 Pitt Incorrect run subject line for runs 5147 - 5150
  • 197326 08/07/10 11:36 rob qtor ramp down for entry
  • 197325 08/07/10 11:35 Pitt Call for controlled access
  • 197323 08/07/10 11:33 Pitt Region 2 leakage rates during run 5150
  • 197322 08/07/10 11:27 Simon GEM detector is moved out
  • 197321 08/07/10 11:26 Pitt Restoring beam current
  • 197319 08/07/10 11:24 Leckey Run 5149 Cosmics Only
  • 197316 08/07/10 11:16 Pitt Controlled access done
  • 197315 08/07/10 11:11 rob qtor ramp to 8937 A actually started
  • 197314 08/07/10 11:02 rob qtor ramp to 8937 A started
  • 197313 08/07/10 10:37 rob qtor ramp down
  • 197312 08/07/10 10:20 Pitt Call for controlled access
  • 197311 08/07/10 10:15 Leckey Run 5148 Rotator 3 = 0 (Horizontal); Rotator 2 = 0
  • 197309 08/07/10 10:13 Pitt Hokie 2 tripped in middle of run 5148
  • 197308 08/07/10 10:01 Pitt Region 2 HDC conditions in Run number 5148
  • 197307 08/07/10 09:57 Pitt Log of recent beam current changes
  • 197303 08/07/10 09:39 Pitt Region 2 leakage currents
  • 197302 08/07/10 08:53 Pitt GEM program over
  • 197300 08/07/10 08:49 Pitt Change to 200 nA; trigger scintillator off
  • 197294 08/07/10 08:19 Pitt Current beam positions and scaler rates
  • 197293 08/07/10 08:15 jmammei halo rates improved
  • 197292 08/07/10 08:11 jmammei change back to BPMs for halo rates
  • 197291 08/07/10 08:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197290 08/07/10 08:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197289 08/07/10 08:02 jmammei Owl Shift Summary
  • 197288 08/07/10 07:51 jmammei beam positions/halo rates
  • 197287 08/07/10 07:40 jmammei restore positions
  • 197286 08/07/10 07:11 jmammei halo rates with BPMs
  • 197285 08/07/10 06:50 jmammei beam excursion
  • 197284 08/07/10 06:49 jmammei halo rates with tune beam
  • 197283 08/07/10 06:19 jmammei scanner, MD HV off
  • 197282 08/07/10 06:05 jmammei scanner tests complete
  • 197281 08/07/10 06:03 Pitt Beam: Beam current more stable than trigger scintillator/halo rates
  • 197280 08/07/10 05:36 jmammei halo / scanner / ts rates
  • 197277 08/07/10 05:26 pqwang CODA EB43 error. Reset CODA
  • 197272 08/07/10 04:06 jmammei pre-buncher going from 100pA ->10uA
  • 197271 08/07/10 04:05 jmammei "pico-cup" reads 2uA at 100 nA?
  • 197270 08/07/10 03:44 pqwang Put the MD trigger back to "AND-OR" mode
  • 197267 08/07/10 03:30 jmammei TS / halo rates with 100nA
  • 197266 08/07/10 03:22 jmammei Going to 100nA
  • 197265 08/07/10 03:18 pqwang turned beam off temporarily
  • 197264 08/07/10 03:15 jmammei TS rate during QTOR ramp
  • 197263 08/07/10 03:14 pqwang QTOR ramp to 8936 A
  • 197260 08/07/10 02:50 jmammei "pico-cup" measurement
  • 197259 08/07/10 02:40 jmammei going to low current
  • 197258 08/07/10 02:38 jmammei halo rates at 100pA?
  • 197257 08/07/10 02:36 jmammei halo rates 1 uA after beam off
  • 197256 08/07/10 02:28 silwal target to Optics-3, issue with the FSD warning on gui
  • 197255 08/07/10 02:15 jmammei halo at 1.7 uA
  • 197254 08/07/10 02:08 pqwang Note for Run 5137
  • 197253 08/07/10 02:01 pqwang Run 5138 is Mark's natural background study
  • 197251 08/07/10 01:51 mack looked at "beamline exit window" MD bkg signals
  • 197247 08/07/10 00:59 jmammei Main det HV on in event mode
  • 197246 08/07/10 00:53 silwal target gui snapshot
  • 197245 08/07/10 00:50 jmammei halo rates beam off
  • 197244 08/07/10 00:44 leacock halo rates at 8.5uA
  • 197243 08/07/10 00:40 jmammei halo rates/beam tune
  • 197242 08/07/10 00:29 jmammei halo rates/beam tune
  • 197241 08/07/10 00:26 jmammei scanner tests commencing
  • 197240 08/07/10 00:24 pqwang Halo reading at 00:22
  • 197239 08/07/10 00:15 jmammei target alarms
  • 197238 08/07/10 00:09 jmammei halo rates/BPM positions
  • 197237 08/07/10 00:05 Armstrong Shift summary - Swing Shift
  • Friday

  • 197236 08/06/10 23:31 donjones going to 10 uA for MD tests
  • 197235 08/06/10 23:29 leacock moved target out of beam
  • 197234 08/06/10 23:28 Armstrong Turn off GEM voltages
  • 197233 08/06/10 23:28 leacock turned off HV for MD tests
  • 197232 08/06/10 23:21 Armstrong Summary of VDC studies
  • 197229 08/06/10 22:57 Armstrong VDC voltages to 3900 V
  • 197227 08/06/10 22:44 Armstrong VDC voltages to 3600 V
  • 197223 08/06/10 22:23 Armstrong new VDC voltages - set to 3.7 kV
  • 197222 08/06/10 22:16 donjones unstable beam
  • 197221 08/06/10 22:11 leacock dslumi4 has been off. turned it on
  • 197220 08/06/10 22:06 leacock region 2 settings for run 5132
  • 197217 08/06/10 21:52 donjones Run 5125 QTOR current steps good data events
  • 197216 08/06/10 21:51 leacock region 2 settings run 5131
  • 197213 08/06/10 21:38 leacock region 2 settings for run 5130
  • 197209 08/06/10 21:23 leacock region 2 settings for run 5129
  • 197207 08/06/10 21:13 leacock region 2 settings run 5128
  • 197204 08/06/10 21:03 Pitt Region 2 conditions during 5127
  • 197203 08/06/10 21:02 Armstrong VDC status update
  • 197202 08/06/10 21:00 Pitt Leave just Hokie 2 and 3 on
  • 197200 08/06/10 20:58 kamyers hard reset of ROC9
  • 197198 08/06/10 20:32 Pitt Region 2 leakage current versus high voltage
  • 197197 08/06/10 20:27 kamyers Scanned QTOR current to go to Moller peak for tracking tests
  • 197196 08/06/10 20:27 Armstrong Region 3: VDC performance
  • 197195 08/06/10 20:14 jhoskins QTOR current
  • 197194 08/06/10 20:13 jhoskins QTOR current
  • 197193 08/06/10 20:13 jhoskins QTOR current
  • 197192 08/06/10 20:11 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 trip again
  • 197190 08/06/10 19:56 leacock optics target 3 in beam
  • 197189 08/06/10 19:55 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 back to F=C=2300 V
  • 197187 08/06/10 19:52 Armstrong VDC status
  • 197184 08/06/10 19:48 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 trip
  • 197183 08/06/10 19:44 leacock optics target 135 in beam
  • 197181 08/06/10 19:39 leacock late entry 1% Al US target in beam
  • 197179 08/06/10 19:38 leacock 2% Al DS target in beam
  • 197178 08/06/10 19:36 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 tripped - again!
  • 197177 08/06/10 19:31 Pitt Region 2 leakage currents at
  • 197174 08/06/10 19:20 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 chamber tripped
  • 197172 08/06/10 19:10 Pitt Rates in region 2 with beam off
  • 197171 08/06/10 18:58 Pitt Region 2 leakage currents with beam off
  • 197170 08/06/10 18:54 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 trip again
  • 197168 08/06/10 18:43 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 restored
  • 197167 08/06/10 18:41 Pitt Halo HV back on
  • 197166 08/06/10 18:39 Pitt Hokie 4 and 5 trip
  • 197165 08/06/10 18:30 Pitt Region 2 leakage currents at 50 (?) pA
  • 197161 08/06/10 18:10 smithg Target: Solid tgt temperatures
  • 197160 08/06/10 18:08 donjones Noisy vacuum gauge
  • 197159 08/06/10 16:25 smithg Target: moved to optics tgt 3
  • 197158 08/06/10 16:24 smithg Target: centering mush
  • 197157 08/06/10 16:20 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197156 08/06/10 16:17 gaskell Get Compton info out of Moller DAQ
  • 197155 08/06/10 16:12 gaskell More notes on Moller mods for Compton
  • 197154 08/06/10 16:08 sxyang Day shift summary
  • 197150 08/06/10 15:48 smithg Target: moved to 6x6 hole
  • 197145 08/06/10 15:40 smithg Target: Moved to ruby target on both axes
  • 197144 08/06/10 15:39 kamyers BPM positition after moving beam
  • 197143 08/06/10 15:38 gaskell Moller mods for Compton
  • 197140 08/06/10 15:23 rob Beam: activation mechanism
  • 197139 08/06/10 15:05 rob Beam: copper activation signal in upstream lumi 5+ (g0rate14)
  • 197138 08/06/10 14:54 smithg Target: hor motion hiccup
  • 197137 08/06/10 14:38 pqwang later entry for main detector background measurement
  • 197136 08/06/10 14:37 mack notes from earlier Hall C BCM study with RF signal generator
  • 197135 08/06/10 14:29 smithg Target: got 10 uA CW when we asked for 10 uA tune beam
  • 197134 08/06/10 14:21 smithg Target: Moved to ruby target
  • 197133 08/06/10 14:21 smithg Target: Moved to 6x6 hole target
  • 197132 08/06/10 14:12 smithg Target: Moved to 6x6 hole target
  • 197131 08/06/10 14:09 smithg Target: centering
  • 197117 08/06/10 13:24 Pitt Superharp scans at 100 pA
  • 197115 08/06/10 13:15 kamyers current rates no beam
  • 197114 08/06/10 13:14 siyuan yang turn on the QTOR
  • 197113 08/06/10 13:13 kamyers QTOR ramped to current
  • 197112 08/06/10 13:11 Pitt Superharp scans at 130 nA
  • 197111 08/06/10 13:06 smithg Target: moved to upstream 2mm hole tgt
  • 197109 08/06/10 13:04 benesch Beam: link to elog discussion on beam size including IHA3C20 trace
  • 197107 08/06/10 13:01 benesch Beam: range available on the last H, V correctors
  • 197106 08/06/10 12:56 sxyang put the target on
  • 197103 08/06/10 12:15 sxyang beam update
  • 197102 08/06/10 12:05 Pitt Beam update - late entry
  • 197100 08/06/10 11:45 kamyers BPM ~90 nA
  • 197099 08/06/10 11:33 rob rebooted g0ioc2 to restore hv gui
  • 197091 08/06/10 11:09 Pitt EPICS Scaler
  • 197088 08/06/10 10:48 Pitt Beam update
  • 197083 08/06/10 10:24 sxyang beam status
  • 197082 08/06/10 10:00 sxyang status update
  • 197081 08/06/10 09:39 covrig Target: solid targets heat sink not working
  • 197080 08/06/10 09:31 saw Rebooted vmec15 again for BCM gain change
  • 197079 08/06/10 09:16 Arshak GEM-A is in.
  • 197078 08/06/10 09:00 kamyers BPM readings from 130 uA running
  • 197077 08/06/10 08:55 saw Rebooted vmec15
  • 197076 08/06/10 08:54 mack Hall C BCM gain from #3 (ack!) to #5 for event mode running
  • 197075 08/06/10 08:49 sxyang status update
  • 197072 08/06/10 08:38 mack update from 8am meeting
  • 197068 08/06/10 08:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 197067 08/06/10 07:57 birchall Owl shift summary
  • 197060 08/06/10 07:18 birchall High current test of charge asymmetry
  • 197059 08/06/10 07:17 birchall Late entry: Test beam modulation
  • 197051 08/06/10 06:27 paschke modified PITA voltage to zero Aq
  • 197050 08/06/10 06:17 paschke/karg BCMs, large Aq run 5085
  • 197047 08/06/10 06:06 paschke/karg Triplet BCMs in run 5084
  • 197042 08/06/10 05:45 paschke/karg BCM, run 5084
  • 197037 08/06/10 05:18 paschke / ka quick BCM calibration, run 5070
  • 197036 08/06/10 05:08 paschke Summary of high current beamline studies, August 6 Owl
  • 197021 08/06/10 03:47 Don Jones Compton: QPD data
  • 197020 08/06/10 03:30 jhlee summary of bcm calibrations
  • 197019 08/06/10 03:23 jhlee [CANCEL RUN]
  • 197018 08/06/10 03:18 Don Jones Compton Slow Controls GUI
  • 197007 08/06/10 02:59 paschke BCM calibration comments
  • 196991 08/06/10 02:30 Nuruzzaman Screenshots of Target GUI and Stripcharts.
  • 196985 08/06/10 02:19 Kargiantoula Signal on BCMs 1,2
  • 196982 08/06/10 01:54 jhlee What is the CGIExport.cgi process?
  • 196980 08/06/10 01:53 paschke changed bcm gain to 3
  • 196975 08/06/10 01:26 birchall BCM1 and BCM2 gains to 2 for high current running
  • 196973 08/06/10 01:22 birchall Start beam studies
  • 196966 08/06/10 00:13 Nuruzzaman Qweak General Tools doesn't show properly
  • 196965 08/06/10 00:01 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Thursday

  • 196964 08/05/10 23:59 Armstrong Shift Summary - Swing Shift
  • 196963 08/05/10 23:56 gaskell Moller tune
  • 196962 08/05/10 23:45 gaskell Moller backout
  • 196961 08/05/10 23:44 Armstrong Moller studies completed
  • 196951 08/05/10 22:36 gaskell Moller update
  • 196950 08/05/10 22:22 Armstrong Controlled access
  • 196941 08/05/10 21:55 benesch VCG3H09A oscillates with ~12 minute period
  • 196917 08/05/10 21:06 tforest R1 Detector in Octant 5
  • 196915 08/05/10 21:02 tforest GEM detector
  • 196912 08/05/10 20:29 Armstrong correction
  • 196909 08/05/10 19:34 gaskell BCM17
  • 196908 08/05/10 19:30 Armstrong Status update; Onwards to Moller
  • 196907 08/05/10 19:18 benesch Beam: smooth beam restoration
  • 196902 08/05/10 18:02 kamyers Simulation for scanner map from 1% upstream Al dummy
  • 196901 08/05/10 17:56 pking Analysis: Corrected BCM names in the channel map and pedestal files
  • 196900 08/05/10 17:53 mack/king unser monitor gain now reduced to 4 mV/microA
  • 196899 08/05/10 17:34 gaskell Beam through Compton
  • 196896 08/05/10 17:13 Don Jones Compton: Patch Panel and QPD Configuration
  • 196889 08/05/10 16:32 saw Reminder on how to change EPICS BCM calibration
  • 196888 08/05/10 16:27 Donald Jones Target: Swing shift TO
  • 196887 08/05/10 16:07 covrig Target: Cooldown finished
  • 196886 08/05/10 15:22 dalton Compton: Remote alignment can do it
  • 196885 08/05/10 14:42 mack Hal C BCM1/2 gain settings are at 5
  • 196883 08/05/10 13:58 leacock dslumis ready for lockup HV off
  • 196882 08/05/10 13:55 covrig Target: expected heating of the 4% upstream Al dummy
  • 196878 08/05/10 13:51 mack Dave Gaskell phones from downstairs: iceballs
  • 196875 08/05/10 13:21 covrig Target: solid tgt heating from August 1
  • 196874 08/05/10 12:33 Pitt Halo monitor relocation - photo 2
  • 196873 08/05/10 12:31 Pitt Halo monitor relocaton - pictures - picture 1
  • 196872 08/05/10 12:28 smithg Target: Cooldown status
  • 196871 08/05/10 12:24 pqwang Main detector event mode HV off
  • 196870 08/05/10 12:23 Pitt/Leacock Halo monitor relocation
  • 196869 08/05/10 12:19 pqwang Main detectors are ready for lockup
  • 196866 08/05/10 12:02 Pitt Halo monitor results from last weekend
  • 196863 08/05/10 11:59 benesch all gate valves except the ones around the scattering chamber are open
  • 196862 08/05/10 11:55 pqwang Main detector event mode HV on
  • 196858 08/05/10 11:07 Pitt Region 2 HDCs in place and ready for tracking run
  • 196856 08/05/10 11:04 jhoskins Modulation ordering fixed
  • 196855 08/05/10 10:55 Pitt Upstream lumis changed to event mode bases
  • 196851 08/05/10 10:14 jhoskins R3 rotator position
  • 196844 08/05/10 09:25 smithg Started 15K cooldown
  • 196843 08/05/10 09:24 paschke charge asymmetry expected about -0.0016 for this run
  • 196842 08/05/10 09:22 paschke charge asymmetry expected about -0.0016 for this run
  • 196841 08/05/10 09:18 covrig, mee Target: late entry: status from Dave Meekins
  • 196834 08/05/10 01:39 mack comment on MD signal amplitudes from 5 microA CW running on upstream Al
  • Wednesday

  • 196833 08/04/10 23:18 dalton Compton: Beam pickoffs
  • 196832 08/04/10 22:19 rob prescale factors not in qwvmets.flags
  • 196824 08/04/10 20:18 pqwang Main detectors switched to event mode
  • 196816 08/04/10 17:16 covrig Target: reattach the heat sink
  • 196805 08/04/10 16:04 jhoskins Modulation Plots
  • 196786 08/04/10 12:34 covrig Target: motion cables disconnected
  • 196777 08/04/10 11:26 covrig Target: target update
  • 196768 08/04/10 04:20 pqwang Main detector signal amplitude during the pseudo-production run #1020
  • Tuesday

  • 196767 08/03/10 21:10 leacock lumi noise study
  • 196760 08/03/10 19:17 pking Bumped the run number from 1050 to 5002
  • 196754 08/03/10 17:51 kamyers Simulation: asymmetry measurement on 1% Al upstream dummy target
  • 196753 08/03/10 17:34 kenyon Exit window chiller
  • 196752 08/03/10 17:26 dalton Compton: RF amp and laser chiller moved out of tent
  • 196745 08/03/10 16:12 Leckey Raster FSD
  • 196744 08/03/10 16:12 kamyers Target work will continue until Thursday AM
  • 196743 08/03/10 16:12 beaufait compton back on line
  • 196742 08/03/10 16:04 Leckey Day Shift Summary
  • 196740 08/03/10 15:00 gaskell Restricted Access checklist
  • 196733 08/03/10 11:41 covrig Target: Note on loop temperature sensors
  • 196732 08/03/10 11:39 dalton Compton: Late entry (Monday morning)
  • 196731 08/03/10 11:33 covrig Target: target work
  • 196728 08/03/10 11:03 Leckey Target Alarm Silenced
  • 196725 08/03/10 10:04 dalton Compton: Optics progress yesterday
  • 196724 08/03/10 08:44 Leckey VESDA Isolated
  • 196723 08/03/10 08:39 Leckey Hall in Restricted Access
  • Monday

  • 196709 08/02/10 20:04 Arshak/Simon GEM signal pictures related to 196704 entry.
  • 196707 08/02/10 19:36 Arshak/Simon GEM signal noise. pictures relating to 196704 entry.
  • 196706 08/02/10 19:35 Arshak/Simon GEM signal noise. pictures relating to 196704 entry.
  • 196704 08/02/10 19:25 Arshak/Simon GEM signal noise.
  • 196703 08/02/10 18:37 smithg Target: solid tgt temp rise last night
  • 196702 08/02/10 18:23 kamyers Swing shift summary
  • 196699 08/02/10 17:52 gaskell QTOR power supply off and locked out
  • 196698 08/02/10 17:46 smithg Target: Cold leak returned. Target being warmed up.
  • 196693 08/02/10 16:59 kenyon Pump and shaft replaced on exit window chiller
  • 196690 08/02/10 16:50 pking Analysis: Updated the analyzer on cdaq to 1.05rc2
  • 196689 08/02/10 16:36 Fenker Gas Shed Sensor Status
  • 196688 08/02/10 16:08 Leckey Day Shift Summary
  • 196687 08/02/10 16:07 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 196686 08/02/10 16:05 rob smithg and meekins in hall fiddling with target; alarms silenced one hour
  • 196685 08/02/10 15:48 covrig Target: Al downstream dummies T-profile, Fluent simulation
  • 196684 08/02/10 15:00 Grimm 60Hz noise on GEM trigger output
  • 196683 08/02/10 14:20 smithg Target: pump/fan on
  • 196682 08/02/10 14:13 smithg Target: 4K supply temp finally starting to fall
  • 196681 08/02/10 14:12 covrig Target: Be and Carbon target temperature profiles
  • 196680 08/02/10 14:08 Pitt All high voltages of
  • 196679 08/02/10 14:06 Pitt/Leacock Install DSLUMI7
  • 196676 08/02/10 13:20 smithg Target: Cooldown is slow. Getting a little more from CHL.
  • 196675 08/02/10 12:34 covrig Target: motion sequencer test
  • 196674 08/02/10 12:10 saw Beam: EPICS BCM calibration
  • 196673 08/02/10 12:10 Pitt Analysis: Lumi and main detector behavior during run 1023
  • 196672 08/02/10 12:00 saw Beam: EPICS BCM calibration
  • 196671 08/02/10 11:25 rob reduced md4+ current mode HV from 1kV to 975V
  • 196670 08/02/10 09:56 silviu Target: moved to center on the h-axis
  • 196669 08/02/10 09:42 smithg, covr Target: Started 4K cooldown
  • 196668 08/02/10 09:36 rob starting to cool down
  • 196667 08/02/10 09:32 birchall Simulated distribution from e-Al elastics at QTOR = 8937 A
  • 196666 08/02/10 09:16 rob medm screens on opfb1 blanked out; how do we adjust overhead displays?
  • 196665 08/02/10 08:39 kenyon CC Gauge controllers
  • 196664 08/02/10 08:37 kenyon Exit window chiller
  • 196663 08/02/10 08:30 rob going to restricted access
  • 196662 08/02/10 08:03 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 196661 08/02/10 07:24 Dutta/Peiqin owl shift summary
  • 196660 08/02/10 05:50 Pitt Exit window water flow
  • 196659 08/02/10 05:39 Pitt Exit window temp archiver record
  • 196658 08/02/10 05:22 Dutta exit window water temp trip
  • 196655 08/02/10 05:06 Dutta visual inspection of exit window
  • 196654 08/02/10 04:47 Dutta Exit window water temp trip
  • 196650 08/02/10 04:01 leacock traced the keyboard cable
  • 196645 08/02/10 03:33 leacock Downstream lumi preamp dose estimate
  • 196644 08/02/10 03:22 Dutta where is the cdaql3 cpu?
  • 196641 08/02/10 03:10 Jie Pan The rate map seen by scanner in run #1006
  • 196632 08/02/10 01:58 leacock IPM3H09B should be +
  • 196617 08/02/10 01:39 Dutta Beam wriggling test
  • 196612 08/02/10 01:24 silviu Target: temperature @ 5uA on 1% Al dummy
  • 196611 08/02/10 01:14 Dutta DAQ: Coda problems resolved
  • 196609 08/02/10 01:00 Dutta DAQ: CODA issues
  • 196603 08/02/10 00:06 leacock changed from fake to real mps
  • 196602 08/02/10 00:04 birchall Swing shift summary
  • 196601 08/02/10 00:04 birchall Swing shift summary
  • 196600 08/02/10 00:04 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • Sunday

  • 196599 08/01/10 23:59 leacock change DAQ from tracking to parity mode
  • 196597 08/01/10 23:47 smacewan MD CM HV on, reasonable signals
  • 196595 08/01/10 23:26 birchall Beam: 5 uA beam
  • 196592 08/01/10 23:21 birchall Beam: Beam returns, 1 uA CW
  • 196590 08/01/10 23:11 birchall Beam: Beam off, rf problems
  • 196586 08/01/10 23:00 leacock QTor ramped to 8937
  • 196585 08/01/10 22:55 leacock beam off to ramp QTor to 8937
  • 196584 08/01/10 22:54 smithg Target: After ruby, moved to 1% upstream Al dummy for bkg asymmetry running
  • 196581 08/01/10 22:42 smithg Target: ruby viewer pics
  • 196578 08/01/10 22:20 smithg Target: 6x6 mm hole scan
  • 196577 08/01/10 22:13 dalton Compton: Slow drift studies
  • 196576 08/01/10 21:47 leacock actually 1uA CW
  • 196575 08/01/10 21:40 birchall Beam: 1 uA CW beam
  • 196572 08/01/10 21:27 birchall Start checking beam center
  • 196570 08/01/10 21:17 birchall Beam: Beam is back
  • 196569 08/01/10 20:08 smithg Target: target motion
  • 196568 08/01/10 20:06 leacock late entry -- all lumi HV ~6pm
  • 196567 08/01/10 19:20 Jie Pan scanner rate map from run #989
  • 196565 08/01/10 18:46 birchall Beam: No beam
  • 196564 08/01/10 18:43 pking Setting the FAKE helicity to 1 Hz, and now using it for event mode.
  • 196559 08/01/10 17:58 smithg Water window temp during high current test
  • 196558 08/01/10 17:56 birchall Tune beam for target centering
  • 196557 08/01/10 17:55 birchall Beam: Late entry: BCM calibration
  • 196552 08/01/10 17:34 smithg Target: Setting up for target centering
  • 196549 08/01/10 16:56 Pitt Late entry: halo monitors on
  • 196548 08/01/10 16:53 PItt Day Shift Summary
  • 196547 08/01/10 16:48 pking PLEASE do not run root on cdaql6
  • 196546 08/01/10 16:43 benesch Beam: raster at harp 7B
  • 196544 08/01/10 16:38 Pitt Change BCM gain
  • 196542 08/01/10 16:35 smithg 140 uA BPM readings
  • 196541 08/01/10 16:23 benesch Beam: 135 uA to C : elog URL
  • 196540 08/01/10 16:20 smithg 140 uA on dump window
  • 196539 08/01/10 16:18 Pitt Tungsten plug temperature
  • 196538 08/01/10 16:16 smithg The atomic coffee machine has arrived!
  • 196537 08/01/10 16:05 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 196536 08/01/10 16:05 smithg 90 uA onto dump window
  • 196535 08/01/10 16:03 Pitt EPICS Scaler assignment
  • 196532 08/01/10 15:59 Pitt Change BCM gains
  • 196529 08/01/10 14:55 Pitt Update from Jay on beam tuning so far
  • 196528 08/01/10 14:43 Pitt Update from Jay Benesch
  • 196525 08/01/10 14:19 Pitt BCM gain change
  • 196523 08/01/10 14:04 dalton Target: Target In Beam?
  • 196514 08/01/10 13:36 Pitt Hall to beam permit
  • 196513 08/01/10 13:34 Pitt Lumi high voltages on during run 976
  • 196508 08/01/10 13:05 Pitt MCC changes helicity control board to "1 kHz"
  • 196507 08/01/10 12:23 Pitt Status and short term plans
  • 196506 08/01/10 11:00 Pitt/Leacock Results of downstream luminosity monitor modifications
  • 196505 08/01/10 10:11 Pitt/Leacock Late entry - downstream lumi re-installation
  • 196504 08/01/10 08:28 Pitt Update
  • 196503 08/01/10 06:51 cdaq Beam Time Accounting
  • 196502 08/01/10 06:27 ddutta/silwa owl shift summary
  • 196501 08/01/10 06:10 silwal Target: vacuum expert out of the hall for now: all ion pumps on, added a turbo pump, min ~8 hrs to recover vacuum
  • 196500 08/01/10 02:49 Dutta MCC vaccum expert is in the Hall
  • 196497 08/01/10 00:00 cdaq Beam Time Accounting