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User name Armstrong

Log entry time 06:21:29 on October 08, 2010

Entry number 199472

keyword=Target: screens snapshots

For reference, here is are snapshots of the main target GUI and the CryoDisplay GUI. Compare to Greg's hclog entry 199462 from 1:30 AM.

A few observations: the pump temperature is rising a bit (now 117.2 K, compared to 101 K). The loop temperatures are falling slowly. The "4K" temperatures into and out of the heat exchanger that we see have risen by 100 K, as we have essentially no 4 K flow. Fill pressure has dropped from 42.75 psia to 36.5 psia over 4.5 hours (so we are probably still slowly filling, however the rate that the pressure is dropping is decreasing; that is shown in the last plot, which shows the fill pressure versus time since yesterday noon; you can see the rapid decrease when we had the 4 K flow and started condensing around 20:00 yesterday. Looks to me like we are stalling around 36 psia. Greg estimates that the "full" pressure would by roughly 25 psia, if I recall correctly what he said.

We are flowing 16 g/s of "15K" coolant from the ESR, which is being delivered at 18 K; our J/T valve on this flow is open at 21%. We are on "cold return" to the ESR, and we are returning at 25 K.

There is no pump head yet.

Things seem very stable at present.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3