Make New Entry, Make Followup Entry

User name pking

Log entry time 09:36:08 on September 29, 2010

Entry number 198861

keyword=Plans for DAQ tests today

I would like to run stability tests of the parity DAQ through most of today.

Run type: parity

Prescales: ps1=0, all others maximized

Use fake MPS set for 1 ms integration period to begin. Depending on the machine status, we may request the helicity board to be changed to 1 kHz configuration.

You should have terminal windows with telnet sessions open on qwvmets, qwvme1, qwvme2, and qwvme4 (please avoid using the terminal server). At the beginning of each run, restart the beam modulation by executing the command "bmwResume" in the qwvmets window. During the runs, watch to see that the messages continue to scroll past in the qwvmets window. If they stop, if the ROC crashes, or if the event rate stops, please make a log entry with as many details as possible.

Keep the realtime analysis running as much as possible. Keep the realtime GUI runnning as much as possible.